Exclusively Setters

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Hi everyone,
I need some help on this subject..My dog is now 11 months old and we took him for his first grooming (there's a show coming up) but the groomer- who I hardly found trough some other dog owners, had claimed that he knows how to groom an Irish but he ended up cutting up half of his tail hair and in totally wrong direction!! I took my dog to the other groomer who did a better job with my directions but still pretty bad..now I don't trust the groomers in greece anymore and have bought the tools to do it myself but it's still hard for me to do it with written directions I would appreciate if someone can post some detailed photos or video especially when it comes to grooming the ears and neck..I like the 'american' style of cutting on ears but any suggestions are welcome. Please advise
thank you

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I would refer you to Dee Milligan Bott of the Thendara Irish setters and Afghans.She is a member of this site and is a professional groomer .I know that she also has produced a grooming video.Her Dogs are always well presented at shows.

There is a chapter in the book Irish setters today written by Eve Gardner (published by ring press)showing the show preparation of an Irish setter.You might be able to order it from a library!

I hope this might help !
ten link nieje špatný, ale je tam jedná veľká chyba, elektrický strojček nemá pri strihaní čo robiť. Je to síce rýchlejšie, ale po určitej dobe tá srsť už nikdy správne nestmavne. Prvý krát som aj ja krk vyholil mašinkou, na čo ma p. Decoster od ,ktorej mám Funny skoro zabila. Tak som si kúpil tú DVD kazetu, ktorú tu reklamujú a strihám podľa toho a fakt tá srsť je o poznanie tmavšia. Tiež vyholenie uší bolo len špecialitou na SLovensku a v Čechách za starých časov.
as you see on that photos - using electric hair clipper on ears ends with horrible white pink hairs (on almost every dog), even if you like american style on ears, never use electric - except you like light pink ;)
Dee's video is really good.
I also higly recomed DVD by Dee. Is much better ones see a DVD like hundreed times read how to do grooming. Grooming is quit simple just you have to take your time.
Thank you all for good advises. I guess DVD is my best solution, it's a bit pricey but obviously worth it...:)
Wow Eva, don't know what to say but-thank you so much!! That's very very kind of you! :))
Hi Ana,

I am a professional pet groomer but the only Irish I have to groom is my own girl and she is not a show dog. I used to do everything by hand and only used scissors for her feet and neck. Nowadays I am using a 7 mm. clipper for her ears. My hands and scissors for the rest. I prefer a natural look, so I don't want to shave her ears to short.
I haven't seen the video but I hope it is useful to you.

By the way, this is my Ginger after 15 minutes of grooming her head and ears and cleaning teeth tonight.

I would like the video by Anne Marie Kubaz, it the american way to groom a setter


any one got they want to sell"""

anne M. Pellette





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