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My poor 'little' red pooches...Coming from Australia, they now suffer from sore paws due to snow and salt on the streets.


Who has some cold wheater tips for me? E. g. do your setters wear coats when it's really freezing? What do you do for paw care?


In general, Anton and Gina love the Germany weahter. They love the snow.

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Salt is a problem and best avoided. If you can't avoid the salt, wash the paws after each walk. 

In this extreme cold to avoid ice forming between the paws mine are wearing old socks as booties, tightly taped just above the paw. If I'm lucky 50% of hte booties come back from the walk... 

Exactly... that is why mine only wear old socks;-)) Ruffwear booties don't work on fast running setters...

Oh Susan, that made me laugh out loud!!! hahahah!!

I'm sorry, Christine, I must have moved the photo down the line whilst you were writing your comment... but pleased we made your day:-))

Have you tried them, Rosie?

I got them for a friend who dose not have a computer. I've checked with her and she said they do stay on and are waterproof, the only problem she has had is the dogs nails puncturing the boots. I thought you could reinforce the inside of the boot with some self adhesive tape where the nails come into contact with the boot. My friend is going to try it out.

I think they are worth a try.

I live in Calgary Alberta and the weather can be extreme. You are correct in thinking that our red dogs have trouble with their paws in the cold and snow. When we are in the cold anything exposed to the elements will freeze: paws, ears, nose, eyes.

Therefore, I shorten the outing, dress the dog accordingly. I have bought heavy coats, or even sewed one from a pattern from wool, polartech fleece, rainwear fabric to keep the moisture away.    

I put boots on my boy every time he has to go out to do serious business. I also teach him that it is cold outside and it is dangerous to play out there. Finally after 4 years of hearing this lecture he does understand. Bailey did not even ask to go outside to play this year - somehow he understood why it was dangerous to be out there for as long as he would typically like to. 

I also spoil him a little. When he gathers snow balls in his paws I dip them in a warm pail of water when he is finished outside. He likes that, other wise he will chew them out. Its not dangerous for him to chew them but he likes the special nurturing. 

When it is warmer out these red people really like to romp in the snow, taking bites of the snow as they run. You can find any clothing for the season in most pet stores or even stores like Walmart. I hope this helps. 




Glen's socks... ;o))

I use this products and it's fantastic http://www.countryhounds.ie/Product.aspx?ProductID=101&Category...

The wax stops the paws from snowballing and it protects the pads against saltburn 

Love Glen's socks;o)

ha ha!! great and elegant in her socks :)




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