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Back to the Norwegian Arctic! (repost of blog)

We managed once more to travel all the way up to the most northern part of Europe and this time it was only 10'294 km! That is more than 1000km less than in 2011:-)) http://irishsetters.ning.com/profiles/blogs/10-563-km-later. Joy is a very travel experienced 'Red Bundle of Fur' - for those, who do not yet know her: Her kennel name is 'Coppersheen Delightful Bundle of Joy', but you can call her Joy :-)). I made a map last year with all the countries, she visited so far, but did not manage to blog and so I will probably have to redo the map. Here's the old one before I don't upload any of the two:

Switzerland - the red dot in the middle - that's where we live. Bluish/violet are countries, we toured extensively and/or several times and spent many nights there - you will have to add Sweden and Finnland to that now. Green are the countries, we only crossed the border to go hiking. And Poland we did not really visit, but passed through and spent one night there each way on our route to the Baltic States last year. This was our travel route this time:

We went up via Denmark, Sweden and Finnland and in Finnland you can see the route going to the right and a bit to the south again - that's where we visited our dear former ES friend Jarno, his family and of course the lovely Nemo. It was a 4,5 day drive to his place but well worth it!! Up in the North, we went birding for three weeks (with the camera, not the rifle!!) and then we went back home via Norway. This ptarmigan was sitting portrait for me on the Polar Circle:

With a quiet Setter by my side or not far behind, I could approach the bird as close as 7-8 meters for this frame filling shot. The little ones were even closer, sitting motionless on a rock, while the rough legged buzzard was flying above in circles. I was probably more security than threat and I think the animal knows, that I don't shoot to kill!

And here's the quiet Lady, who sometimes finds the photo subjects for me (a pic taken by the other photographer), en'Joy'ing the evening sun (that never goes down btw.) up on the penninsula leading to the Northern Cape in front of our trusted small VW California Camper:

I probably have never before uploaded such a chaotic spur of the moment blog - but I thought that's better than not blogging at all anymore - or at least, I hope so. En'Joy', C & J xxx

Views: 198

Comment by silvia on August 31, 2016 at 4:14am

what an epic trip Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are a real explorer, well done ! I bet you loved the long hours of light !

Comment by Cornelia on August 31, 2016 at 4:28am

Thank you Silvia! Strangely enough our daytime/nighttime rhythm and Joy's inner clock stayed the same, except for the few times, we wanted to take photos of the midnight sun. The photo at the beginning was taken at 22.50 and after that, we brought Joy 'to bed', while we were waiting for the cold wind to blow the clouds away till midnight (one o'clock). It was a magic night, with the sun on one side and a large full moon on the other!

Comment by Barbara on August 31, 2016 at 4:33am

Oh so schön Cornelia - vielen Dank!

Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on October 20, 2016 at 1:08pm

How nice to see your trip and bird photos again, Cornelia! Impressive journey. And how nice looks Joy's white head.

Comment by James Doran on November 6, 2016 at 9:56am

Loved reading about your Artic Trek, Cornelia! So nice to hear that you met Jarno & Nemo on your travels. Wish they were back on ES! Best wishes.

Comment by Sherry Miller on November 6, 2016 at 11:15am

That midnight sun picture is stunning. Love to see pictures of all your adventures with Joy. Irish Setters just make nature's beauty a wee bit prettier.

Comment by Finding_Beau on November 6, 2016 at 7:57pm

Dear Cornelia, Thank you for re-posting this blog because I had not seen it. I have not had time to visit ES very often this year. Travelling, hiking and photography will certainly keep you all fit. I have a passion for wild birds. I cannot bear the thought of human beings killing them. Their lives are risky enough as it is. Your photographs are beautiful. I am pleased to hear that Joy is recovering very well. Her physical fitness from all your travelling will help her too. Sending you all many hugs. Susan and Misty xxxx

Comment by Cornelia on November 11, 2016 at 9:53am

Thank you all for your very nice comments. The journey to the Arctic this time was very special and will stay on our memories forever. We'd love to go up there for an even longer time - the Varanger peninsula is a birders paradise and we also saw lots of other special animals, like elk and beaver and even beluga whales! I can only recommend a 'safari' to the north!


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