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Catherine Carter's Comments

Comment Wall (500 comments)

At 2:39pm on April 16, 2011, keller cathy said…

Merci beaucoup Catherine pour l'invitation,

De superbes photos !


At 7:45am on April 17, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Merci pour mon anniversaire Catherine .... j'ai commence la journee chez le vet et en urgence, mais bon, il y a des jours avec et des jours sans comme on dit. Je suis de plus en plus convaincue que Darwin a un internal shunt, mais si les 3 biopsies n'ont rien revelees de tel. Ca a l'air d'aller pour le moment, pas encore a 100% himself, mais sur la voie.

bon weekend et caresses a tes toutous


At 12:37pm on April 24, 2011, Marjolein Bogaard said…

Happy Easter Catherine!

At 3:27pm on May 19, 2011, Delia Bryce said…

Oh Catherine thanks for being a wonderful ES Member and helping us over this time ..... We all are so glad for everyones support and kind words ......

Murph & The Bryces !

At 3:37pm on May 19, 2011, Delia Bryce said…

I know we have been one of the lucky ones, perhaps my posting brought back memories.... my heart went out to you when I read our story ....... ,

At 12:19am on May 20, 2011, Natalie Garcia said…
Yes! I made it! I'm happy I get to share funny stories my two kids. 
At 10:57am on May 22, 2011, Susan Stone said…
True, a new girl causing havoc in the place;-))
At 10:08am on May 23, 2011, Susan Stone said…

Have fun with your training! Reba is still very much at the beginning... exciting times ahead:-)

all the best


At 10:51am on May 24, 2011, KC and the boys said…

Thanks for the friend request! I dare say we need to stick together not only because we are mean-spirited and the only IS owners who make their dogs sleep in their own beds but also because we share the same name.  ;)


Best, Cathérine (yes, I know spelled incorrectly - tell my dad)

At 11:36am on May 24, 2011, KC and the boys said…

Please forgive me but I am a novice. I'm really only asking because I am curious. I have never even been to a dog show. Since moving to the UK 20 years ago I've probably seen 3 Irish Setters in the flesh. I can say 'yes, this is a nice looking dog' but couldn't make a distinction as to line or breeding.

People talk about heads and certain attributes of lines but what are they referring to? What am I supposed to look at? The width/size/squareness of the muzzle/the stop/eyes/colour/what? I can look at pictures of dogs for hours but all that does is that in the end the dogs all start to look the same. So I thought you might be able to guide me in the right direction.

I can send you my dog's pedigree but Brackenfield is not featured. He's a cross of UK (Thendara/Loskeran) and European (Belgium/Dutch/German) lines.

At 4:02pm on May 27, 2011, RAISON-LAFORGE Dominique said…
Merci de la part de Lemon, mon setter anglais qui vient de fêter ses 16 ans !!!
At 9:21am on June 2, 2011, Susan Stone said…

Hi Catherine

Yes, I am really pleased...

All the best


At 1:56pm on June 4, 2011, Dee Rance said…

Hi there Catherine

Thank you so much for the lovely comment on Fins big win....I am just going to put my granddaughters to bed and then have a glass of wine, and try and come back to earth....who am I kidding, I will be dining our on this for a long time....

Thanks again Dee and the gang

At 10:38am on June 7, 2011, Gene said…
Hi Catherine - I reported the email issue to Ning yesterday.  Hopefully, we'll hear back soon on a resolution.  Thanks for your patience here.
At 8:08pm on June 7, 2011, Gene said…

Here's what I got back from Ning.  A little more generic than I was hoping.  Please let me know if any of these solve our issues.  Thanks!


This is most often a symptom of a browser related problem. Sometimes, installations of Internet Explorer can't handle that page well or Javascript could be disabled or blocked. I'd suggest swapping to a different browser (I like Firefox - getfirefox.com) and testing again. You can also check http://help.ning.com/?faq=3862 for more troubleshooting options.

At 9:23pm on June 10, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Catherine, thanks for your comments on Clancy and Mitchell's tracking qual.

This is how we started.

  1.  You get your dogs to love socks!!!  You play with them with socks, so they love socks.  This is great, however, we still have our young dogs stealing socks when we take them off and also tug of wars and even trying to pull them off your feet as you are trying to put them on!!!!
  2. You set a little track with someone very well known to your dog.
  3. To do this, you walk a short straight line (about 20-50metres to start with and increase the distance as they get more confident).  Start with shuffling your feet on the ground as you walk, so that you crush the grass and make a unique scent for the dog. 
  4. Drop socks about every 2-3 metres (one at the start to be used as the scent article (have food on the socks (fold the socks over and hide the food) so that the dog has to nose around in the sock.  You need to have the dog acknowledging the socks as it is important when you go into the trials.
  5.  The tracklayer then lays on the ground at the end of the track and waits for the dog to find them.
  6. Only wait 5 minutes at first for the dog to go to the track.  Only put the harness on the dog when you are going to start the track (so the dog gets to understand when the harness is on, he is working).  You need a harness as they pull in tracking when scent finding.
  7. Take them to the start and get them to find the sock on the ground.  As they start to sniff, lots of praise and when they find the sock, lots of praise.  Pick up the sock at the start and use them to reinforce the find and put the sock under their nose.
  8. Lots of praise as they track along and find the socks and lots of praise when they find their lost person too!!!
  9. As they gain more confidence you increase the length and then put corners into the track and reduce the number of socks, so they work harder and longer.
At 4:00pm on June 11, 2011, keller cathy said…
merci , le 1/2 siècle ça se fête
At 6:25pm on June 11, 2011, Gene said…

Hi Catherine - On the email issues, I asked them the exact same thing.  No response...


At 3:18am on June 13, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Catherine, thanks for the birthday wishes.  I look forward to hearing how you go with your tracking training.  cheers, Cheryl
At 1:30pm on June 14, 2011, Cecilia GUIOT said…
Bonjour Catherine,
Merci pour ton message d'anniversaire.
Bises à toi et câlins à tes rouges

@ bientôt j'espère

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