Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

In the last week, there have been 8-10 members that have been complaining about each other.  I have removed a couple people from the site, but most of the comments presented seem pretty benign to me.

When I created this site, I had no idea what it would become.  I quickly learned how little I knew about Irish Setters even though I had owned them for 15 years.  I am not a breeder, don't do shows, don't do agility, don't do hunting or field, usually get rescues (exception being my current ones).  I think all of the above are great, I just don't know anything about them nor do I really care to.  It's obvious these are topics that people on this site are passionate about, and that's great, there just not for me.

As I have mentioned before, I left this site because people were rude to me.  There's at least 1 of the 8-10 members that were one of the ones who ran me off so I can understand the complaints against this peson.

It seems like some of these discussion topics are like politics, you aren't going to change people's minds, so why try to?

Have been pondering some options:

A. Ban the other 8-10 members

B. Leave the site as is

C. Remove the discussion forum altogether

D. Transition ownership and moderation to someone else (note annual costs on the site are around $300 USD and those would transfer as well)

E. Ban any discussions on breeding, health issues, or other controversial topics

F. Shut down the site altogether (really don't want to do this)

What are some other ideas?

I want to get feedback on other ideas and then you are going to vote as a community.  Please reply with any suggestions, then will create another thread to vote later this week.



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,.,Well said Sue,  i agree with you,  (l dont drink either)......and Mel,  at least you both know what you are talking about, whereas others only think they know, after a few years in the breed

Well said Sue 40 years of having ISs and in comparison I know 'nothing' Dempsey, our 3rd Irish, died in 2003 aged 15 years a truly loveable boy and his breeder phoned in 04 to say she had a litter due and unquote 'what are you going to do' and so Hamilton arrived. I then started to learn how much work goes into breeding from the time the Sire is chosen to keep the Breedline strong and healthy to the whelping and 2 weeks of 24 hr care, to the weaning and choosing the right custodians. Not to mention the Vet fees, puppy feeding chart and ongoing help and interest. Thank you to all of you because without you I would not have had such fun!!
Think I should have put these comments on the other discussion sorry!!

It may help to clarify what 1 setter incident Torie was refering to by posting a reasonable amount of the post. More than a snippet and not meant for any ES member's enjoyment but to set the record a little straighter than what has been suggested. For the big picture it would be better to read the whole forum post. The formum post was Media hightlight Irish Setter as a sick animal. It was after a transcribe of the court judgement (translated) was posted. For the details of this poor setters situation please read the forum post. Please note Torie's reply about breeders ' (not all by any means)'. As Torie is not here I thought it best to put her comment in the realms of reality. Any ES member can comment on this, Any ES member can read most of the comments. No artificial divisions of breeders vs non breeders. I have stated many times in the past and still believe ES is a level playing field of people of all types of experience sharing the love of setters.

Rude behaviour is not excused because you believe your level of experience and network is more than the people you are being rude to. Perhaps this may be true on some closed face book sites but I believe it is not true of ES. 

Reply by Rhonda Fisher on January 9, 2013 at 5:04am

Thank you for publishing this Astrid. It is always helpful to see the facts of a matter and not just rely on emotional statements. I found the panic attack comments a very interesting approach for dealing with a owner of a dog that is going through such a horrible disease and is trying their best to help it.


Permalink Reply by Torie Lancaster on January 9, 2013 at 5:22am

I totally agree with you Rhonda.....it is always helpful to see the facts of a matter but I'm afraid some breeders (not all by any means) will continue to wear their rose tinted glasses and deny that any problems exist in their lines.


Permalink Reply by Rhonda Fisher on January 9, 2013 at 5:35am

I have read it through again Torie and personally this has to be more than rose tinted glasses. How could any 'experienced' dog person allow a dog to go through so much suffering to satisfy their ego and  Kennel reputation. It  is bad enough to watch a animal suffer when you are trying to work out what is the cause but to delay and interfere with possible effective treatment is just beyond me.


Permalink Reply by Torie Lancaster on January 9, 2013 at 6:42am

It's beyond most of us Rhonda.....sadly, there will always be some people who put their ego and reputation before all else.  To some, their dogs are a way of making plenty of money, stud fees, puppies etc..not forgetting the accolade they receive from others. (I expect to be told shortly that there is no money to be made from breeding or hiring out the latest show champions for stud fees and that all breeders want is to produce healthy stock from their own line bred/inbred animals).

The site I am refering to has many more people than that Mel, Obviously I am not referring to the site you belong to.

I used to read tthis group most days and enjoyed the good discussions. Now I check in around once a week, and if its still the same old personal bickering, I go away again, Checked in again today, still the same.


I am brand new and I am very grateful to have found this site as I have never had an Irish Setter before.  I really value the ability to discuss issues that come up with my setter so that I can give him the best life as I am able to.  I sincerely hope that nothing changes as I don't have prior knowledge of the dealings before hand and so far I have appreciated the advice I have received.

Stay strong and thank you !!!!!!

Lisa (and Ringo)

I agree 100% !

So do I!!
agree with u Lisa enjoy your first Irish sometimes a challenge but they give u so much happiness

Looks like someone else has gone  !!!!!!!!!!!! This makes me sad, soon there will only be owners left on here, only then will everyone realise how much we depend on time served breeders. If anyone is in private contact with her, can you thank her so much from me Ta <:0(

I am replying the same post on 2 discussions, as I realy want the person concerned to know that I am so grateful for their help which has given me peace of mind, that at least the chain appears brocken and that a few less Irish will have to suffer what Abbie has. So anyone in contact with Sue Humphrys, please thank her from me.




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