The boys turn 13y/o.

I haven't been here in a really long time but just wanted to share that Keba and Rooker turned 13 yesterday. I am so blessed to still have them both but will say that 2 senior dogs is rather trying at times - emotionally, physically and financially. They each have their ( ha, me too ) share of issues and we take every day as it comes. I wish I could share a recent photo but I ditched the cell phone 4 years ago. We have some old blog posts up if you care to take a peek.

So from Keba and Rooker and myself, lots of hugs and treats to our feathered friends that bring us so much joy in a trying world.

Best to all


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    rob winemaker

    Here we go.

    Rooker on the left. Keba on the right. The little boy in the center is their little buddy Boomer. Known as 'the Booms'. He is the craziest - sweetest little buddy. Don't let him know you have a ball.

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    Christine Raymo

    This is late but I wanted to send birthday wishes to Keba and Rooker! I do understand the challenges of senior dogs only too well. Right now I have 5 girls; Annie, 12 (she isn't pure Irish but thinks she is); Whimsy, 7.5; Gwynnie, 7; Emma, 2; and Phoenix, 5 months. I lost my Golden Retriever, Baie-Leigh, shortly before she turned 13 last year. 

    Here is wishing them, and you, many more years of healthy living! :)