Marion Kroes




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
34 years
About Me:
It happened a long time ago that I fell in love with the Irish Setter. Neighbours owned a setter and a few years after we married we decided to have a dog. My husband wanted a Dobermann Pincher but I wanted a Red Irish Setter!!! Our first one was Kelly of the Chestnut Garden. When he died sudenly at the age of 10 years there was in the whole country no Irish setter puppy for sale. But Henk ten Klooster had a male setter who was brought back by his first owner. Ardagh Gordy O'Conloch was his name, he was two and a half years old and it was love at first sight!! He became almost 14 years and died in the same week as his sister Yoube. Then there was Marlland Dunquin Irish Mist, he became almost 12. And now we only have his half brother Marlland Guinness Irish Malt.

Comment Wall:

  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hallo Marion,

    welkom op E.S. !!!
  • Claire Prangle

    Welome Marion,
    Have lots of fun on this great site
    Kind regards
  • Elayne Murphy

    Hey Marion,
    Thank you for your msg. I also fell in love at first sight. Lady is my buddie I love to watch her run she is such a good natured dog. I love your photo's xxx Elayne
  • sammi pease

    Thankyou for your lovely comments on my photos Marion..!!! I hope you enjoy this's great to see so many beautiful dogs and their owners here........ .Best wishes, Sammi and the girls
  • Wilma Schellings

    Hoi Marion,

    bij ons gaat het ook prima. Ja onze vijver, ik zie Dunquin er nog inspringen. Inmiddels is hij helemaal veranderd. Hoe gaat het met jullie rentenieren? Nu zullen jullie toch wel een keer tijd hebben om richting het zuiden te komen?
    Groetjes en hopelijk tot spoedig weerzien
  • Astrid Landsaat

    Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Marion!!! sharing your B-cake with your lovely redhead?
  • Maggie Smith

    Happy Birthday Marion - have fun