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Michelle Walsh's Comments

Comment Wall (146 comments)

At 9:55am on May 31, 2011, Teresa said…

Hi Michelle!

I'm really glad that both boys are doing fine and that Legolas is jumping around as a pup - he certainly deserves it!

The Girls are doing fine, just readjusting to our very very hot summer, so we are still adapting to the new walking schedule.

how wonderful that you decided to add a little red to your family, I'm sure you are all very pleased with the new arrival. Best of luck with your new setter - I'll be looking forward to see some pictures of the lovely baby!

At 4:38pm on June 6, 2011, Dee Rance said…

Hi there Michelle

Thanks for the lovely comment on Yvonne's blog...I was so thrilled with my boy...me I could hardly walk all that running...my god that dog can't half move...with me trotting along behind....

Thanks again Dee and the gang

At 5:18am on June 8, 2011, Dee Rance said…
Thanks so much for that...he is the second best thing (shared with his mother) in my life...the best Jasmine....but you are rite, he did move like a train for the judge...thank goodness he was tiered...and he was very steady...for a change...mad dog that he is...
Speak again Dee and the gang
At 5:21pm on June 8, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Hi Michelle hows my favourite boy keeping when do you get your new redhead

bet you can't wait i know i was counting the days

At 11:49am on June 9, 2011, KC and the boys said…

Hi Michelle - thanks for your lovely message. The adoption hasn't worked out but we're not in a hurry. The right dog will come along one day - probably unexpectedly just like Errol did.   :)  I haven't been on ES for a while - been really busy at work - so have lots to catch up on. Btw. I'm reading Tolkin's The Hobbit - it always reminds me of your boys. Have a good w/e.  KC

At 2:55pm on July 7, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

uhoh...looks like I missed a few things here...a red head coming to own you?  I was gone a few weeks and then working two stores so not here a lot.  What exciting news that is.  I am going to be looking forward to puppy pictures and stories galore with all the new puppies on ES. 

  Molly would love to go hunting with Theoden....she also is quite the hunter and always fun to watch her passion for it.  Hope all goes well with the new puppy arriving .

At 6:42pm on July 7, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

hmph! I must have been out of town ...what have you named your new little one?  I am imagining a great name as all your other lads have such awesome names.  Is the new little one keeping you running after him?  I hope soon the older lads will take him under their wings oops paws and do the bulk of teaching him the house rules!  Have fun and enjoy that puppy as they grow up all too fast!   Just saw that your new Red head is Rohan....like the name as we were trying to adopt an Irish Lad of that name when Miss Molly fell into our world.  and Molly would especially love to hunt where she had room to run, run , run....but still see her Mom!  she worries if she gets too far from us but loves to hunt and run.  Her latest is the neighbors downspout....chipmunk runs in there so she has her nose in it all the time lately....waiting for that chipmunk to nip her on the nose but so far she just outwaits Molly which is quite a bit of time she can not leave that downspout...I do call Molly off though as truth be told I do not wish for her to have contact with Chippie! I sort of made the chipmunks and rabbits and squirrels my pets that year we did not have an Irish in our lives. 


At 4:30pm on July 8, 2011, Sherry Miller said…
Michelle my last Shilo was a whoopping 79 lbs and not an ounce of it was fat........just a big boy!!  Maybe Rohan will be your gentle giant?  Hoping anyway?  Chipmunks are cute to watch but are driving Molly crazy.......we are replacing the fence the tornado blew down and have the old wood stacked on the patio...they play under.on top and run around on it right in front of the patio door.......Molly will watch them until she just can not stand it another minute....really sets her off when they run under the patio step under her window......out she goes and the chase is on....they go back under that wood, up the 6 foot wooden fence and chatter at her. One very frustrated Irish Lady here  ....this is then repeated by the two young squirrels who make it a game to run two diferent ways so she has to make a split decision on who to stalk.  She is quite a stalker and seems to think nothing would notice a 60 lb red dog slinking across the lawn after it.   Funny to watch as she stalks slower that the slowest slow motion.  As you can tell I am still as crazy about our Molly as I was before....if not worse!  Hope you soon post pictures of you new Red Man......and your lads as they learn to become a family.
At 11:22am on July 9, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Hi  Michelle Rohan is absulutely beautiful he will win many cups

what is is pedigree. Shannon and sophie are doing well sophie is growing like a leek mind you they have goods days and bad days but they are still together. Hows my best boy Legolas doing still haveing bad hair days .

