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Is something seriously wrong with my dog Riley?

As most of you know, Riley has been the naughtiest Irish Setter in the whole world from birth.

Over the last few weeks he has been acting very strange and we are a bit scared. When we tell him to stop doing naughty things, he stops. When he is up at the table or worktops and we tell him to get down, he does. We can even sit at the kitchen table and eat our dinner without him jumping up and stealing our food even if it is before he has had his dinner.

What is going on with him and how did this happen.

Have any of you Setter owners experienced this strange behaviour in any of the dogs you own?

He seems to be changing into an obedient dog, well almost. (Or at least getting much better).

What should we do about his strange behaviour?

Have you heard of this happening with any other dog before?

Any help or advice you can offer will be welcome.


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Lucky you Micawber just looks at us with those soulful eyes 'who me now what have done' and it wasn't me I'll go and get Hamilton. Poor Hamilton he's'a little angel by comparison unless he's'in a training class then it's time to play

Hi Lois. He is exactly the same with the camera. As soon as we get it he has changed position or gone into the garden. It looks like we are growing socks in our garden. To be fair, he has never done any serious damage in the house. He is not interested in newspapers but our other dog loves to shred them. Over the years we have had Setters that have eaten our bed, sofa, tables & chairs, brand new shoes and many other items. Riley did have a little chew on our coffee table when he was a little baby, but that's about it. They all do the thing with the eyes and they all tell lies.

No the penny has just dropped ha ha don't they make you smile :-)

Yes Sandra, they do make us smile. Setters can be strange at times.


I'm afraid I have some terrible news for you:

The exact same thing happened to Pitanga! One day she was a normal setter, and the next she was this easy going, almost obedient dog. She never got back to normal, even worse, she became a fully obedient dog!

The same may be happening to you, good luck!

I hope you are wrong Teresa. Not sure if we could get used to a fully obedient Setter!

Oh I don't think that you will be waiting too long before all will be back to normal...they go through this phase...well some do. When you think all is lost (they have lulled you into a false sense of security) all will be well. Don't worry.

Although there are some that just don't go through that ''goody two shoes'' fase...mine for instance...I never had a quiet good setter....hyper bouncing off the walls and settees, and now I have two of them, mother and son...I have two whirlwinds...would I change them....sometimes yes.....but mostly no...

Thank you Dee for putting my mind at rest. He still goes into turbo even in the living room, almost running round the walls! I sat at the kitchen table today to eat my lunch and he just stayed on the floor looking at me and made no attempt to mug me. It just feels wrong.

We did have one many years ago that was very well behaved, when out. She would walk off the lead and would even come back when called (apart from if she could smell a pond). At home she would always steal food from us or our other Setters. To be honest I think she was a pig in a Setter's coat. She was always too heavy for a Setter, but she had a long healthy life.

We are obviously expecting Riley to go back to his old ways.

I have to say that I have had 'obedient' setters before...only when going to classes...but the two I have now...well never!!! they just do their own thing...I call them, and then end up telling them to take their own time...they go off hunting in the forest, and bring half of it home with them, in their coats...and then I turn my back and they have stolen something off the work top, or off the plates of the children or myself...its done very nicely, but they just can't help themselves...

I am sure that Riley will be back to his 'normal' self very soon...if not, just get another puppy, and start all over again....and hope that Riley doesn't teach the 'newby' his 'strange' unsetterlike behaviour....lol

I think he is getting back to normal Dee.

He has just this minute managed to steal a freshly cut pile of ham and run into the garden with it. Not just a couple of slices, the whole pile, cleared the plate. I am not quite so worried about him now!

Ha ha he had you fooled for a few days clever boy!!

Yes Lois. In fact he fooled us for a few weeks. They are so clever.




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