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As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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more good news from Switzerland:

CLEAR - Glory Field´s great Glen (Muineacan Now or Never x Garden Star´s Kathleen O'Irish)


his actual litter with "Our Only Orla vom Franzosenkeller" ´(clear) is hereditary clear!

we are really happy!


Being cynical, I would imagine the delay in the KC publishing results on the internet could be due to their need to publish things in the Kennel Gazette first. If the Kennel Gazette does not have information first there would be no need for anyone to subscribe to it!!!!

Results from McBirdy in Belgium:

FRISBEE OF MCBIRDY (Sumaric Shadow of Mr. Jingles x Cheyenn of McBirdy):   CARRIER
KEANN OF MCBIRDY    (Thendara Frozen Asset x Frisbee of McBirdy)             :   CARRIER

We are waiting result for Idgie of McBirdy

Very glad to hear from Pat Rutherford in the States that Pure Geniuse by Clonageera (Jason) and Kenerin Rockmyworld (Caelen) have tested clear. Jason's result means that our Troy ( Am. Ch. Witchbrooke Cassini) has hereditary clear status.

Deaconara Danse De Bleu Avec Dotcomsetter : CLEAR

I'm very pleased to see the results from Liz Rose-Hay. It means my Cataluna Doc Holliday via Trunorth is hereditarily CLEAR. Although I have no intention of using him at stud, it's good to know these sort of details of his health status.


Dawn R.

In the UK we have probably the best KC in the world, I don’t think there is another that offers more openly available data which enables breeders to breed in an informed way. By taking the Breed Record Supplement you are able to view every registered dog in every breed, their breeding and breeding record and all of their health records, by visiting the KC library, you can trace a pedigree back to the time of the creation of the Kennel Club. We are so fortunate!


Much is being written to condemn the Kennel Club and AHT for their delay in publishing the results of the DNA tests for PRArcd4, in my opinion unjustifiably. Results for numerous tests in many different breeds are published each month to an agreed proven procedure.  The AHT delay sending the results of DNA tests to the KC in order that before publication, they ensure that the owner of the dog has received their results and that the owners have the time and opportunity to inform the breeder, the stud dog owner and perhaps those who have had stock from them, but most importantly, for any of these to have the time to challenge the result.


When the CLAD test was first introduced it was the Swedish test that was adopted by the AHT, subsequently it was found that the test was what the AHT termed ‘not robust’ as some incorrect results were found, an owner of one tested dog which was said to be a carrier, challenged the result as both parents were tested clear, so alarm bells started ringing. The AHT developed their own test and to their credit, used it to retest all the previously tested dogs, the result was that a number of dogs had their results revised.  So there is good reason to be patient, the waiting period is for a reason.


I realise that the South of England publishing results ahead of their official release has been found attractive to many of you, however it should be appreciated that, the results for all UK registered dogs are published by the KC regardless of this list existing or their owners wishes i.e. they can’t opt out, if you take the test, the result is published. There is no incompetence on the part of the AHT or the KC, they have correctly followed procedure. It could however be said there is an irresponsibility on the part of the South of England Club. Seeing this desperate urgency to see the results now, my own thoughts are, the S of E list has perhaps turned the whole process into a circus.


The purpose of the test is to enable breeders to produce litters that will have no affected cases, there is now no justification for producing them. So the first priority if you intend to breed is to know the status of your dog or bitch. Selecting a mate should surely be about the skill of assessing all aspects of health, type, temperament and conformation and choosing the best match, if the first choice is not possible because you will produce affected offspring, then there is a second or third or fourth choice.  I had much respect for Lynn Muir who with a bitch in season and a stud dog chosen, on getting her results, found herself unable to proceed with the intended mating and said she would wait for the bitches next season. That is a stock person, she did not look down the list of clear dog and say ‘that one will do’, perhaps some of you would have done this and is why so much importance is being put on the S of E list? If you have no intention of breeding, the only reason for testing is if you want to know if your dog might loose it’s sight.


I appreciate that overseas owners have found a place to publish their results, their own KC’s are probably not interested, and maybe this is a good option for them, but most countries have a national breed club, perhaps as members of these clubs you should suggest and put pressure on them to keep records? The Dutch club is already doing so,  http://www.iersesetterclub.nl/ Incidentally, if you have a UK KC ATC number or UK registration number, the UK KC will published your results if you email or send your official certificate to gary.johnson@thekennelclub.org.uk

Thank you for setting the record clear on the procedure the AHT and the KC have to follow when it comes to publication fo the tests. I for one do not critcize the KC or the AHT as I feel they are doing a great job!


I find it a real pity that the efforts of the S of E Irish Setter club are being criticised though. The names on their list are being published on the request of the dogs' owners - and only when a copy of the result is also posted. 

It is the only list open for dogs from all countries including the UK and I find that extremely valuable. Are you saying don't test unless you want to breed? Surely the more dogs that are tested the more we will know about the state of the breed as a whole?

Well said Susan. Personally I think it is important to test as many dogs as possible, not just those in the breeding program, as it helps to map this problem through the breed. However, I do appreciate that if you own a lot of dogs then it is obviously very expensive to do so. As many of you will be aware from the SEISC list, I have had Geordie tested, despite the fact that he will never be used for breeding. I did this because I wanted to know for my own peace of mind if he was going to be affected by this. I have always believed that if the KC and AHT can offer a test for the health of our breed, then we should be making FULL use of it. If we only ever test breeding stock then we are not getting a true indicator of the state of this problem in our breed.

well said mel  this latter of your post has been a worry to me for a while now.

it could easily have happened to us if laylas problem hadnt been noticed .because we were going to breed with her (via her own breeder may i say ) .. some 5 years on we now know she is affected with the rcd4 pra. we are so pleased we got to know way back then as it could have caused a lot more heartache knowing we may  have bred  affected dogs at least carriers

Rosie, I've forwarded all the "guff" on PRA-rcd4 to our SISC for the Newsletter - nothing doing there.  Our NZKC isn't interested unless one joins their ABS.  I personally feel utterly disgusted with these "non-reactions".

So the SEISC site will be the only place that us non-UK/Continent people can list our test results (when they come through).

I think the KC have become much more aware of the need to provide a data base online for all registered dogs and the results of health testing, which is great for all of us who breed in the UK. But for some time before our KC started on this, I  thought the Finnish Kennel Club was the best example of a Kennel Club putting all its data online, for registrations, pedigrees, health testing, show and field trial results. Norway and Sweden have been  pretty good too,  I use all the Scandinavian databases regularly for my breed. And the Finnish database is so easy to access and use, with the possibility of linking related dogs through their online pedigrees - so much easier to trace where problems are coming from. Something our KC could  do too.

I wish the Irish Kennel Club would get on with keeping records of health testing, putting the info on registration documents, and publishing the data online. I know some breeders in Ireland have been asking for this for several years, and promises were made, but still nothing seems to be happening. I hear people saying in the UK that Irish breeders still dont test for anything , which is far from the truth, the problem is that testing is being done on Irish dogs  but the results of testing are not available online.




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