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Estelle Meiring's Comments

Comment Wall (22 comments)

At 8:40pm on July 21, 2010, Heidi Laabs said…
Hi Estelle,

Thank you for your kind comments on my dogs and also for your interest in Captiva. I've owned Irish Setters for 38 years, have shown them for almost 20 years, and serve on the Board of Directors of the Irish Setter Club of America. I am not a breeder, and all three of my current dogs are from Jill Taylor at Captiva Kennels. Their temperaments are marvelous - I live with three intact male, ages 10 years, 7 years, and 14 months. They get along very well. I take them regularly to a local dog park, and they get along beautifully with everyone there as well. I often travel to shows with a friend who owns one of my Eliot's sons, and a grandson as well; we share a hotel room with 4 or 5 intact males with absolutely no issues between them. They play, they eat, and they go to sleep. That's the Captiva temerament.

I would advise you to be in touch with Jill Taylor, Captiva Kennels, who breeds these magnificent and sweet Irish Setters.
At 9:46am on March 7, 2011, martina mckeag said…
Lovely photos the dogs are so cute
At 1:27pm on June 5, 2011, martina mckeag said…
Thats great Estelle i am thinking of showing Sophie
At 9:43am on June 7, 2011, martina mckeag said…
Hi Estelle thank for the comments on Sophie she is a we doll ,what age is Karla she is lovely your two cocker spaniels are beautiful also
At 4:32am on June 8, 2011, martina mckeag said…

Sophie is just 13 weeks so i have a long way to go plenty of training

Karla seems to be takeing to the showing ring ok did you never show your cocker spaniels?

At 4:22am on August 22, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Happy Birthday Estelle!!!  I am sure Karla and your Spaniels have prepared something very special for you ...  just hope you will like it  :-)
At 9:33am on August 28, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Lovely picture of two beautiful Ladies!!!
At 6:38am on October 10, 2011, Henriette van der Zwan said…

Hi Estelle! I've had some trouble to upload photos but Jamie's photos should be up in a bit! Oh but she is at a terribly naughty age right now...I want to ring her neck every second day :-) But when she looks at me with those round eyes, my heart melts! We've started jogging together and it's going well. She is very interested in road-kill and often cuts in front of me but slowly she is understanding that the point is to keep on jogging and not eating!

I'm so glad to hear their brother is doing so well! I would love to show Jamie and Fiddich (my husband is not so keen on the idea...he says only females may be shown :-) ) but just don't know where to start. We've started with field trials and they enjoy that so much!

Keep well and send our regards to Karla!

At 6:53am on January 1, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Hi Estelle, e-mailed eheuseveld@gmail.com in response to your mail of yesterday.

Please confirm receipt 

Bridget Simpson

At 4:59am on January 6, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Morning Estelle,

Have just been viewing the LOPRA rcd 4 results with have just been posted on www.the kennelclub.org.uk suggest you view.  Regarding our recent telephone conversation I  thought it might be a good idea for you to contact Kate d'Avies  who imported SA Ch Cataluna Red Wine of Moondancer from Mrs. Rose (in Karla's ancestry).  Kate can be contacted on 072-1230690 (e-mail d'avaries@vodamail.co.za)

Sadly Kate's Raffety passed away at the beginning of last year.  Do mention my name and wish her a Happy New Year on my behalf when you communicate.

Await your response

Bridget Simpson 

At 8:37pm on January 13, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Good morning Estelle and family

Wonderful news regarding your wins at Roodepoort & District KC Open Show.  i'm sure the happy holiday at the coast did you and Karla a power of good!  You all look as though you enjoyed it enormously!  Thanks for your support of the proposals this week.  Did you manage to contact Kate?  Look forward to hearing from you.

At 4:20am on January 16, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Hi Estelle,

Just to let you know our proposals regarding CLAD PRA rcd1 and LOPRArcd 4 have been approved by Cape Gundog Club and will be discussed at WP Provincial Meeting this month.

You may also like to view an article directed to prospective Irish Setter owners by logging onto wwwthefriendsofthedog.co.za


At 8:05pm on January 20, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Hi Estelle,

Just a quick not to wish the Meiring family a very happy day with the van der Zwan family at the show on Sunday. 

At 9:16pm on January 21, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Morning Estelle,

I have been studying the vast quantity of Irish photos on this site,  Think you should take a look at Rhys Dwyer page (Mohir Irish) New Zealand - worthy of further investigation.  

At 8:31pm on January 28, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Dear Estelle,

I will get back to you regarding my thoughts on photos posted by Rhys Dwyer, but by co-incidence was asked to give an opinion to the powers that be in SA on the New Zealand Accredited Breeder Scheme with a view to upgrading SA's scheme, so this, together with ongoing input regarding DNA testing for adverse genetic conditions in Irish has rather weighed me down with paperwork.  I will, however, get back to you as soon as I have have some "spare" time.

Wonder if Dwyer is an Accredited Breeder in NZ?     

At 9:07pm on January 29, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Morning Estelle,

Thanks for the Birthday wishes - much appreciated.  Have just entered Bliss for one of the Championship Shows at the end of February - hope it's a lot cooler by then!  Trust the HD X-rays produce a good result although you will have to wait a bit for the official scoring.  Have not to date X-rayed and scored elbows (that scoring came in long after hip scoring) however as you will be the new generation of breeders,  go for it!  Don't be surprised if the Vet taking the X-rays does not wish to air his personal opinion as regards score, but he could at least say good or fine.  Just have to believe that all X-raying of previous generations pays off.  Will be thinking of you an Karla on Thursday, let me know how it goes.       

At 1:47pm on January 31, 2012, Ro Cox said…
Hi Estelle. Thank you for your comments on our wonderful red friends - we are not big breeders but always look to better the breed and of course keep the all important fabulous temperament.
We don't get to show in the uk/abroad as much as we'd like as living on the love island of jersey has its disadvantages.

Being in South Africa, Have you come across Betty Howard with her Labradors ?

Best wishes
Ro and Nigel Cox
At 7:37pm on February 2, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Morning Estelle,

Glad to hear the X-raying went smoothly, try not to get too anxious about the results, although I know it is difficult.  

At 12:39pm on April 29, 2012, Patricia Rutherford said…

Hi, thank you for asking, The cross of US and Uk is great, especially if you have a close line bred dog like Jason, he has produced some outstanding stock here with no health problems, also his son, the father of these puppies was used back on US lines, one ended up 10th In the country last year. These puppies look great and we have done Jason to Jason on a US bitch and they are lovely, also in Australia he has been used on a American line bitch with great success. I think you get the great English fronts with just a bit more flair. You can email me on pat@clonageera.co.uk

At 8:45pm on December 11, 2013, Bridget Simpson said…

Morning Estelle,

Viewed all your holiday photos, throughly enjoyable! The pups from your litter are really beginning to show some class!

Continue to have a joyous holiday,a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Hugs for the Red Clan

Bridget & Mark   

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