Hello everyone,
Recently Gina's brother, Anton, started to be more fearful of children than ever before. When we are on the beach, he runs up to them, but not too close, lowers his body, and barks. We can clearly see that this is fear. We put him on his lead, and many parents are as kind as to let Anton meet their child, which works fine. Anton sits, gets a treat from the child and both are happy. We thought by meeting lots of children, we could show Anton that children are nothing to be afraid of. However, as soon as he sees the next child, he barks.
About six weeks ago, some children teased Anton, made a lot of noise and banged on a fence which made him frightened. He bolted and ran. Maybe that's why, as we really tried to do the right thing from day One: we introduced both dogs to all sorts of things, such as bikes, babies in prams, babies in their parent's backpacks, people in wheelchairs, joggers...Gina is great with all people she meets. It's just about Anton. I am worried that one day he could attack a child if we don't get the problem solved. He is not aggressive, quite the opposite. He is just fearful. But than can be dangerous enough.
Thank you for suggestions.