Renata Berlińska

, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
3: JAGER-JACHT Rude Ziółko, his half-brother OHAR Rude Ziółko and Jager's daughter Lohmann's OTTER-FOKKA
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
from about 20 years
About Me:
I'm trying to prove that working setters can be pretty and that pretty setters can be working setters. Now I'm also trying to prove that I'm able to combine training a setter with bringing up two childs.

Comment Wall:

  • Dušan Rauški

    Welcome Renata
    That's a lot of proving - good luck, hope you will succeed.
    Very nice pictures!!!
  • Laura Kolbach

    Welcome here, enjoy this site!
    Laura and the girls
  • Marta Magi

    Welcome to the site!!!
    I like all your hunting photos. You must spend lots of time to teach your dogs. And it looks they enjoy it very much!
    Marta & Sarah :-)
  • Susan Stone

    Welcome here!
    ... and you will proove it, I can tell!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Renata, welcome to the site, love the pictures, Dee and the girls
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Renata,
    I've have heard a lot of good things from you and your dogs. Nice to see another irish fan who's aim is to prove that show line dogs can also work. Good luck!
    Petra (from Hungary)
  • Cecilia GUIOT

    So great to see a beautiful dog bringing a beautiful dog in his mouth....
    I'm also trying to prove that Irish setter can be beautiful and good ...

    Best regards ,

  • Renata Berlińska

    Many thanks to everybody for a warm welcome!
  • Christiane Lohmann

    Hey, I am getting old ! Did not get it that you are here...
    WELCOME ON BOARD and - we will have to meet soon. Check your e-mail and tell Ohar;-))))

    Regrads to the redheads, daddy and Janka
    yours sincerely Christiane
  • Marta Galuszka

    Cześć Renata!
    Nie widziałam cię chyba wieki;)
    Fajnie że do nas dołączyłaś:)
    Gratuluje ślicznego maluszka:)
  • Marta Galuszka

    Dziekuję za pozdrowienia dla Grety i maluchów ale aniołkami to na pewno one nie są;)
    Gratulcje wyników na FT...tez bym tak chciała:)
    Buziaki dla malucha:)
  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    że też wcześniej nie zauważyłam tu naszej hodowczyni...
    Pozdrawiamy serdecznie
    Agnieszka i Hawanka
  • James Martin's

    Hi Renata,
    My father’s always hunted with Irish Setters.
    He think that the Irish setter are more persistent and with an active personality, but they learn more quickly along more time.
    Congratulations for the results.
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Renata,
    Thanks for the invitation, it would be very interesting to partecipate on Polish trials, but I decided to enter Andy only one more time here in Hungary at the Saint Hubert with one of my hunter friends and then retire him from trials. He will be 8 in January and he earned to enjoy the rest of his life as a hunting dog:). Maybe with my next dog - till then I try to save some money for it:)
    Bye, Petra
  • Petra Kasznár

    Are you doing your judge exam that you will assist judges on these trials or is it something else? I thought there were much more working Irishes in Poland than in Hungary. Why do you think people prefer other breeds to hunt and trial with in Poland?
    Bye, Petra
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Renata,
    First of all I'm wishing you good luck to complete the judge exam!
    The reason why Irishes are not so popular in Hungary is numerous. First, the same as in Poland we have no breeders who select for hunting, then, we have the very popular breed the Hungarian Vizsla which is widely spread and they prefer use them or the German Shorthaired Pointer because of the short hair (Hungary is full burrs). Hungarian Vizslas are said to be easier to handle and they are more likely to hunt to satisfy their owner and not for their own satisfaction. Their search range is narrower, said to be search the shotgun distance. This is pretended because here in Hungary pheasant and hare huntings are organised for all the hunting society once per week in the season (from 20 to 40 guns at the same time in a line). You can immagine that there is no need for dogs who search wider then 20 mts! It is quite hard to keep a setter in this distance when it wants to explore the whole area:) But to tell you the truth these HVs are mostly not well trained hunting dogs but just dogs. (Don't misunderstand me, there are several HV owners who train their dogs, but this is a minority in respect to the whole breed).This is why last year every time a pheasant or a hare was lost or wounded the battle was stopped and I was called there with Andy to search for the lost game!
    So my aim is to prove that Irish Setters are very good hunters and can be also used for versatile work! But they are not for everyone, not for stupid killers, Irish Setters have to be earned!
    I read that your Jager had a car accident, what kind of injury did he suffer and what are his symptoms now?
    Bye, Petra
  • Petra Kasznár

