Sherry Miller


Fenton, MO

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have been owned by Irish Setter's since 1973
About Me:
We got our first Irish Setter, Shilo, back in 1973 ...knowing nothing of the breed but soon fell in love with our boy...and since then we have had 5 more males....we lost our last old gentleman Irish in 2008 and our inherited rescue Brittany a month later and husband said NO MORE DOGS !! Well , in June of 2009 I talked him into letting me rescue an itsy, bitsy dog but the more I looked the more I knew my heart was truly with my Irish Setters....then one night watching the Cardinal's Baseball game ....they had the Purina Pro Dog of the week looking for a home....a young female Irish Setter named Heidi ( on You Tube under Heidi the Irish Setter) and to make a long story short ....Heidi has become our Miss Molly ! Wee bit wild at first but was out of crate even when we were not home within 3 months, Miss Molly has just been an awesome Irish for us....have ran out of tricks to teach her....and she sure changed my mind about insisting on always having a male dog! I had always gotten Irish puppies around 12 weeks old before but after being owned by Miss Molly ....I would search for a rescue dog as she has just been so easy to train and fit into our lives. The only thing I wish we did know was what her pedigree was . I still miss my boys but Miss Molly sure healed a lot of aching hearts in our home.

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  • Ellen Turberfield

    Sherry I know what you mean, Finlay is a bit spoilt, like you my daughters are grown now and I'm on my own so it's just Finlay and me (",) Finlay will be 5 just before christmas, but on his 2nd birthday vet had x-rayed his leg thought he might have a small fracture they told me he had bone cancer and had 6weeks, we'll I didn't belive he was I'll we had tests biopsys ect they still said he was I'll, after a year I moved vets new vet said he never had that, good job I didn't listen to them, any way that's my excuse for spoiling him after all he went through, think i'd of spoiled him any way (",)
  • Sherry Miller

    Thank heavens that other vet was wrong but any excuse works for spoiling them! Mine is Molly was a rescue who suffered lack of training and suspected abuse before she came to us ( petrified if you raised your arm and heaven forbid if you had a newspaper or flyswatter in your hand....she cowered and shook which broke my heart)).....think Alan's excuse is he retired the day she came home so first time he was the main person home with her so he learned the day to day joy of an Irish Setter (along with Molly being our first female). Molly now happily trots out to retrieve the newspapers for us ( and her daily mail pickup ) so we have overcame her fear of them.....she knows we correct only with voice so once told no to something it usually was never done again. Our Molly is six now and rules her kingdom pretty much the way she wants. Last week was her first lake trip and I would say she felt it necessary to keep track of both of us......made me feel special when she would race from the house ( where Alan was feeding her) down to lake to be sure I had not disappeared! Usually she would have been content to stay by "her man" but may have felt someone was leaving her again......just never want to have HER feel  abandoned again. I am afraid we both were as bad as new parents when their child takes it first step with all the New things Molly experienced last week.:) .

    Finlay is a gorgeous Irish and I know from Eunice he is a special boy.:) as she enjoyed so much meeting you both. I sort of think having only one IS makes it pretty much a definite thing that we spoil them. Molly likes other dogs and will play a wee bit but truly will be off hunting her beloved bird shadows while the other dog wants to keep playing. Her hunting instinct makes her a birdy Irish for sure.  Does Finlay have a strong hunting instinct? 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Sherry yes Finlay always wants to chase the birds down by the reservoir where we like to walk, mind you he's chased a empty plastic bag blowing in the wind before now. I do two part time jobs so I'm home quite a bit and get home for few hours beore I go out again Finlay just loves company, every one round here knows Finlay from the school childern the old folk, shop kepers and the bus drivers and the post man has to call at house even if I have no mail as Finlay sees him out of the window and cries untill he comes to give him a fuss. Yes its been lovely to meet Eunice while she's been here, just a shame we all live so far apart. Nice both your girls are called Molly :-)
    The first vet called to tell me about the bone cancer while Finlay was on operating table she wanted to know should she amputate leg there and then thank god I said no, it still upsets me now just to reember that time.
    Well Finlay is giving me the hurry up I'm hungry stare, does your Molly have a built in clock which says food time? (",)