David McIlveen Wright


Coleraine, Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Two, Darwin has been joined by Mac in June 2011 (I still say 2, but it's now only one, the old one passed away in May 2010)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
15 years
About Me:
I live near the beautiful north coast of Ireland, where Irish setters can have a lot of fun on the beaches or in the woods nearby.
My first setter was Agivey Grouse (aka MC, Tartuffe, Alphonse, Artur - his personality was too big for one name), a dog with FT champions in his pedigree, born in May 1996 and died May 2010. My second IS is Walshestown Darwin, born October 2004, who comes from show dog stock [one grandfather is Thendara the Tourist and the other is Thendara Incognito among Ronzaldo], and he's our wee darlin, Darwin. Our new boy is Mac aka Thendara Fascination (Sumaric Shadow of Mr Jingles x Thendara Vanilla Ice) who is as dynamic as he is gorgeous!

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  • Lucie Marečková

    You have got really beautifol photos. The landscape is so different from others... Love the sea and beaches, reefs... This summer, we were in Poland, near Gdansk. Jeesie really enjoyed the sea!
  • Monika Hoth

    hallo David, freue mich wieder was von Dir zu hören. Es war ein tolles Wochenende
    in Dänemark. Im November können die Hunde super toll laufen am Strand.
    Tanja und ich haben in Herning ausgestellt. Meine Meisi hat es zum Interchamp.
    geschafft. Damit geht es jetzt in die Babypause im Frühjahr. Das Ausstellen
    in Dänemark ist schon sehr speziell,aber auch sehr interessant.
    Ich hoffe es geht Euch allen gut . liebe Grüße Monika !!!!!
  • Monika Hoth

    Hallo David,ich bin sehr stolz ,aber auch sehr dankbar über das Glück mit meinen
    Hunden. Meine 1. IS Hündin Amy ist nur 7 Jahre geworden und sie war immer
    krank. Sie war immer 24 h mit mir und wir waren ein tolles Team. Das tut sehr weh.
    Meine Meisi soll im Januar belegt werden. Es wird mein 1.Wurf und ich bin
    schon ganz schön aufgeregt. Meine Freundin Tanja steht mir hilfreich zur Seite,
    sie züchtet erfolgreich Englisch Setter. Drück uns die Daumen und bis bald Monika
  • Lorraine Martin

    I am glad that you enjoyed my photos. I love your scenery pictures and your old setter is just adorable.



  • Laura Kolbach

    hi David, wanted to include a comment when sending the request, like "i see you are friend to some of my friends, so why not getting friends as well" - but something went wrong :-) and i managed to send it without it i believe.

    laura & the girls

  • Theresa

    I just read on your profile and recognised that your situation is similar to ours :( our second dog passed away recently and it's still weird for me to say we only have one dog. sounds so awkward. :((


    Greets x)

  • Delia Bryce

    David, thanks it will be great to look back on as he gets older! Not most polished video I have seen but its Murphy being Murphy!
  • Monika Hoth

    Hallo David,

    ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für 2011 !!!

    LG Monika

  • mahagonii

    David I thank for the commentary of greeting from Poland

    Wojciech Kryger

  • Sherry Miller

    David what wonderful pictures...feel like I took a mini vacation to Ireland..and I  love the ones of the dogs at the reservior....where your Darwin looks so unsure of getting in but ends up in the water anyway.  I wish we had places close here for Miss Molly to run free and enjoy nature...your Irish are so lucky to have that freedom.
  • Sherry Miller

    Thanks for the invite to be friends. Where was all this information and people who loved IS for all those years when I was learning the hard way just what an Irish Setter is!  Love this site...I found it after we lost our old gentleman in 08 but did not feel I should join as Alan said no more dogs!  So much information, advice from people who know Irish Setters....and also understand the funny, comical things they do!
  • Eunice Marott

    We lost our IS nearly one year ago. She was nine and I thought that was young but reading others stories it seems some members have lost theirs even earlier. She had cancer and it came on very quick and within 1 month she was gone. We were not going to get another one but there you go we now have Molly. They are not easy to get in Australia unless you know where to find them.

    I am presently between jobs and other things so am finding this site great. I am most likely spending too much time on it and not doing other things. Molly is home with me and we hardly leave her alone. Bit spoilt. When I do go out she either comes or stays in the house with the back door open. She is so good never destroys anything. Molly is around 14 months old now.

  • Sherry Miller

    David there is never a replacement for special memories and times we spent with our precious Irish...just a new Irish Setter waiting to share the future with us and show us more reasons we love them.  I know how lucky we are to have Molly (never thought I would talk Alan into another dog even ....let alone another Irish!) and I watched this site silently grieving for a little over a year until Molly just fell into our laps.  Long story of funny incidents led up to it but it was five years in the making...and Alan blames my Dad who passed away 5 years before Molly came home to us.