big hug to all Martina and girls 

At 4:39pm on July 9, 2011, Mary Walshe said…
You have some lovely doggies there and some fab photos to prove it! I enjoyed very much  browsing through them :)
At 4:59pm on July 9, 2011, Mary Walshe said…
Thanks Michelle ! I don't have all the doggies in the photos, some have sadly passed on and some were rescues that were rehomed. (I'm not a rescue but I did take in a few doggies that were hard up for a home) I have Robin an Irish  Red Setter (she two is a rescue but is now my girl)and the two sisters Bronte and Blair the Irish Red and White Setters (these IRWS are not rescues) and a White Shepherd called Wolf and Goliath the Gt Dane(another rescue) and thats my lot. I must do a video of all of them together one of the days!
At 8:37pm on July 9, 2011, Sherry Miller said…

So far Molly has only caught two sparrows.....one was the oddest thing I have ever seen....we d taken a walk and were walking in the front door and she just jumped up and stuck her head in the bush and came out with a bird.....she immediately dropped it but sure surprised me.  Two years in a row we have had a nest of cardinals in the rose bush right by our patio....we just told her to leave them alone and so far she has.....when the babies are on the ground learning to fly we do take her out in front instead but that has been the only change we have had to make with her. Amazed us all that she did not go after them but would sit and watch the mother go in and out feeding them.  Now the turtle hunt was another story...I was sure it must be a huge snake that had her jumping back and barking at it....in and out of her wilderness cave she kept going....finally I got brave enough....to go see only to find a common box turtle playing her big time....she would sneak up and the turtle would stick it's head out and back she would go.....we finally relocated the turtle to a wooded lot by us so she could lay her eggs in peace and quiet.  Funny how something so small could scare her....I think it was the fact that everytime she sneaks up on something it always runs away fast and the turtle just ducked inside!!  Silly girl.

   My Shilo was bench stock.....but not shown by us....just loved and spoiled rotten.  He ruled the roost here except when Pebbles was vacationing with us....then it was Pebbles the boss.  I did find that with my boys that they were never assertive at home or away.  Just more interested in having a good romp and play session .  Pebbles would walk up to Shilo and take bones etc away from him ....and then go lie down on top of them....and Shilo just did not care.  My Dad would wait for Shilo to put Pebbles in his place but it never did happen.  Nature of Irish Setters I think is not to fight but to be lovers!

At 2:54pm on July 19, 2011, Teresa Gisby said…
Hi Michelle, nice to hear from you. Thank you for your nice comment about Simba. Hope your pleased with your boy, have you any photos of him?
At 7:13pm on July 21, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…
Thanks Michelle for your comments on Clancy's blog.  Yes, we are very proud.  Hope all is going well for you and Legolas is healthy. cheers, Cheryl
At 3:00pm on July 25, 2011, Ewa Wojcik said…
Thank you Michelle, it was fantastic wekend for us .
At 9:35am on July 26, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Hi Michelle hows things sophie is getting big hows Rohan just saw the photo you have

of him he his a wee heart melter and hows my great boy Legolas 

At 8:37am on July 29, 2011, Dee Rance said…

Hi there Michelle

Keep all the wins and the life you have together and cherrish them all their lives are far too short....

All the best Dee and the kids

At 4:56pm on August 8, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Hi Michelle just wanted to wish you and Lego luck for tomorrow hope all goes well

will be thinking of you both give Lego a big hug from me 

At 12:20pm on August 15, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Hi Michelle so glad to see Lego up and about it will still take time before he really recovers

but hopefully he will be pain free . How's Theoden did you mange to get all the green out

and not forgetting the beautiful Rohan bet he's getting big .hope you are getting some nice

weather down in Wexford i used to go to waterford stayed in a place called Dungarven

a beautiful part of  the country  cuddles to all

At 7:29am on August 16, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…
Thanks Michelle and I am so glad that Legolas is continuing to recover. cheers, Cheryl

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