Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I know i have mentioned this before, but life truly is better with a setter. Whether you have just the one, or your own pack (or anything in between) could you imagine life without them? One look into those eyes and your heart is lost forever. Life is also better with Exclusively Setters, where we get to share them (and so much more!) with each other.

That being the case, i would like to recognise this by proposing to the community that we adopt this as our Exclusively Setter motto. Let us celebrate something for a change.

Er, can i have a seconder?

My sincerest regards,


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It does Dianne, i dont know who is most eager for the walks when the snow is here, they are fun (",)

fully agree with you James - Life is better with a setter!!!

A slightly different slant. ...
Life is better with a DOG, a setter makes it interesting.

Absolutely John, I just tried to come up with something with more ryhme and personal meaning for us here on ES, thats all!

Know what you mean James, my smiley didn't post,nice to have a fun discussion. We all know that setters are best.

The more Setters, the better! Hehe

Hi James,

I agree and will second this motion as living with a Red is interesting, challenging, lively with never a dull moment as they greet each day with renewed joyous vigor and energy.

Regards and Wuf- Woof

Keady & Colm




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