        If I lived where Chantal and you live...with all those wonderful places to walk an Irish Setter I would have a hard time not having more than two...so I understand why you are wanting another one...will be watching to enjoy puppy pictures ...the one thing I did miss not sharing with our Molly.  It's funny how they just sneak into your heart and steal it forever and ever....each one has it's special place and memories that belong strictly to the the special time in our life that they shared . Our Irish Setters until Molly have always been mine....this time Alan stole my dog!  We each have our place in her life and she knows who does what with her and who to con into doing what she wants but it is Alan she just stalks to know what he is doing all the time....loving it and have been teasing him I need an Irish lad for me.  One day the right Irish will find his way into your life and then the fun starts all over again.

  • Sherry Miller

    Just stopped by to see if you had posted anymore of your lovely pictures....love seeing them.  Hope all is well for all of you and that Darwin is keeping you busy.
  • Glory&Valery degli Angeli Rossi

    Thanks a lot for nice photos and nice worda about our lovely Brigitte.

    Was really nice to meet you there.




  • Dee Rance

    Hi there David

    Mine is the one in the corner....Wanda is handling him (and doing a great job) Fin is the one that hasn't got his tail held...I would be really grateful for more pictures...Thank you I hope that you have got some pictures of him...

    Speak soon Dee and the gang

  • dorothy park

    Hi David


    What happened to the photograph you took of Flanaghan at Crufts which you said you would email to me.  Flanaghan is owned by Fiona and you took a photo of him when I was standing him.  Email address is dorothypark291@btinternet.com or dorothydprk@aol.com.  Either one will get me. Thanks Dorothy

  • Sherry Miller

    David thanks for the all too true comment.  Molly especially loved it last night as I came home from work about 8pm to all that snow and took her out in the front yard....her favorite place to romp as she has to explore to be sure nothing is hidden she should chase out of her yard.  She just would not stand still for a picture for me as she was so excited with my just coming home and being out in front that late at night.
  • Sherry Miller

    Figured most of us that have snow have those pictures....Eunice does not get snow so originally I took those for her.  Think we are always fascinated by what we do not experience or have.....like I love your wonderful coastline.....and envy everyone who can walk dogs off lead so easily or should the word be freely?
  • Sherry Miller

    Happy Birthday David....Hope you have a perfect day which includes time spent with Darwin and cake? 
  • Sherry Miller

    David I was afraid I might miss it as was not sure how long was working today....on my day off! I am sure Darwin would love to help replant a few things for you all....and rearrange a few things to his own satisfaction.  Molly here is the nosiest setter I have ever had....knows everyones business ....and tries to snitch here on Alan if he does not mind her rules.  Enjoy your day....do you and Chantal celebrate a double birthday ( we are both April here also) or each have your own day?  Here we cheat...pick out two places we would love to go to and make it two distinct days!  Hope you all have a wonderful Easter also.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday wee boy!!!   :-)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Red Ribbon
  • Carmel Murphy

    Have a very Happy Birthday David;o))
  • Barbara

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag David!!
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, David!
  • Sherry Miller

    David just saw your picture of Darwin with bandage ...and then the one taken after the bandage was off.  Glad to see that Darwin is back to running freely and sorry I missed if you posted what happened to the little guy.
  • Sherry Miller

    David I remember well that wanting to shoot them feeling.  Poor Darwin ..sounds  like he has either developed something that hurts him on that paw/leg or a habit that is going to be hard to break.  I had one chewing feet here years ago ...even had me sleeping on floor to try to keep him from doing it  but finally figured out it was reaction to new floor cleaner in kitchen.  Hope Darwin stops messing with that paw soon. 
  • Sherry Miller

    Just had to look at your wonderful photos again...and everytime I pick a favorite another one changes my mind!
  • martina mckeag

    Thank you David on your comments on Sophie
  • martina mckeag

    Hi David

    yes your right she is a wee madame she is going to rule the house

    but she is so good and full of confidence. Its hard to know if your doing the

    right thing getting another dog or not but given time it all works out

  • martina mckeag

    Hi David thank you so much for the friends invite glad to accept.

    it is hard but things are getting better

  • martina mckeag

    Hi David oh she is a wee devil but Shannon wont let her away with it

    you should have seen the two of them yesterday running round the garden

    together its so nice to see and funny

  • Sherry Miller

    Hi David...just had to stop by to take a mini vacation with your pictures.  I always enjoy looking at the beautiful scenery and lovely Irish Setters .  Hope all is going well with Darwin's foot .
  • Sherry Miller

    Hi David....take it you all have had some storms there also?  Hoping ours are done now ...Missouri having been sort of in a tornado rut since December 31! 

