Raw Feeding

A place for people who already feed or are interested in feeding BARF / RAW food to their pets. A place to share tips, advice, information, suppliers etc

  • Teresa Jones

    What do you think about marrow bones I give Murfee these when i go out as i don't use kongs some people say bad for their teeth but i don't want to leave him with nothing at all.  Did so 2day as I'd run out and he ripped up the local newspaper when it came thru the door - has never done this before don't really want to leave him unsupervised with any other bones what do u think?

  • Charlotte Beeney

    Could people possibly post their exact meal plans with meats/veggies and the amounts and days? Sorry to be such a nuisance but it makes a lot more sense to me when I can go by what someone else does!

    Also, does anyone fast for a day?

  • Rita Wilson

    Yes they can damage teeth especially if you have an aggressive chewer. If your dog isn't an aggressive chewer then they'll do fine on marrow bones. These recreational bones though provide physical and mental stimulation, and also provide significant dental benefits. If feeding marrow bones, scoop the majority of the marrow out of the bone as it's fatty and rich and could cause stomach upset.

    For aggressive chewers knuckle bones are better. 

  • Rita Wilson

    I meant to say never leave a dog unsupervised with bones. Have you tried kong toys? 

  • Rita Wilson

    Charlotte I added our meal plan in a discussion