    Dear Renata,
    Here hunters do think that they buy or get a dog with or even without pedigree and it has to work!!!!!
    I'm really very sorry about Jager's legs!!! He is surely said about not being able to go on long shootings! Do vets say that they can improve the situation with another operation? How did the accident happen? Do you live in a flat or a house? In the city or somewhere outside? Where can you train your dogs?
    Sorry for the huge amount of questions, but I have a curious personality.
    Bye, Petra
  • Petra Kasznár

    Hi Renata,
    thanks for the comment, it would be really good to see you and fokka next year here at Hortobágy Cup or Saint Hubert, or both! Waiting for your report about int. autumn trial.
  • Laura Kolbach

    some more days and it will be online! still LOTS to do, i have to write texts and look for photos into the gallery but hey, that's normal, so I will put it online :-)
  • Susan Stone

    Many thanks Renata - love your website by the way!
    Have fun with Fokka!
  • Michaela

    Hello Renata
    Yes I will come to Nowa Ruda in December if nothing happens against it. I'm very nervous because it's my very first dog show ever! The 2 days before we are going on duck hunting with both Red's - so I think they are not so dressed like show-dogs ;-) Are you coming too to Nowa Ruda? I would be very glad to meet you there if you are coming.
    You can use Chili's pictures if you want - i have nothing against it - it's a pleasure for me.
    Best regards from Michaela
  • Michaela

    What a shame that you could not come to Nowa Ruda, but on the other side I can understand your reasons. Maybe we meet us another time - I hope ;-) Thanks very much for the judging plan! Chili can not start in working class because I forgot to order the certificate for the working class. For Chili and me Nowa Ruda ist just a test - for Milan it is more important.
    Best greetings to you from Michaela
  • Ewa

    Również dzięki za pochwały. Nasze zdjęcia w większości są robione obiektywem 500 mm (bardzo ciężkim), który został zakupiony do fotografowania ptaków. Dlatego mamy wiele zdjęć w ruchu, robionych z daleka. Takie zdjęcia najbardziej lubimy.
    Wczoraj byliśmy w Nowej Rudzie. Otrzymaliśmy CWC i najlepszego psa w rasie. Postaram się dzisiaj umieścić zdjęcia. Poznaliśmy Milana i Chili. Wspaniałe setery. Ich Pani również bardzo sympatyczna.
  • Michaela

    Hello Renata,
    It's a very interesting story about the marriage of Breza and Wisper - thanks for sharing it. I was positivly surprised when I find Palisander on Excl.Setters. and saw his pedigree. I will keep my eyes on him - hope he has more possibilities to show his hunting skills.
    Best greetings from Michaela
  • Ewa

    Zdrowych, szczęśliwych Świąt oraz wszystkiego co najlepsze w Nowym Roku życzą
    Ewa I Jonaszek
  • Dee Rance

    Saffy (when she is eating) she will steal anything from rite under your nose. She will lift your arm out of the way so that she can steal whatever it is on the side that SHE wants.
    Jas on the other hand will only steal if I am not in the house, and then everything is shifted from the kitchen to the middle of the living room floor, all paper torn up, and everything edible chewed on and spat out, on the rug.
    Saffy takes all her 'finds' into her cage, it's even more difficult to get out of there.
    You are so luck if this is a rare occurrence with your dogs.
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Ewa

    Ciekawe czyje to te łapki na klawiaturze.
    Dzięki za wsparcie psychiczne w ciężkiej, ale bardzo sympatycznej pracy z aportem.
  • Petra Kasznár

    It's quite a hard period, but keep smiling:)
    Any news about Hanah?
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Thank you, they look only elegant, in real life they are two clowns ;-))
    Greetings from Austria
  • ursula wilby

    Pleased to be your friend renata! And YES please...ill stand on the shore waiting for those sausages...I only live 5 minutes away from where the polish ferry lands :-)
  • Christiane Lohmann

    Hi Renata ! Check this You'll find not only two IRWS, but also Lohmann's Odwaga, who is just spending some training days in Andalusia with a french trainer. Why are we not that lucky ?;-))) Sitting around here and looking at snow, that melts slowly and gives lots of dirt and mud and and and...Can't wait for spring.
  • Drago and Beata

    Serdecznie pozdrawiamy. Drago i Beata
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Hi Renata so sad you lost a partridge paradise. Good luck finding a passport to another paradise. If not you no doubt have happy memories! Keep up the good work for working Irish setters - maybe they find lost paradises for you:-)
  • Petra Kasznár

    Oh, my God, Renata! I'm sorry for Janka. I hope she will not loose her passion for dog trials!:)
  • Agnieszka Rola

    no muszę przyznać, że to powiększenie rodziny zabrzmiało bardzo intrygująco :)
    czyżby kolejny potomek w drodze? :)
  • Agnieszka Rola

    to gratulacje!!! :))) życzę spokojnego i "lekkiego" rozwiązania :)
    pozdrowienia dla całej rodzinki!