      Poor Darwin....hoping soon he is running free and having no trouble with that paw.  Sometimes it seems our cures just make things worse for them, doesn't it?  We try so hard to do what is best for them and then they go and mess it up by cleaning and licking and licking things!  :)  Looking forward to more pictures as Darwin's paw heals ...and hope that chafing heals quickly. 

  • Elayne Murphy

    Ah david your photo's are fantastic...


    i did have a giggle at the pics in show.... i always imagine how lady would be ha ha back flips are her specialty any prizes for them? 

  • Sherry Miller

    David I am delighted that you all are awaiting the pitter patter of four little paws...Chantal had told me but now I can say I can not wait to see wonderful  lovely pictures of this little one growing up chasing after Darwin!  Hope all will go well for the new arrival and introduction of Darwin to his new brother.  Hope Chantal does not get you for that boytoy remark!!  ( made me laugh here as we call Alan ..Molly's boytoy  as she had him wrapped around her paw!.:)  You are probably better off being Chantal's boytoy than he is Molly's though...her wishes are his to obey is how it works here...and you can imagine a female Irish Setter wishes......can I drag him down this muddy, yucky path under those tick laden trees?:) So enjoy every moment of this new little one.
  • Sherry Miller

    oh good I will be back in town to see the wee one's arrival pictures!  I am almost as excited as if I was bringing a puppy home!  Will look forward to watching your little one grow in pictures and the puppy tales you both will be sharing I hope.  My prediction is that this wee one is going to wrap Chantal completely around his paw! We can resist all we want until we give them that first cuddle and then we have lost the game to these wonderful Irish Setters! 
  • Sherry Miller

    Now remember I did not mention you at all...just Chantal.....already knew what you would do and no doubt in my mind that you might have to tell Chantal she can just have the one!  she might try to sneak that whole litter home with you all.  :) I am really a sucker for all these puppy pictures on here....so looking forward to watching your new little one and Darwin run those beaches .   Hard to wait isn't it?  My last Shilo I picked from the litter at 2 weeks......and then had to wait and wait for him to come home to us.  By the time he came home he had enough toys to last him for years!  Seemed one of us was always bringing something home to add to the toybox that was waiting here for him.  Have you decided how you are going to bring him home?  Told Chantal I would pick the way that one of you got to cuddle him the most. S
  • Sherry Miller

    Forgot to ask how Darwin's paw is?

  • Marie Quinn

    Thanks David for comments and photo, great show, really enjoyed the day.

    I have photos to add, hope to do so later


  • Sherry Miller

    Congratulations on the new puppy who has come to help Darwin rule the roost.  I hope you enjoy many wonderful adventures with your boys and look forward to some beautiful pictures as Darwin shows off his home and world to the new puppy.


  • martina mckeag

    Hi David well you got him he is adorable loved the photo's Darwin and mac are going to real pals keep the photos comeing

    all the best Martina




  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.


    Very nice photo ! I hope to see more of your new puppy.

    Take care.


  • Barbara

    Hallo David! Ich habe gerade deinen Blog gesehen und wünsche dir und Chantal alles Gute mit dem kleinen Mac. Hoffe Darwin und Mac sind bald gute Freunde. Liebe Grüsse aus Wien. Barbara
  • Sherry Miller

    ahh but Mac looks so angelic and sweet......best part of the Irish charm...that deception.  Is he doing the puppy figure eights all over the house?  How well I remember those.....and how funny they were to watch as long as I did not have to stop one of those pups!  How is Darwin adjusting to sharing his home?  I bet you can't wait to be able to take Mac out and about.....enjoy these puppy days and take so many pictures you can not take one more....later you will be glad you did as they seem to grow up overnight.
  • martina mckeag

    Hi David they will become best buddies in time some days shannon wont even look

    at sophie i just let them get on with it enjoy mac while he is young .

    Sophie and Mac have the same Grandfarther sh ch Thendara Don Corleone 

  • martina mckeag

    Hi David yes sophie is one of Gillians her parents are Irish sh ch Glennara Coer De

    Lion and Thendara Daniella .

  • martina mckeag

    Just saw the photo is that Don in the front he does look well
  • Barbara

    Vielen Dank für deine Freundschaftseinladung David! Hat sich der kleine Mac schon ein wenig eingelebt? Liebe Grüsse Barbara