Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

 ES is not an unfriendly site towards experienced breeders/exhibitors. Members have respect for all people associated with our lovely breed. Judging by the forum posts that are now left it shows not only a thirst for knowledge of our breed but more importantly our dogs that we own or come into contact with. We all seem to be willing to share any experience that might help others on this site. There are ongoing challenges within the setter breeds and people find about them from many sources including ES. Open sources that allow anyone to view the information on offer.

ES is not just about showing/breeding. animal husbandry, training and sharing of research information. It is about the lives we live with our wonderful setters and the joy of sharing those moments. It is sharing the trials and tribulations of owning a setter and asking for advice. Open and kindly meant advice is not judged. Experts and newbie’s advice is all welcomed.

Gene watches over the technical integrity of this site with patience and common sense. A medal is deserved.  "Hot topics" can have our own views and agree to differ on points without any nastiness it just takes commitment of the member involved.  If you would add some more positives about ES I for one would love to read them.

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Maybe we need to have more pet Setter contritubions :-D  Another thing two of mine are doing is competition obedience.  All three of mine have their good citizens gold awards, so I have decided to take it further. I found competition obedience very faffy at first.Very. Didn't enjoy it at all, but DaisyMae really took off with it and has shown that she is able to work like a collie but without all the manic stuff, so I have stuck with it.  Daisy is going into the ring this spring and is expected to win all her classes, Talk about putting a lot of pressure straight onto me lol.  Now I know more about this sport, I have started Barkley with it too and he is really starting to surprise me.  I don't think he has quite the motivation that DaisyMae has, but as long  as he enjoys it then we will continue on with it. Daisy enjoys it so much that she asks to practice when we are on walks. Its a bit difficult at the moment, because with all the melting snow and rain on top the ground is almost floating away and is unworkable on.  Never mind dogs surely things will dry out again before too long and we will be able to enjoy some activities together again - one way or another :-D

Sounds like a great challenge Fran;o) I have considered trying obedience with Abbey,so I might give it a try as she is quite tuned into me;o) Fia also very tuned in and clever!! Maybe her too;o))

Yes Fia :-D  She is gorgeous.  When I come over to get my future puppy, you will have to lock her away lol

The grass here on ES tastes just sweet & fine to me too, Rhonda, and i second your post wholeheartedly.

They would be lovely memories to treasure Fran :)

Hi guy``s, I have posted on this again as in the last week a lot has been discussed. This may not my place but would like to add that new members have come at a time when members have been on their guard against returning members that had been removed. I am not singling you out Mr Thomas but you were very unlucky with your timing the fact that you were obviously asking for someone else ( many members recognised the threads )

together with the fact your title may have been better as Tommy and Jenny, and maybe open your page with some lovely photo`s of you pack. Your next unlucky situation was that another new member arrived also living in the same two places this was Mrs, Konowas`s, he has now been removed ( not as clever as he thought in the name KON ON NOW ASS ) I am sorry you never got the welcome that you should have, so wecome to ES from me I shall send you a friend request and be very pleased if you accept.

Yes apart from this the grass is very sweet.  <;0)




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