Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
I am interested to know what is your requirement to gain a champion title for showing in the country where you live
and what is the break down of your age groups/classes
In Australia you need 100 points
if you are the only entry and the judge thinks your up to standard you win the challenge and get 6 points
for every other dog entered you get 1 point per dog eg: 10 dogs= 10points + 6 = total 16points
If you win Best of breed add the total entry + 6 maximum 25 points in total
If you win Best in group 25points , that is also the maximum points you can win per show
baby puppies under 6 months can't win points and are not included in challenge line up
baby puppy 3-6 months
minor puppy 6-9 months
puppy 9-12 months
junior 12-18months
intermediate 18-36months
open 36 months and over
veteran 7 years
To follow on from Sue can I just expand on the Crufts qualification from championship shows. The first three in minor puppy, puppy, junior, yearling, postgraduate, limit, open all qualify. Yearling is included. Dogs can also qualify from "Premier" Open Shows. I believe groups winners etc.
Irish Setters routinely have upwards of approx 140 dogs/bitches entered at general championship shows, which normally schedule a minimum of 9 classes for each sex and upwards of 200 dogs/bitches entered at breed club championship shows, which normally schedule a minimum of 13 classes ( maiden, novice undergraduate graduate, mid limit including the above and various permutations thereof etc). The best 5 exhibits in the judge's opinion are placed 1st - 5th in each class (not in reverse order as on the continent). 4th placing is called 'reserve', 5th is called 'vhc' (very highly commended)......don't ask me why!!!!! Infact a member recently asked on a blog "WHAT TITLE WAS VHC". No title, just a 5th place in a class.
As Sue says the winners of EVERY scheduled class for each sex can compete for the cc. A puppy can win a cc but if it wins three from the puppy class it has to win an additional one from Junior upwards to become a champion. If the judge thinks a youngster is of such outstanding merit to win the cc it will get it. I have both awarded and won cc's from the yearling class.
After the cc is awarded the dog/bitch placed 2nd to the cc winner can come in to challenge for the reserve cc (rcc) against the other unbeaten exhibits. This is not mandatory but at the judges discretion.
The winning dog and bitch then compete against each other for Best of Breed (BOB). All the BOB winners for each group then compete for the Best in Group and all the Group winners compete for Best in Show (BIS).
Each breed is in it's designated group so ALL the gundogs qualify for the Gundog Group. There are 6 other groups, namely Hound, Working, Pastoral (shepherding breeds), Utility, Toy and Terrier.
Only the Gundogs are given the title of Show Champion (originally bench champion). Only ShChs who have successfuly run a field trial (FT) qualifier can be called Champions.
The only competition won on a point system is among youngsters between 6-18 months. This is the Junior Warrant (JW). An exhibit has to win 25 points in total (3 points each class win at champ shows, 1 point at open shows). Ths is added to the dog's registered name and comes with entry into the KC stud book (automatic Crufts qualification for life etc)
Can breeds which aren't yet awarded CCs compete for BIG/BIS?
I always feel a bit sorry for those breeds in the UK which aren't yet awarded CCs. It would be a bit of a bummer to win BOB, but not get any points, or a title!
All breeds which are seperately classified and scheduled are entitled to compete within their respective groups regardless whether cc's are awarded or not. As is the best ajudged exhibit from the Any Vatiety Not Seperately Classified (AVNSC) classes in that group. It is the KC who decide which breeds are eligible for cc's and at which shows they can be awarded. We are lucky in IS because we have cc's for every show but many breeds don't. Winning 3 cc's under three different judges is the ONLY way a dog can become a champion/show champion in the UK. As champions are not excluded from cc competition it makes it that much more difficult to get a dog made up but, hey it is the best on the day and if that is a champion then the champion gets it. There are arguments for and against this system. I personally believe that it seems far too easy to make up a dog in many countries, especially in Europe, and if you have enough money you can go pot hunting to accumulate titles, very often in entries of half a dozen exhibits in each sex.
Sue, there was a time when yearling certainly didn't qualify and I can honestly say that I could not tell you when the change occured.
I think it must be harder for a dog to become a champion in the UK. Partly because of the greater entries we get so the competition would be stiffer and partly because champions/show champions can compete for cc's Also judges are allowed to withold awarding cc's from exhibits which, in their opinion, are inferior even though they might have won their respective classes. The award is not automatic. I have seen it done many times over the years but, luckily, never in IS.
We don't have a no champions class, here - or a champion's class, for that matter (thank god - because IMHO, it renders the whole point of showing...well, pointless!).
We do have restricted parades, at which champions cannot compete at all. But there are also no points on offer at these shows. They are good shows for babies and young dogs to learn a bit about ringcraft.
Thank you all very much there are some similarities to the process seemingly with different names for the position but not all that dissimilar to what happens here.The major difference is the amount of dogs entered at a show ,Eva you say routinely there are 140 dogs/bitches entered at a general champ show, last year at the IS club of Victoria, (of which I'm a member)the total entry was 50 from puppy to open, well gone are the days of 100 or more IS.
I would love to go to a show with those numbers of entries
I hope someone from another country tells what their requirements are so far we have Aus UK and US
Peter......thanks, I was just going to ask you about criteria for becoming a Grand Champion. It follows, therefore, that your champions compete for the challenge like ours. Yours accumulate points for a further accolade, whereas ours just accumulate challenge certificates.
You do not have the title of 'show' or 'bench' champion so can (or do) your show dogs compete for field trial qualifications? Does that add a further title? In many European countries (ie Sweden) in IS you have to qualify in the field before you can add 'champion' to your dog's name, regardless how many challenges it may win. It seems harsh. I hope, like you, that more members contribute to this discussion.
Incidentally, our entries are falling too. Gone are the days where we had in excess of 400 dogs at the breed shows. Crufts pulls in the biggest entry these days but many overseas dogs enter which adds to the magic.
Our registrations are also falling. We are now behind Hungarian Viszlas and Weimeraners.
Grand Championship points may be awarded to eligible dogs as follows:
Completion of the title requires all of the following:
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