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I have been trying to teach myself how to groom an English Setter from the book 'The New Complete English Setter' by Davis Tuck 3rd Edition Revised by Elsworth S Howell which I purchased 22 years ago. The main area I am interested in is trimming the back of the neck down from the occiput and around the sides of the neck. The tools used in the book include a Duplex Dresser, Durham Duplex trimming knife or stripping knife. Whenever I have tried to purchase a stripping knife or the equivalent of the Duplex Durham tools in Australia or asked someone for advice, I have been advised not to use the stripping knife and instead use thinning scissors for this area or clip with a #7F blade or use a pumice stone or use the Wahl clipper blade as a comb or buy a cheap Blade Dresser from a pet shop. I did not like the look when this area was clipped. I have not been taught how to use thinning scissors so have never felt comfortable tackling this area with a pair of one-sided thinning scissors. I did not find the other 3 tools useful. I understand you have to be careful using a stripping knife because the coat of an English Setter is fine but I thought I'd order a fine stripping knife to try. Before I do this I was wondering what members use to groom this area to produce a clean outline. The Mars coat king is good for general grooming but does not produce the look of show English Setters.

I tried to purchase a video about grooming an English Setter from www.learn2groomdogs.com but this video is not for sale. I have purchased a video from the UK English Setter Assn but it was not detailed enough. Unfortunately there are still no local dog grooming schools where I live which have classes on how to use clippers correctly, how to hand strip, etc.

I was also wondering if the book 'Notes from the Grooming Table' by Melissa Verplank is worth purchasing. I have been advised that only several pages are relevant to grooming an English Setter and this book is only useful to those working in the dog grooming business.


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Dear Torie

I forgot to thank you for your information about the book 'Notes from the grooming table'. This book costs $100+. I cannot afford to waste this amount of money. Because Christmas is such a painful time for me I am again investigating new ways to groom because grooming is time for me to spend with my English Setters which is relaxing and which we all enjoy.

As a lot of ES members know, one of my favourite photos of Hammer is of Hammer sitting on the grooming table on the verandah with the resident birds. This is a photo of Misty lying on the grooming table on the verandah. Sam, our resident white faced heron, supervised the grooming session, as usual. The other resident birds came and went. Despite wanting to chase Sam, Misty was very well behaved for a young English Setter who has had limited grooming in the past.

Misty is my first Blue Belton English Setter. At first I thought her coat was much coarser than my Orange Beltons but using the Mars Coat King on a daily basis removed a lot of the undercoat and also lightened up Misty's coat considerably.

Susan,Misty is stunning! The heron is also lovely but I shudder involuntarily, thinking of my Koi pond! Lol

Hi Kimberly

Thank you for your kind comments about Hobson and Misty. I placed an order for an English Setter puppy with predominantly USA bloodlines at the end of 2011. Unfortunately the mating was not successful. It all comes down to the particular breeder. Also, white faced herons don't eat big fish so your Koi would be safe. Wishing you and your animal children a very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2013. xxxx Susan, Hobson, Misty, Hallmark, Charlamayne and Sam

Hello Susan, so right there really is no one in Australia trained in grooming a setter!!! I've even asked breeders but felt that as Flame is neutered, it was all a bit too hard. I was only after help to be taught and I would do it from there. I once took him to a top grooming salon where they assured me they knew what they were doing, to have him come home looking like a giant schnauzer!!!! I guess I too will keep asking for help and rely on the English lady whom I intrust so hopefully one day we will get it right. Ruby and Poppy won't want their mum attempting to trim them....there way too vain lol. Take care x

Hi Dianne ibn fact there are many very skilled groomers of English Setters in Australia.Many have trevelled extensively to learn about the presenatation of the breed.

P.S...lovely photo of Hammer :)

Hi Michelle

I disagree with you on a number of counts. Firstly, I do not believe there are "plenty of very experienced English Setter groomers in Australia". I live on the Gold Coast. I do not know of one professional groomer who could groom my English Setters even to the level that I do. I also disagree with you about the Mars Coat King. Obviously I have purchased the correct Mars Coat King for an English Setter. All this does is remove the undercoat. This tool certainly does not butcher the coats of my English Setters. I do not know what you mean by a "Duples". I have never heard of this tool. I do not understand why you have bothered to comment on this topic when the majority of your comments e.g. "owners butchering English Setters" and "owners not prepared to do the work and put the time in" are completely irrelevant to what I have asked????

Ouch.....Susan.....take a deep breath lol. I hope I have luck with my IS, there aren't many around here...(Setters that is)...lots of groomers. Fingers crossed!

You are incorrect, Sue. I am not "so prickly all the time". Please read my previous posts on forum topics and blogs. You seem to forget that I am entitled to express an opinion. I was not upset with the comments made by Michelle. I just did not agree with these comments. I know for a fact that there are very few experienced English Setter groomers in Australia. There are none where I live. I believe that all of Michelle's comments about the clients that come to her who butcher the coats of their English Setters etc had no relevance to my forum topic, and this is the truth. My question was: what tool do owners of English Setters use to groom the back of the neck down from the occiput and around the sides of the neck. What has Michelle's clients got to do with this. The answer is absolutely nothing. Instead Michelle could have simply stated what tool she used to groom this particular area.

I really do not understand your need to say this. You made a personal statement about my behaviour which was negative and incorrect. I responded. I did not say you were not entitled to express your opinion.

English Setter exhibitors   dismiss you remarks as simply nonsense and hope those on this forum would do the same.




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