Exclusively Setters

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As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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I'm sorry to hear your news, Jean & Noella. I know you as breeders will have to find your way.


At this stage the question goes through my mind of how do we as breeders of affected stock deal with the question about possible brothers & sisters also being affected? At the moment we have been concentrating on how this will affect our breeding stock and have not spoken much about how best to deal with this next question. We are  responsible for the pups we have bred. When a breeder knows of the risk of having bred 'affecteds' do they send all puppy owners the relevant information and ask for them all to be tested? Even though an 'affected' according to DNA test may never actually become blind during the majority of their life. Personally I think I would try to pass on all the information I have and leave it to the owners to decide if they wish to test or not. How are other breeders dealing with this situation?

I agree Susan, to let puppy owners know of test results! I am still awaiting Cara's results as she had a litter last January'10 and I believe the Stud dog is being tested also. And then I shall get Rua tested! I need to know status of all pups(thankfully not too many Clannruas out there)
I think if I was just a pet owner I would like to be armed with the knowledge, rather than be shocked if and when a dog of mine went blind, and putting it through endless testing by vets to find out why, especially if it happens at a rather young age!! In this case the information would be very valuable!! Also the pet owners would know that it is only a possibility that a dog might go blind! Not a certainty!!
So very sorry Jean, I really hope your super beautiful girl will not get any sight problem though :-(
Really sorry to hear that Jean ... hope she stays the same special girl without any sight problems for long.
I can imagine how you feel,  also been waiting impatiently for the result of my Desperado:(
I had a bit more luck as you, so sorry Jean :(
so sorry jean and noella to hear your sad news about idgie .
I would like to know if someone knows something about PRA rcd4 and IRWS ? I'm very stressed about the future results for my reds and now I'm asking if I have to stress for the R&W too ???
Just found out today that there wasnt enough DNA in Cara's sample, so we need to do it again and wait for another 3 or 4 weeks for her results!!! Nail biting times!!
rcd4 hasnt yet been found in IRWS, although another form of LOPRA has been found in IRWS, as yet the gene for that hasnt identified. On the other hand , a working red Irish Setter who is closely related to some red and whites and whose ancestry goes back to some of the same Moanruad reds, has been found to be a carrier for rcd4. So I wouldnt rule out the possibility that some IRWS may carry rcd4. I have been considering having mine tested for rcd4 before breeding, just as a precaution
where is his link with IRWS, I don't have his pedigree...
The Irish Red Setter to IRWS link is through Moanruad Brendan, whelped in 1976, - who incidentally was the link for CLAD too




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