Hi, I have just bought a Clix silent whistle to aid with my training. The main reason is that I dont have the strongest voice and when doing recall at distance or reuben in the woods etc, I would like a back up. I still want him to come to the command 'come' but wondered if I could use whistle and voice comand, as i can't see my husband taking the whistle with him when out all the time. I dont want to confuse Reuben, so what would anyone suggest and how do I go about training him to the whistle?
Also at class we have just started to train our pups to 'wait/sit' at distance and we do this by calling them to come and then about halfway to us we hold right arm up high above head and say 'wait, sit'. Can I incorporate a whistle in to this?
Just included a picture of blanket sucking as I know there was a recent discussion and this is Reuben doing his blanky!
I use a whistle for recall, started doing it for the puppy, but my other older dogs have picked this up as well so I can now get them all back with it.
At the moment recall is the only thing I use it for but I'm going to follow what Barbara suggests as I would like to use it more.
I use a proper dog whislte, cost me about £8.
Remember if you use a whislte, you save your throat!!! You can also show off at training and also, its proper gundog training!!!
Has anyone got a link for a proper whistle they would recommend? (A site with UK delivery if possible, but if not I will try to find the same whistle on another site.) I have three whistles and neither of my dogs seem interested in them, and yet if I'm out walking and they hear some people's whistles it's all attention and yearning to go and see! I must be buying the wrong kind, although I do of course realise whatever the whistle it's training that's needed. But having one that they actually seem attracted to might be a good start!!
Thanku for replies. I don't know why it is called a silent whistle tho as quite loud! We having been practising the 2 pips recall and works well ESP with cooked liver for treats!!! The long line is out again as recall went a bit down the other day when distracted by dogs. But today was good again, so I definitely need to keep switching the special recall treats around to keep him coming back. What fantastic weather today, tho Reuben not quite so energetic, must be the heat!
For everyone with puppies (and the slightly older ones) the EASIEST way to train a whistle recall.
EVERY time you offer the puppy food, breakfast, lunch dinner, snack treat etc peep your whitle two or three times depending on what cue you want to use.
That whistle means FOOD.and pup should come running. Ir is quite easy then to transfer that out on walk. Esp as you should have a puppy that hasnt been fed before a walk
Are you long lining for distance control or ar you in danger of flipping a fast moving youngster??
The most commonly used Acme whistle for gundogs is the 211.5
There are a few dogs who seem to respond better to the 210.5, but I have only had one setter who did. All my other dogs have worked better with a 211.5
if starting training with a whistle, start in the kitchen (so the dog really can't go wrong!) and reward with a titbit immediately. If you do this over and over for 5 or 10 minutes they do get the connection between coming to the sound and the titbit.
Just to update, I have 2 new whistles ( proper ones) , one for me and hubby. And it is going really well for recall, even my husband impressed! Now I want to start on the 1 pip stop and wait training but just wanted to be reassured that this won't confuse him when I ask for a normal sit without whistle? Any thoughts?
Thank you Barbara, that makes so much sense and I will be certainly trying it out - can't wait! Oh yes please move nearer and help me...
Actually I really enjoy the training, its just having someone tell you good ways to teach certain things that really helps. Lately a lot of dog associates/pals I see on walks have been irritating me a bit as they are always going on at me for my training ie. 'here comes the dog whisperer' and 'oh you have a whistle now'. Worst of all saying 'oh and all that training and he's not come back yet' grrrrr, obviously I am in the process of training which is why I am carrying all the equipment with me, long lines and whistles etc!!!!! Also the worst is 'well you shouldnt have such tasty treats in your pocket, he never jumps up at me', dont they realise they have to train their dogs not to jump and also understand why I ask people never to give my dog treats? My Hubby says not to get wound up as they are just jealous. Sorry to rant , I just think sometimes I am the only one in nailsea trying to train my dog and yet others are viewing me as a bit neurotic!! Oh well we will see in the next few years, haha. I must admit that Reuben is coming along nicely and I am astounded at how quickly he learns and yes sometimes chooses to ignore my command until he is ready...