Astrid Landsaat



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Ginger was our first setter. Now I am the proud owner of Pallas Green Kells and Pallas Green Gina.
About Me:

my name is Astrid and I am the proud owner of two Irish setters. My first setter was Ginger Obvious Red and she was born on may the 29th 2002. Unfortunately, Ginger was not a healthy dog, she was an epileptic and had MO.
She passed away on the 24th of july 2010. Her memoriam is on:

Since may 15th 2011 we are the proud owners of Pallas Green Kells. Kells was born on November 26th 2009 and she is a working setter. After Ginger I made the decision that I never wanted a setter from show lines again. We are very happy that we could have Kells. She is the joy of my life!

Since 29-7-2012 we have two Irish in the house. Kells her mother will live with us and enjoy her retirement.

In October 2012 my kennel name was registered. The goal of the Ceanannas kennel is to breed healthy Irish that are capable to work.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Susan Stone

  • Rieky van Hal

    hallo astrid
    het is intersant te weten wie is de vader en moeder van ginger.
  • Gene

    Hi Astrid - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too! I love the great photo you shared.
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you so much for the lovely card, I am not clever enough to do that kind of thing so will just wish you a happy Christmas and a winning New Year...
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Garrech and Canagan

    Hello and thank you for your message. I'm afraid not all Irish Setter Breeders in the UK would agree with you. I've been accused of dramatising the issue, distorting the truth and so on.
    I'm not a breeder just a lover of IS and with the two as we speak. Some breed lines seem to have a higher incidence of bloat than others. I wouldn't want to wish anyone to suffer as we (the pup, myself and wife) are at this moment and anything I can do to raise public awareness about the problem is fair game. I'm hoping that in January the pup's profile and story will be discussed further.
    Best Wishes and a Happy Christmas to you
  • Nicole Wilson

    A very merry christmas to you too and all the best for a healthy and happy new year!
    With my best wishes from snowy Scotland,
    Nicole, Busby & Percy
  • Phil du Plessis

    'n Baie geseende Kersfees vir julle!!! Groetnis uit Knysna. Ari en Phil
  • Garrech and Canagan

    What a lovely picture!!

    Thank you for your wishes Have a good day and a Happy New Year

  • Susan Stone

    Have just seen your extended pedigree... Corriebran Macavity was owned by Ursula Müller here in Switzerland and I have the information from her that he suffered epi and was pts. She told the breeders who had used him before the condition was known about the fact. Some took note, others did not. He had sired a litter with epi in Switzerland before he was affected himself.
  • Susan Stone

    I'm sorry about that. I was not aware that the line was continued into present day. I know that the breeder who had the litter sired by him in Switzerland did not continue.
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks for the b-day gift!
    wish you a happy and healthy new year!
  • Louise Perry

    Thank you Astrid, glad to be here.
  • Laura Kolbach

    thanks Astrid! check out her collar, we received it from the Orijen people. it says Orijen Red on it, you can see it on one of the pics. :-)
  • Susan Mogony

    Dank je wel!!
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you Astrid for your kind words on the loss of dear Shannon. We miss her, but we are terribly grateful for the many years she shared with us.
    best regards
  • Kristina Netterwall

    Hallo Astrid!
    Hope you all are well this winter.
    Now we long for spring with flowers in the garden.
    I like to listen to the birds.
    Greetings from Sweden
    Give Ginger a hug from us
    Kristina, Malva and Iris
  • Ann-Charlott Mattisson

    Thank you för your nice card.
  • Marion Kroes

    Hallo Astrid,
    Dank je voor je email. Het is nog wel wat vreemd maar alles went. Ik kwam toevallig op de site terecht door de site van Henk ten Klooster.
    Ik stuur je een uitgebreider mailtje als ik iets meer tijd heb.
    Groetjes, Marion
  • Michelle Webster

    Dear Auntie Astrid and my Girl Friend Ginger,

    "WOOF, WOOF, WOOF, WOOF"!!!!

    Geordie says thank you so much for his Birthday wishes, he has had a lovely day and is going to have a special treat added to his tea!! He carried his Birthday card very proudly to his Nana, so that she could open it for him and then he REALLY enjoyed himself by ripping up the envelope into very small pieces and scatteriing them all over the room!!!!

    Many thanks Astrid, it is very kind of you to remember. I hope that you are both well. Geordie has now got to 4 weeks, so fingers crossed that it lasts.

    Best wishes,
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Thank you Astrid! I'm glad that you like my pictures:) My dog is my favorite for a place where you made the photos :):)
  • Louise Perry

    Thank you, I have had a lovely birthday and am sat drinking bubbly now !!! X
  • Marion Kroes

    Dank je wel, Astrid, heel lief van je.
    Liefs Marion
  • Michelle Webster

    Wishing Ginger a very Happy Birthday today. Have a wonderful time.
    Love from Auntie Michelle & Wags, licks and woofs from Geordie
    x x x x x x
  • Phil du Plessis

    Liewe Ginger, Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag vandag!!! Ek stuur vir jou 'n groot been!!!!Hondeliefde van Ari en Phil
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi Astrid,

    Ginger looks very well in her photos, hope she is doing fine. We are ok and Geordie has now managed nearly 16 weeks! Long may it last!!
    Best wishes,
  • Peter Hennig

    Dear Astrid
    thankyou for your kind words Morgan had a tumor on his liver there was no sign he was ill .
    I felt a lump a few weeks ago the vet said it was better if he didn't wake up . you could not tell he was ill by the way he bounded around everywhere,its a huge shock
  • Bertina Cobbenhaegen

    Hoi Astrid,

    Bedankt voor de felicitaties.


