Laura Kolbach

49, Female

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 girls right now: Neita & Zilou. dear Odin & Danka watching over us from doggie heaven :(
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since 1997 february
About Me:
WW'03 EUVW'08 Ch C.I.E. Berboss Instant Coffee (1996-2010) - for me just Odin - was my first setter, she left me 2nd January 2010 after 13 years of friendship. Odin was my all and everything, my best friend in good and bad times. She taught me so much about canine intelligence and behaviour, about love and loyalty. She was purchased for being a normal dog but very soon I got bitten by the show bug. She was a real show girl and compensated my faults in the show ring :) It was her soft character and look-at-me attitude that charmed all people meeting her, friends, strangers and even judges. Thank you Odin for sharing your life with me!
After much thinking I decided to get another girl and doing some research, I ended up in Sweden. This is how Danka - MultiCh C.I.E. C.I.B. Copper's Music 'N' Paws' - came to live with us in 2005. And yes, she taught me new things about canine behaviour :) Through her I was able to get to know the naughty and the run-run-run side of the Irish Setter. She is referred to as 'crazy Danka' by the setter club, hm, does it say it all? So different from Odin, but oh so lovable as well. A real clown, adoring kids, loving dog shows and having so much fun in the fields. Having 13 champion titles and being the first setter to qualify in the field on a Hungarian field trial and gaining CIB by this. Very intelligent, observant and empathetic. Thanks Danka for being with me, love you girl!
And then Neita - Full CH Copper's Wine 'N' Roses HJCH RJCH - arrived. Still cannot decide if she has more angel or devil inside her. She is the sweetest, wants to be close to you all the time, would love to crawl under your skin if that would be possible. Everyone is in love with her because of her beauty and character - bet if I would give her away, people would want to give her back the day after :) She is the destroyer in the house, eats sofas and doors but when she looks at you with those eyes, you just can't be angry on her (for a longer time that is...). She is a big actress as well, pretending to be a real blond - was hard to realize that actually she has brains and a lot! Unbeaten in baby-puppy-junior classes, we look forward to challenges in adult classes. Neita is a talent in the fields as well, already managed to get a CQN just one year old. She backs from the first second on and does not point but sets like a real setter :-)
Pawsword Northern Song, little Zilou - the one I know from the first second on, being Danka's daughter. The one that unites all the positive virtues of Irish Setters without having a bad detail. She has only been shown in baby and puppy class because of big sister Neita. Zilou is getting better with every day and seems to develop into a copy-paste of Danka. The best character ever, the best working abilities. The girl that makes me smile with every move she makes. Love you so much, little girl!
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  • Carmel Murphy

    A Very Happy Birthday Laura, from your Irish "family" ;o)) Have a super day with your Reds;o)
  • Barbara

    Liebe Laura! Ich wünsche dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag!! Liebe Grüsse Barbara


  • Astrid Landsaat

    Hi Laura, I wish you a very happy birthday!
  • Susan Stone

    Happy Days... Birthday girl! You now have three girls trying to make a special cake for you!
  • Phil du Plessis

    Happy birthday Laura! Phil and Ari
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Happy Birthday, Laura!!!


  • Henk ten Klooster

    Congratulations on still feeling young on your birthday - Henk.
  • Carmel Murphy

    You are very welcome Laura;o) I do hop from FB to ES now and then;o)))
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Yes, I'm not sure how this comment with friend request works! I've tried to use it as well - sometimes I can add a comment, and sometimes I can't. :-))
  • Gabriella Locskay

    Hát én is:))))Szerelem volt első látásra!
  • Gabriella Locskay

    Hát mi jobban vigyorogtunk mint a gyerekeink:DDD Hát még,amikor megszólalt magyarul!
  • Sheree Parrish

    Red Ribbon
  • Sheree Parrish

    Hi Laura,


    Yes, I based my lines on the Valsett and Bournehouse lines, they caught my eye as I like them to be flashy and carry a lot of coat, (which can be a nightmare at this time of year).  Rosco is litter brother to my Henry's dad Quest, he is also Henry's grandfather on his mothers side, so very close line breeding...just what I wanted.

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Laura,

    Just got back from a week in the French Alps, so the late reply to your comment! Puppy is 4 months old today and she has grown so much in one week! Another tall girl she is going to be I think! I must weigh her tonight for my records! She eats well but is still a bit of a tiger with the others and Kim is not impressed! She is going to her puppy class and ringcraft class this week!   xxxxx

  • Marta Galuszka

    Hello Lau,

    Thank you for your comment on Charlie. Really appreciated:)

    And I am not hiding him:) He will probably start his show career in March.

    PS Still waiting for your mail (didn't forgot it;))

  • martin falsey

    hi laura can you email me please as i would like to pass on some news
  • Barbara

    Vielen Dank Laura! Liebe Grüsse Barbara
  • Irina Isaenko

    Thank you my dear friend! You know, I'm not a big fan of vodka))) But I hope that it was pleasant to my friends)))

    Kiss and hugs Irina, Slava, Kory, Businka and Rooney))
  • Judit Pápai

    Thank you! Happy to be here finally! :-)
  • Suzanne

    Hello Laura,

    Thank you for Jenna's birthday greeting. Hope crazy Danka is keeping you on your toes. They do teach you so much our setters and are a constant joy. Jenna enjoyed her birthday cake very much.


