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If anyone out there owns both, what do you find are the major differences between the two? I own only English Setters, however my friend has Irish and we have noted many differences... in particular, that the English is more laid back than the Irish, and that the Irish can be more aloof, and less cuddly...
Does anyone agree?

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We have both. Mine are quite the same, is it the environment that does it, don´t know?
They even have the same jokes ;) but I suspect they learn from each other. Of course the dogs differ in nature as all creatures but with hunting instincts and overall behavior is quite the same.
Here is one of my pretty boys

Hi Katariina! Thanks for joining my group! Perhaps your dogs do not differ a lot due to their working nature, where my "bench" bred setters that do not really have the same skills tend to show their character differently?
Who knows! Looking forward to more opinions!
Your English Setter is beautiful!!
Thank you Andrea!
I don´t suppose those used for hunting differ from any other by nature and as persons. There just are different personalities among english as well as irish.

As persons the two of our english are different though they are father and son. The son is more laid back and very funny personality, doing all sorts of things all the time. The father is much more serious in the house and he really lights up when we go hunting. I have tried to/and play with every one of our dogs the same and as personalities they respond totally different.

In any way, better dogs are to be found. I love every one as much...
Hi Andrea

I've owned both for the last 29 years and I don't think they differ greatly. The only real difference is that the English are slower!! My Irish can run rings around her. They both love the great outdoors and they both slaver!!! As for the Irish being less cuddly I don't think they are Barley my Irish will sit on my knee if I let her and wants to be with me all the time. English are probably a little more laid back though, thats true. Irish need to get wherever they are going, FAST.

Best wishes, Deboarh
I have IS and IRWS, a friend of mine has ES - the reds are just as cuddly, but more crazy, the IRWS are also very cuddly, but even more full of energy. Most of the ES I know are show dogs and trained not to get into a mess...... does that answer it?
Hi, I am new here, but yes, we own both, an English and an Irish. They are both 6yrs. old. We first got our Irish Tess, then a few weeks later, bought her an English friend home. From their first meeting, they have been best friends. I don't really find much difference at all but our English Setter Megg is probably more laid back than 'Irish Tess', but Tess is a very quiet Irish Setter so it's hard for us to say. Both are equally cuddly, but my Irish is definately more sooky than my English. Megg (English) is quite independent but I can't do anything or go anywhere without Tess. A very interesting question but I think I would probably say that there is very little difference, at least in our case.

I have owned both breeds and haven't found any difference in their temperaments, both loving cuddles and company..the only difference I have found, with the exception of my first Irish, is that the Irish are much more obedient.  The English are absolute darlings but appear quite dim at times.  However, I think they are quite bright really, they just play at being dim as it helps them get away with a lot more than their red cousins.  My Irish could go off lead and come back with 100% recall every time...the English, in my experience was more like 5%, but maybe I only had naughty ones :-)

Totally agree about the recall!! my poor English boys get let off lead rarely because their recall is so bad.  I also believe that they are quite smart but they are so stubborn and have very selective hearing!

My James appears quite useless, and rather dim (particularly in comparison to spartan who is very smart and food motivated making him way more biddible!), but he's the only one who knows that he needs to open his mouth in order to get to the bottom of the tall glass or cup with his tongue!




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