I was brought up with GSP's but my parents had there 1st setter nearly forty years ago (Red Abby Miss Melonie or Abby for short). My parents (Dave and Lynne Tapper) took on Brenrue Special Delight (Summer) when I was roughly 13 from friends who just found her a bit to tricky for there household and we were all hooked from there. I currently have the boys of the kedalita crew (Ty and Clegg) a bitch (piper) and a naughty blue roan cocker (freeda) and mum and dad have the girls (Daisey, Maddie, Lara, Teeny Weeny and Cassie.....oh yes and another cocker, Lully) so thats were i'm at and lets see were we go..........
Had a lovely day with the southern pointer club setter and pointer training yesterday with my young dog kedalita Crius and his sister kedalita butterfly maiden. Thank you to Geneave Pine for helping me and to Sowens Archer and Sowens amber rose for showing them the ropes xx
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good boy Tyler Pinker Stinker, xx
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