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I just wondered what type of collar you all use for on leash training for your Irish Setter?

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Hi Sherry.  No the hook or D ring is below the head i.e under the chin attached to the chest section and therefore they cannot harm their neck or throat.  I looked it up on the internet to see how it works.  They even colour code the section that goes under the chest so that you cannot put it on wrongly. I had to order it online as I couldn't find a stockist here in Oz.
Hi Norma...thanks for the information...I believe I can get one here in Missouri at Pet Smart and fit it for her at the same time.  Will take her in March to see what we can find...also will get one more Gentle Leader (not harness) as backup or for in the car .  Like to explore options here as I try to make the best choice for the activity she enjoys the most!!!!  I do believe Molly could start walking after breakfast and still be walking at dark that night.........never long enough for her!  I think someone told her " there's something good around every corner!" and being the nosey female she is she has to try to get to every corner :)

That's an Irish Setter for you they can go all day and then some. People think that I am mad as I exercise Derry 4 times a day with 3 hours off lead but presumably both of us are fitter for it.  No I don't work now.


I still work part time .......and it has been a pretty snowy and icey winter here so figure March is when we will really get going on our walking again.  Not too many places except dog parks here where Molly can be off lead.  We do have a fenced backyard so she has that to keep free of rabbits,squirrels and her beloved birds!  Silly dog will stand on the fence and pull the branches on the neighbors bushes to make the birds fly!  I believe she is the birdiest IS we have had.  My husband is retired so she gets her wild side walks with him and I mostly do the ladylike ones....and Molly does like to go shopping with me....and do lunch!  Farmers market is her favorite spot in summer as everyone makes over her and she loves that big time.  Thanks again for the info on the harness.
Ahh those wonderful treats!  Great that Joy sees the Gentle Leader as a good thing....I will probably continue to carry one at least in the car for those sorts of places like you are doing Cornelia even when we have the harness...goal here is still heeling on regular collar for our regular walks.  Guess I need two special treats now after reading this.  Molly says Thank you Joy for pointing that out.  :)
this may sound stupid but is a gentle lead collar the same as a halti?
They are both very similar but not the same.My pet store carries both brands. The Gentle leader is,I think,the better of the two.
Having used both at some point there is a difference....both are name brands and do pretty much the same thing....Halti was thicker when I used one of those....Gentle Leader not as thick...and a little harder to put on at first.
I used a gentle leader with Reuben and it helped along with the stop start method. However now we just use a normal collar and lead and if he starts to pull, I simply slip the end loop of the lead over his nose so lead kind of doubles up and it reminds him to walk by my side again. Then when he is doing that I take it off again(as obviously he doesn't like it). He is 20 months now
Now why did I not think of that ! ???? Thankyou , Louise for the obvious tip I was looking for when attempting to get Molly to walk just on her collar....she has been wearing just the gentle leader not hooked up as I attempt to get her to walk just on a collar here in our neighborhood!   Thankyou and I am sure our Molly will really thankyou when that Gentle Leader finally disappears here.
Thanks for the hint.I have never thought of doing that and it is so simple.I will give it a try today.Thank you.
A beautiful place.You are lucky.




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