Not a setter, but I know all you doggy people out there will understand:
Rescued golden retriever puppy Alfie is literally, broken hearted. He has four weeks to raise £3k for heart surgery that will save him and give him a chance of a normal life.
Alfie has been diagnosed with a very rare and complicated heart condition, which is killing him. He is currently on medication and doing very well, but to have any chance of life he needs further investigation and surgery from the top cardiologist in the UK.
A cardiology team at Liverpool University have offered the diagnosis and will perform the necessary surgery if funds can be raised - Alfie’s heart will also be treated by the top UK Veterinary Cardiologist, Mike Martin, as well as a human paediatric cardiologist because his condition is so unusual.
Because Alfie’s heart condition is causing heart failure, it’s vitally important that he recieves treatment at Liverpool as soon as possible, before the heart failure permanently damages his heart muscle itself.
A team of online supporters led by his foster carer, veterinary nurse Emma Foxall, are deperately trying to raise funds within four weeks to give Alfie the best chance. If merely 300 people donate £10, his Liverpool University bill will be paid.
More information, ways you can help and updates about Alfie's condition can be found on his own website:
or on
he's exactly the same age as my Tilly and I'd want her to have every chance too...