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Feeding raw vegetables is it safe especially cabbage

Molly loves raw cabbage but I am not sure whether it is safe to give it to her. Any suggestions

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very true
Piper was my master blaster. Years ago she ate a whole pot of sprouts and later in the evening Seil was lying with his nose almost on her rear end and she was so loud and so windy she was making his ears flap!!

I can't stop laughing!

Fred is a terrible blaster,when we travel by train we take an air freshner.One day Fred let his wind free and I sprayed.  A little boy sitting behind said " Mummy ,I can smell poo and lemons"!!!!!!

Howard we're LOL here

My wife dry wretches when they do it in our bedroom

thats so funny.... best laugh I have had all day
that story is precious
Good advice on feeding veg and some really funny stories -  Rio also goes by the name 'Monsieur Methane'!
ha ha I must say Molly is quite the lady

My last Shilo loved broccoli...he would steal the stems that I was discarding out of the sink if you turned your back...I tried to let him have a small amount but he would just do anything he could to con us out of some more raw broccoli...Pebbles the Brittany would ask for some also but not eat it for a long time as he tried to figure out why Shilo thought it was a treat...so guess as it is for people different tastes for different pups .

   We had been told that carrots can be good for dogs for chewing....so we gave Molly a small carrot...she sniffed it over and over and then decided it was something to roll on...over and over on her back like they so often do in smelly things. So her only carrots here will be steamed ones!  She does love green beans but do them in small amounts as a add on. Watermelon is somthing else that our Molly loves...I take any seeds out before feeding it to her off a fork on the patio in summer.

i might try the watermelon thing. We can buy it here seedless. Raw or cooked carrotts our Molly is much the same as yours. Cabbage is what she likes. I have to watch her in the kitchen (husband can't stand her in there when he is cooking). Couple of weeks ago she took some Indian meatballs we had cooked and ate them. Chillies etc. That was a concern. As for chewing Molly loves sticks and her bones.
Our Molly gets sterilized dog bones only to chew on ...sticks she finds in yard if I do not keep the yard picked up she prances around with like it is a prize...chews them but I do try to limit the stick play and especially too much chewing on them.  Eunice, broccoli should have similar flavor to cabbage so she might like it but only small amount as I always felt it could gas them up .  Shilo loved it raw better than cooked...amazed me the first time he stole it that he ate it.
I think gas is the thing. read the story about the boy when they were on the train with their setter. Cracked me up. You could see a small child saying something like that.




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