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Henriette van der Zwan
  • Female
  • Potchefstroom
  • South Africa
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Henriette van der Zwan's Friends

  • Annelle Muller
  • Bridget Simpson
  • Bettina Heddes
  • Estelle Meiring
  • Cornelia
  • Marjolein Bogaard
  • lyn hathaway
  • Catherine Carter
  • Susan Stone

Henriette van der Zwan's Discussions

Gluten sensitivity and breeding

Started this discussion. Last reply by Henriette van der Zwan Oct 11, 2011. 10 Replies

Hi there!Does anybody know what the breeding implications are for a dog that is gluten sensitive? My boy was diagnosed with gluten sensitivity only this week. I can already see the difference after…Continue

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Henriette van der Zwan's Page

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
2 years
About Me:
My dogs are my whole life! I'm proudly owned by two Setters, Jamie and Fiddich and two Scotties, Zoe and Chelsea. We love field trails with the Setters as well as jogging with them. I'm an animal geneticist and work at a laboratory where we test dogs, including Setters, for genetic mutations.

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Comment Wall (14 comments)

At 8:14am on October 9, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Welcome to ES Henriette!!! that will be very interesting to know more about your geneticist job. Cuddles to Jamie, Fiddich, Zoe and Chelsea  :-)
At 2:49pm on October 9, 2011, Estelle Meiring said…

Hi Henriette


Welcom to ES


Yes, Karla is indeed your Jamie's sister - how lovely to hear from you!!

I hope that you will be posting photos; I'm dying to see what your little girl looks like.


Don't know if you know, but Karla and Jamie's brother, Bowie, got Best in Show last Saturday at the Gundog Open Show in the Western Cape - super proud of him :-)


Best regards


At 9:48am on October 15, 2011, Nadine Bonjean said…
Thank you for join "Only two"
At 1:42pm on October 18, 2011, Catherine Carter said…

Hi Henriette,

Thank you for accepting my invite....as a geneticist, I think you will be invaluable to our discussions.......I am looking forward to your input...

At 3:51pm on October 18, 2011, lyn hathaway said…
welcome to the site henriette hope you enjoy
At 8:02pm on December 14, 2011, Bridget Simpson said…

Hi Henriette,

Seems you and Estelle Meiring beat me to joining this website - still trying to find the right buttons to press to insert photos - put that down to "old age"!  Loved the photos of Jamie in her Christmas gear, how did the Birthday party go on the 9th?

Bidget Simpson

At 6:33am on January 15, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Thanks Henritte for information concerning Gordon Setters during the week which was very helpful.  Enjoyed the pictures of Jamie and, yes, ours go "chasing rabbits" in their dreams with little tail  wags, twitching noses and my old boy sometimes does a shame gallop (front paws moving!  Oh their dreamland is a wonderful bewitching place, often wish I could join them! I believe Estelle wishes to contact you about having Karla HD    X-rayed at Ondersterpoort when are you having Jamie X-rayed now she is over a year?Remember you must miss the period when she is on heat. Bliss was on heat at the end of October so will get her X-rayed in the next six months.

Enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon.

At 6:43am on January 15, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

I am not sure that you got the message (sent to friends on this site) about a missing Irish pup bred by Linda-May Strydom in Sasolburg and owned by Brian and Marilyn Saunders inGarsfontein, Pretoria.  They have owned irish Setter owners for years, but on 23.12.11 the pup, now about 6 months went "missing".  They have tried nearby vets and animal Welfare Organisations without success.  The pup is microchipped, the Saunders can be contacted at 012 9933492 or cell 072 3092143.  Please ask around in your area, somebody has to know something about this.


At 3:57am on January 16, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Glad tidings!

Just a quick note to let you know that the proposals concerning CLAD,PRA rcd 1 and LOPRA rcd4 have been approved by Cape Gundog Club and are entered on the Agenda for the WP Provincial Meeting this month. 

Look forward to recieving copies of SAVA clinical eye testing certificates for Fiddich and Jamie.

Today the article I wrote directed to prospective South African buyers has been posted - log onto www thefriendsofthedog.co.za. to view.

All round a good start to the week! 


At 8:42pm on January 23, 2012, Bridget Simpson said…

Morning Henriette,

So pleased to hear, late yesterday afternoon, that you and the family enjoyed yourselves at the show on Sunday which is certainly reflected in the  photos Estelle has posted on this website and you will give showing a whirl again!

Notice wwwthefriendsofthedog.co.za made Irish 'Breed of the month"

Have a good week!  

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