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Pertition to Save Lennox in Belfast - He is not an Irish Setter but it is Barbaric what Belfast Council has done Please sign



This is a petition to save a dog in Belfast (not an Irish Setter) but still a travesty who has been taken from his owner because of poor unprofessional behavior - please sign if you agree.




Maggie and Gary Mazan


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This is what i cant understand, nothing is done about the other breeds that cause trouble!!

Just because they are water dogs, field dogs etc, and dont have the words fighting in their breed history they are not a threat!


Its like in our area there are dog owners who get big breeds of dog and no nothing about it and dont socialise them! its the dog that suffers.


Bit like if i were to go out and just get a setter and take round the block for 5 mins no socialising, imagine how mad they would be...... ;-)

Basically yes - the local council has reponsibility around only MON-FRi 9-5 we have virtually no out of hours either as the police will not take action referring everyone to the dog wardens! Out of hours you get a recorded message.

They generally don't want to action at all

ooooooooops  sorry Sue,hadnt seen your reply...........But also the local Dog Warden.should go around have a chat  and explain the consequences of  their  actions regarding letting their dog out unrestrained
Margaret,you must ring the police and insist and ask for a log  no...that your complaint is made under the   D.D.A. ..1991  regarding this dodgy dog,



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The rules here in aus are much the same if a dog is handed in to the rspca or caught by the local by-laws officer and it fits the description of a pitbull type it gets destroyed regardless of it's history. Part of the problem as I see it is that most of these crossbred dogs come from puppy farms and back yard breeders who are not registered or comply with any code of practice nor breed for temperament , just money. I don't know how you can police this activity without creating more difficulty for responsible breeders.Governments always seem to take knee jerk reaction to tragic events as in this case by taking away a dog that has harmed no one to date.

Great idea but it will be the 'pet' breeders or the ones breeding for money that will go unnotticed and it will be left to the rest of us 'do it properly' that will be holding the baby so to speak. You will also have the issues about policing fine too not that easy unfortunately - microchipping would also be good but then how many vets etc regularly scan a dog! (especially if you turn up for the first time - even if the vet knows you they still should) Until you get the authorities to routine do stuff ie scan for a microchip you have no chance with them being able enforce your really good idea.

Did you know that if a vet scans a dog brought in by a 'customer' and finds it belongs to someone else ,under data protection laws ,he is nor supposed to contact the owner or the Police.


What is the point! We have no chance do we

The  only thing I can come up with is to make it illegal to breed and sell dogs unless you are a registered breeder.

This is also not fool proof as some puppy farmers are registered breeders. At least the governing bodies can sort through their members and kick out those suspected of farming thereby making it illegal for them to continue breeding. How you would get laws like this through is whole other question

signed the petition  and also left  comment, have the family not contacted Justice for dogs or Trevor Cooper or Roger Mugford  I do hope Lennox is soon home with his family




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