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13/05/12 - Sélectif GPF - Cécilia et D'Ginger - 1° Manche

1st part

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 102

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on May 14, 2012 at 3:00pm

What a great one!!!!  beautiful, very well done Ginger!!!

Comment by Fran Griffin on May 15, 2012 at 4:12am

Good run there.  If I may say, you will get a faster start by taking him further back from the first jump. The further they run towards the first jump, the more motivation and power you get from the start.  Also I note the bridge descent is rather like what I had with Tallulah.  With DaisyMae, what I have done is train her with it flat on the ground and taught her to run to the end, and clicked and rewarded her touching the contact.  Once she understood that she had to run right to the end for her click and treat reliably, I lifted the bridge up. I also taught her to remain on the contact regardless of whether I was behind her, at the side of her, or in front of her. For her to run to the contact I tell her "go touch" I have also given her a release word "break". I don't know if you have your own equipment that you can do this? DaisyMae now runs across the bridge, all the way down to the bottom, so I have no creeping down and 100% reliable contact, because she understands precisely where the contact is so doesn't have to slow down.  A lot of the training I do now is the Susan Garrett system and has really speeded things up, and created great accuracy.  Dave Munnings in the UK also has an excellent DVD  Q-Me training. You and Ginger could go quite far by looking into these things  They have really helped us :) Good luck.


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