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To cut a long story short my 4 year old irish setter Millie was off her food a couple of weeks ago trips to the vets and two days of various tests on her including CT, scans, blood and urine tests as well as having nearly 3 litres of fluid drained off her lungs I was told she has cancer. There is a small mass in her lung but they say the cancer is in the lining of both lungs and abdomen and she has fluid in her heart as well. Which could also be cancer.
Anyway the vets gave her about three weeks, but since she has come home she is full of life, running barking playing with her daughter who is nearly two and eating very well.
The vets said just to keep an eye on her if she hadn't been shaved over most of her sides you would never know she was ill.
We are taking each day as it comes and enjoying the time we have together, but just wondered if
anybody have any good news stories of dogs with lung cancer surviving longer?

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That is sad news but Iam glad she is not suffering at the moment.I had a dog with lung cancer and he was unlike Millie and very poorly.We had to do the kindest thing and have him put to sleep.

I hope Millie can continue to be as she is.

Thinking of you,


So sorry to hear that Millie has that diagnosis. I'm glad she's feeling well now...probably draining the fluid off her lungs has helped for now.

We had a diagnosis of stomach cancer for Bridie back in October and as an older girl we thought she'd be gone by Christmas, but she's still here...very thin but happy and active. They can amaze you with their strength and will to live.

I hope you have Millie to enjoy for much longer than the prognosis.

I am very sorry that your lovely girl Millie is ill, Alison. I offer my sincerest thoughts to both of you.

Lovely reply Sue :o). Very true Alison, our furkids are so resilient no one can put a time on how long or what they will leave us from. One has just crossed the bridge of ours that had cancer and I agonised "how long" did she have.....she left us not from cancer after almost a year of having it. One thing I know is.....I took her everywhere I could with me and let her enjoy life, I wanted the very best memories. :0)
I'm so very happy Sue your girl is defying the odds. I'll keep you and your much loved Irish Alison and Sue in my thoughts and prayers. Take care x




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