Exclusively Setters

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Molly is 19 months. She had her first season in November 2010. At the beginning of July this year she came into season again. I put her in her usual kennels because it was to much having her here for my reasons. she has been home for about 10 days and two days ago I noticed the same symptoms as previous as to being in season. She is swollen and has a bloody discharge. This is not what I thought would happen. I have spoken to the vet and he said sometimes this can happen when the seasons (weather) change. We have exceptional warm weather in Sydney over the last week for August.

He also said because she is only young could be a factor.

Any information you have would be helpful. Just asking for help as I am concerned about Molly. She does not show any signs of sickness as such.     

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thanks Viv. That last paragraph is interesting although I had forgotten about this discussion. Anyway Molly is fine last season was August and I thought she would come in again at Xmas but no yet which is good for me as i am not breeding her.




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