Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

DNA Testing for PRA RCD4 is now available


We advise that all breeding stock is tested before mating.

We have arranged for SEISC members to receive a 20% discount for the test from next Monday for 5 days. Please go to our site www.seisc.co.uk for full details.

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Thanks for the update;o)

Gillian, when you go to the SEISC website for full details it just says contact the webmaster so how does one go about obtaining the discount?

When you go onto the AHT website to buy the test you click onto Irish Setter for breed and the test is added to your basket but comes up with Gordon Setter as the breed?????? When you go to checkout it reverts back to Irish Setter.........confused or what!!!

Eva I found the same happened when I checked on the AHT site! But I can only guess that the test was originally for Gordons and they havent changed the info on their website!! As I dont buy online, I have e-mailed them for info on how to buy the old way, by cheque;o))

Details on how to obtain the discount are available by contacting the SEISC webmaster(myself). These cannot be "published" as it is available for members only.

As to the AHT site, there are problems with their website which we have made them aware of. Hopefully these should be fixed today.

Thanks Gill,   will email you directly.

Carmel, glad you found the same problem.  I thought I was losing it!!

I have just been informed by the AHT that you can only order the test kit online!! So for anyone like me with no Visa Card youI must order through your Vet instead!! More delays!! I hope Abbey doesnt come in heat too soon or we wont have results in time!!
Hi Sue! Yes a friend has offered to order it for me if the vets cant ;o)
Do animals have to be microchipped
All registered dogs in Ireland have to be microchipped so not a problem here, but there is the tatoo option on the form? Perhaps they are making it unnecessarily difficult to get the test? And I agree with Barbara that there is no proof that you are sending the sample from the dog named!! Perhaps all tests should be done by your own Vet, who actually knows your dog?? I know this would make the test more expensive though!!
Just out of interest - would you have the test done on non-breeding stock?
Yes I would eventually get all my dogs tested, so I know what it is in my lines!! But for now I would only test those I plan to breed from! Which, in my case is two bitches!
My Vets are aware of it now, as they are ordering the test for me, and they will do the test when it arrives, hopefully by Friday;o) Perhaps all breeders should get their Vet to do the test so there is no doubt about dog identity? And it would make more Vets aware of the condition!!




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