Exclusively Setters

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I've used this before with horses, but never thought about dogs.  At ringcraft the other day it was suggested I use it with Bess as she gets so overexcited in the ring.  (Actually, she may have meant for me as well as it's my nervousness as I'm new to showing that isn't helping calm Bess down! :0) )

So you do think it's a good idea to give some to Bess, and if so, how much?

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Hi Trish..this is a subject very close to my heart...I have been using Dr.Bachs remedies for some time now....I am also lucky enough to have a close friend who is a practitioner and who has been teaching me....Rescue remedy is a good starting block but there are many many other ones you could try..if it just excitment you could try vervain which would help to calm down...the dose is the same for all...add 2drops to 30ml bottle of water (bottled water is best) then its just 4 drops by 4 times aday can put in their food or water on straight into the mouth...there is no fear of overdosing or giving the wrong remedy it would just past straight through their body without effect....It does work but like all natural things it takes a bit longer...I hear a lot of people say oh they dont work but may be its because they are giving the wrong one or just dont give it time.....Rescue would be great for you to help calm your nerves....you could put into a bottle of water and just keep sipping..or straight from bottle on to tongue if urgent...As Sue says herbs are also great but try before you show as Valerian acts as a sedative....good luck

Well, I didn't use it on Bess, but I took some myself and it seemed to help me! :0). Thanks for the tips. Will look into it.




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