A very warm welcome to our group. Your photo's are beautiful. Such a lovely Gordon Setter. We are from Australia and have 2 Setter girls, one Irish & one English. Both are an absolute joy. They were baby puppies together and are best friends. I'm sure you will love it here. This is a lovely friendly group.
Some people use something called 'Rescue Remedy' it is natural so won't do any harm, and perhaps you should have some as well, I always keep some in my dog bag. For ALL of us :0)))
My young girl is loving working, but she became very ill after her first working day, and had an operation, although not entirely necessary. She is now over it and will be going to 'work' again soon, I hope.
Dee and the girls
Ah so it is 'an over anxious MOTHER' that is a big problem, the dog is OK but the mummy is scared stiff....they just bounce back after operations and stitches, we would be laid up in bed for many days but they are out running and jumping about...Saffy (my young girl) had a BIG operation only a few weeks ago, it didn't slow her down at all, only problem that I now have is that she is now sleeping on the bed with Jas (my older girl) and me, no room left for me..... Jas and I take a small bit of the bed, Saffy stretches out and take over half all to herself, but she is back to her old 'mad' self. Its lovely ..Now all she has to do is get her coat back for Crufts. What wasn't shaved off, fell out. I have one bald dog in Post Graduate at Crufts she looks like she should be in Puppy...:0))) Dee and the girls
i have most of them organized in albums. there is an album tab somewhere under the photo section. makes it a bit easier to controll. maybe :-) have fun :-))
Cau, nebola si nahodou v Nizkych Tatrach na Srdiecku v sobotu? Videla som tam gordona lezat pri aute.Bohuzial, nemohli sme zastavit, lebo som sa viezla autobusom hore a nebola som sama. Cakala som ci sa nahodou nezjavi pri vlekoch, ale nic.Nemam ani Tvoje cislo, lebo sa mi pokazil mobil.
Uzasne, len chybala kondicka:O)))) Upravene svahy, priestoru a priestoru..perfektne. BOli sme dva dni. Nechodila som lyzovat lebo mi nemal kto varovat Gordona, tak to vyuzivam teraz. Mame naozaj nadherne hory, tesim sa, ze budem chodit aj ja s tym mojim buducim po tych nasich majestatoch. Videla som vela ludi so psikom , mali voditko pripnute na pase a slapali si to s tymi specialnymi lyzami hore.ALe nnie tade, kadial lyziari..Videla som tak dokonce 4 mesacneho labradora...s ...panickom!!
Boli sme aj na Latkach, okolie Hrinovej, Brezna (az na zeleziarne), to je nadhera. Mat tam taky ranc, viem si to predstavit:O)
Bola si niekde?Lyzujes?
Ozaj, pocas prazdnin varujem 7 mesacneho anglicana.Taky velky bubak, biely Gordon. AK budes tu, pridi pozriet s Niom.
Prezvon ma , ak nezabudnes...
Zdravím Danicu a Nia,
Narazila som na cz web stránky pre stavačov www.ohari.eu-pre zaujímavosť,čo sa deje u susedov:-))
Bol plán,že začnem znovu dusiť tréningom seťák u Balogha,ale írčan si sekol
minulý týždeň do tepny,takže tréning je odložený na neurčito.Som zvedavá,čo vymyslí nabudúce,aby nebolo nutné pracovať.:-D
Seťák,tzv.problémovy typ,už od narodenia privoláva na seba všetky katastrofy.:-)Z Prahy som si ju doviezla po operácii zlomeného chvostika,pravdepodobne ešte nenarodenej jej niekto prišlapol chvostik-sú 13 súrodenci,alebo tesne po narodení,ked provokovala svojho velkého brata a mierne si to vzájomne vyjasnovali:-)
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Dadka's Comments
Comment Wall (35 comments)
P.S.Tento príchod na ning má asi na svedomí Ereni-Reni.:-))
Fešák gordon.
greetings from the neighbours :-)
laura and the red girls
Dee and the girls
Lynn, Tess (Irish) and Megg (English) from Oz.
Welcome here and enjoy :-)
Greetings from Scotland,
Nicole & Busby
My young girl is loving working, but she became very ill after her first working day, and had an operation, although not entirely necessary. She is now over it and will be going to 'work' again soon, I hope.
Dee and the girls
Cau, nebola si nahodou v Nizkych Tatrach na Srdiecku v sobotu? Videla som tam gordona lezat pri aute.Bohuzial, nemohli sme zastavit, lebo som sa viezla autobusom hore a nebola som sama. Cakala som ci sa nahodou nezjavi pri vlekoch, ale nic.Nemam ani Tvoje cislo, lebo sa mi pokazil mobil.
Boli sme aj na Latkach, okolie Hrinovej, Brezna (az na zeleziarne), to je nadhera. Mat tam taky ranc, viem si to predstavit:O)
Bola si niekde?Lyzujes?
Ozaj, pocas prazdnin varujem 7 mesacneho anglicana.Taky velky bubak, biely Gordon. AK budes tu, pridi pozriet s Niom.
Prezvon ma , ak nezabudnes...
Narazila som na cz web stránky pre stavačov www.ohari.eu-pre zaujímavosť,čo sa deje u susedov:-))
Bol plán,že začnem znovu dusiť tréningom seťák u Balogha,ale írčan si sekol
minulý týždeň do tepny,takže tréning je odložený na neurčito.Som zvedavá,čo vymyslí nabudúce,aby nebolo nutné pracovať.:-D
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