  • Susan Mogony

    Gefeliciteerd Astrid!!
  • Laura Kolbach

    i am sooo sorry Astrid :-(
  • Danica Morarova

    I'm sorry Astrid.:((
  • Kristina Netterwall

    I´m so sorry Astrid, I have no words...
  • Michelle Webster

    In Memory of Ginger
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Dank je wel Astrid. Ja, het is heel moeilijk. Ik zie nu dat jij ook pas je lieve hond verloren hebt.... Wat zal het leeg zijn in huis. Ik weet hoe je je voelt en wens jou ook heel erg veel sterkte toe met het verwerken van dit verlies...
    Groetjes van Marjolein
  • Henk ten Klooster

    Sorry Astrid dat ik je niet geschreven heb over Ginger, ik lees het nu pas. Terwijl de reden dat ik even op deze site zit, juist jouw attentheid is! Ik probeer het goed te maken via je prive e-mail! Tot zo, Henk.
  • Laura Kolbach

    wish more people would be enlightened about food things...
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Astrid, thank you very much for your birthday wishes :-) Hope you are well!
    Lots of sunny greetings from Scotland,
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Astrid,
    I am so sorry that not more people answered Luc's question....the problem is that he did not write it in English....I don't speak whatever language it is, in but being a linguist, I sort of guess what he had written.....I wonder if we could alert people in Belgium about this dog.......
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hello Astrid,
    I was reading your comment on the Skinny Irish Setter won't eat blog, and was distracted by the story of your dog. I had to see Ginger and know more about her. So I went to your page and was so sorry to read that she is no more, so very sorry. No doubt she was a very special companion and also very lucky to have you.
    I also lost my first setter a couple of months ago, and still cannot surface from my grief. Luckily we have so many great memories to help us.. and even if time is a great healer, time can be so slow in some occasion.
    I really like your approach and comments on the blog, we are never careful enough with food, and without mentioning cliche (but so true) such as food can cure or kill, and avoiding real stories where put down stray animals are being used in the making of animals food without taking into account that the drug to kill them is still in their systems, I thank you very much for raising once again the utmost relevance at carefully checking the type of food we give to our pets.
    Many thanks Astrid for all your input, and really hope that soon you will give another Irish Setter a great home, an IS who will be so lucky to have a Mum like you.
    Warm regards
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Astrid it is my great pleasure to have you as my ES friend. I definitively like your comments and views. I can learn so much with you, and what could be a better present than helping me caring more of my beloved IS!!!!!
  • Leen

    Hoi Astrid, het is inderdaad een tijdje geleden; ben erg druk bezig geweest de laatste maanden. Ik woon nu in Canada bij m'n nieuwe man.
    Het doet me verdriet te vernemen dat Ginger er niet meer is.
    Mijn PC met het stambomenprogramma is gecrasht en ben alle gegevens kwijt ,,, mss kan m'n neef het nog recuperen ,,, anders ,,,pech.
    Ik hou me er ook niet zoveel meer mee bezig ,,, het was uiteindelijk praten tegen dovemansoren. Maar nu ik terug meer tijd heb zal ik m'n woordje zo nu en dan nog es plaatsen;
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Red Ribbon
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Astrid, thank you for your comment on my photos! We live in a very beautiful part of the world, that's ideal for setters! David
  • Robert Krajnc

    Hi Astrid! I am so sorry for Ginger. I know how you feel. Last year I have lost my first setter Shan (13 years). I hope that you soon find new puppy setter. This is according to my experiences the best cure for your loss.
    I have one question: do you know any sites about epilepsy in english. It seems that one of the puppies from our litter (brother of Allegro) has some signs of epilepsy. So for the owner it would be good to read more about this.
    Best regards! Robert
  • Robert Krajnc

    Thanks Astrid for helpful links. I will forwarded to the owner of Allegros brothers. Regarding the life without setter: if you have conditions I can not imagine a life without them. It is empty. At least by me was so for a month and a half till I have got new puppy. They are full of joy and make you life better!
    Did you see my videos (there are 20 of them)
    Best Regards! Robert
  • Robert Krajnc

    Hi Astrid. I have read Ginger memorial page. I understand you now. You did what you can do, everything else is in some other hands.

    Best regards, Robert
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you Astrid, I am with you whole heartedly Jas is doing really well so far, so fingers crossed for the next few months. Thanks for your thoughts we are really greatful....Dee and the gang...;o))
  • ereni

    I´ve read your blogs about Ginger.Now more carefuly than before.
    ALmost the same story like mine with Gordon(2000-2008:terrible HD+ other serious illnessess).
    Too much pain, lots of love and happy times altogether.
    My new pup I found in your country.I love her and like Holland more than before:)
    Reni and Isis
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Astrid, for nice words about my yellow blog;)
    I met deers many times this year, in the evenings - without camera. And once on Sunday at midday, I have few very long distance shots;) Beautiful animals;)
  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your comment, Astrid - I was very lucky, sitting behind the camera, when the chrested tit came and stayed for about 10 minutes - I hope it will come back sometime. Today, we had a drama in the garden: A falcon came and got a hold of a great tit!!! Such is life!! So far, I counted 16 species in our little garden (did not yet get all of them into that camera of mine!). The forest is only a few meters away; that is surely one reason for the variety. Take care, Cornelia - Oh and: Because the chrested tit is rare, I created that watermark...

  • Cornelia

    Hi Astrid, 

    Thanks for your honest opinion about the watermark - I think it's stil better than my old one, which I never quite used - have a look here:

    I will try to make it more invisible stil. I've seen others that just go throught the middle and then have a cross like a huge X over the whole photo :-(. But with the internet these days it's understandable. Just remembered that the chrested tit likes to breed inbewtween 900 and 1900m of altitude; it is seldom in our area as well. Have a nice day, Cornelia