  • Lieve De Backer

    Hi Laura
    Thanks for your comment on my photo of Hoshiko. 
  • Susan Mogony

    Thanx Laura,  You never know how it will work out when you take a puppy home.

    Darcy wil be 3 years old over 3 weeks now. I think he is doing oke and getting beter by the month. Everything oke in Hungary?




  • martin falsey

    hi laura soory to have to do this again could i have your email hope all is well with you how are the dogs
  • ursula wilby

    Tackar, tackar...har ju tagit mig fram tills nu att svara på Grattis-meddelanden på ES...fullt med jobb och äntligen lite mera normala nivåer på allt!

    Jag kan väl förstå att du har fullt upp!
    2 franska bulldoggar som vi behöll är rena mardrömmen! Det inte den ena kommer på...det fixar den andra!
    Tillsammans med 3 settrar....får en att vilja rymma emellanåt!
    Tur att bara settrarna bor hemma hos mig permanent!


  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Laura

    Thanks for your comment on the boys brag.  No photos unfortunately.  The weather was horrible this weekend... lots of rain and muddy conditions.  I didn't even think of taking my camera.  Hopefully will get some nice pics at the shows when it gets cooler and the rain stops (if it ever will!!!!).

    cheers, Cheryl

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you very much, Laura!
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Nem csináltatok képeket szombaton? Nem látok senkinél sem, vagy rossz volt az időtök?
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Megnéztem :))))) Szuper képek lettek :)  Látszik a képeken is, hogy hőség volt. Gondolom jól elfáradtak a kutyák a végére :) Szilvásváradon találkozunk?
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Laura thanks for your good wishes for my boy:)
    I distinctly remember this wekend in Romania, it seems that it was a few days ago:)
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Laura,

    Thankyou for your reply to my email.  Needed your advice & you have answered my questions with honesty.  I really appreciate it.  Looks as if we'll be looking for a new pup in the very near future.  Not sure if it will be an Irish or an English.  As you know,  l love both breeds.  We will see.  Whatever Tess wants, she can have...........

    Thankyou again.  Love to you & your three beautiful girls. 

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Laura ! On behalf of Legolas...many thanks for the Birthday Wishes :)
  • Susan Stone

    the back end of pointers... now what does that mean I wonder...? ;o)

    here is one for you


  • Susan Stone

    His name is Bob.
  • Gabriella Locskay

  • Dušan Rauški

    :) i know exactly what you mean. It's ok, dont' worry, talk to you soon. 
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you Laura for your congratulations,

    I go to Hungary, but in May (28-29)

    I volunteered the boys on the double CACIB.


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for the invitation and definitively very happy to become your ES friend!!!  As many of us on ES I really like your dogs, they are so beautiful!!!!! so I was watching all your pictures again and again ... what a pleasure! trying to figure out which of your girl was born the same day as me. My very guess is Zilou???

    No matter which one, it is a real honour to share the birthday together, plenty of cuddles to all your dogs but one special to your birthday girl please  :-)

  • Tania ..danwish-irishsetters

    Thanks for the comment on Rafferty . I didn't stand him as good in the ring !! Congratulations with Neita ...
  • Susan Stone

    Home again... with one more!
  • martin falsey

    hi laura well done you had a great week end love the photos you must be delighted just to let you know that annie was mated yesterday tuesday will mated her again later on to day so hope to have better luck this time take care
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Molly said thankyou for your Birthday Wishes
  • Susan Stone

    Danke, Danke:-))))
  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Dear Laura,I hope everything is going well with you and your beloved Setter friends;

    Iris and Senta are doing great;they get along very well;I am happy to see Senta acting so puppyish again . Best wishes

  • RAISON-LAFORGE Dominique

    Merci pour Lemon, mon setter anglais de 16 ans !!!!
  • Marta Magi

    ott a pont, szép lett és gyakrabban kell frissíteni! olyan jó érzés mikor már készen van ... az milyen jó lesz majd ha a porontyok is kint lesznek :o))

    Köszönjük a jókívánságokat!

  • Susan Stone

    :-)) Obviously not. Pure american Red.


  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the congratulations on Fins great win....Dee and the gang
  • Zsuzsanna Kázsmér: Maya and Skíp

    Szuper! Én hétvégén általában szabad vagyok, már lement a gólya és a vércse gyűrűzése, jöhetsz bármikor :) csak a jún. 25.-én megyünk Kaposvárra. Azt döntsd el,hogy száraz-füves, száraz-sztyeppés, erdei, vizes-tavas vagy vizes-mocsaras részre szeretnél e menni. :))))) Mindennek van előnye is hátránya is.
    Jarnonak nagyon örülök, bár én biztosan nem tudok most Pestre menni, mert még érettségiztetünk, de a gyereket tervezem felküldeni, mert szeretnék neki valami ajándékot adni. Pl. egy lábnyom Mayától? Hi HI :)
    Szóval szervezkedj csak, én várlak :)
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Laura, 

    Some circumstances have prevented us from getting a puppy before now, but the time is definately getting closer.  Think our pup will be an English, from the same breeder as Megg, but not definate as the bitch in question is due to come into season but has not as yet.  Very few English Setters here so if this litter doesn't eventuate, then we will look elsewhere.  Perhaps another Irish which would make me just as happy.  Always plan on having one of each.  


    Thankyou for asking & I'll let you know when we have some definate news.  Hopefully, not too long. 


    Take care & hugs to your girls.
