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Help!!  My youngest setter has just recently been beside herself and has gone out of sight ignoring the whistle whilst on a scent.  I know it is rutting season for the deer and this may be to blame.  I realise the recall has gone out of the window if she is following a scent.  I don't really want to spend each walk with her on a lead!    Any ideas?

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Thanks Sue, this is what I fear, we may never solve the problem! She has always walked off lead even from when she first went out for walks, she's always had a good run but not gone off too far and came back if I whistled her UNLESS there were deer, hares, rabbits etc. Even then she would chase but lose interest and come back, however recently it's been the scent which she's obsessed with. Yesterday we lost her and luckily she ran back to the car, but what a worry!! I can't let this happen again as I'm worried something dreadful will occur. This morning she had a boring 3 mile walk on the lead while the other dogs enjoyed themselves. I wonder if gundog training may help?
Thanks Sue, I guess I'll just have to be patient. We have been walking on the lead for 3 days now, but will try her again on a different route off the lead at the weekend. I feel she is a bit fed up about being on the lead & obviously not getting the exercise she is used to although our walk is 3 miles. She may calm down as she gets older. Scarlet our other irish was a nightmare running circles away from me when I needed her back but she stopped that when she was about 2 & is now very well behaved.




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