Teresa Jones


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
Murfee was 9 weeks old on the 16th of July 2011.

We lost Paddy to cancer in 2003 so quite excited to have a new setter puppy after all these years

Comment Wall:

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    :):):):) Lucky you!!!!! Bet your counting down the sleeps!!

    Welcome Aboard, Teresa.

    Cheers, Myra.

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Welcome to ES Teresa!!!  Super good news.... we cannot wait to see plenty of pictures of your July's puppy!!!!  :-)
  • graham edwards

    enjoy your new pup, the waiting will make it all the better.

    will it be a pet or do you plan to show or be involved in other activities?

    have heaps of enjoyment.


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    So a little boy it will be, and Murfee!!! I am sure you cannot wait to have him in your arms... I do understand that you want to take the lot, choosing your pup will be a very difficult task .. emotionally speaking.

    Hope you have the possibility to scan some of Paddy's pictures, he will have his place with us too!  :-)  I lost my boy last year, and today it is his birthday, no point to say more, you know very well the way we are devastated. May be out of sight Teresa, but still so present in our lives that we have to be part of our ES pictures and blogs.

    Good luck at choosing your pup, cannot wait to see plenty of pictures  :-)

  • julie madin

    Has your little Murfee arrived home? Hope all is going well.... I bet you are smitten.

     Post some pictures soon we love to see them. They grow up so fast its hard to remember them that small!

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Forgot the name was Murfee .... congratulations Teresa, he is a real beauty, no doubt you are delighted with him around  :-)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Murfee looks such a pretty baby boy. Enjoy!!
  • James Doran

    Hi Teresa, Thankyou for the contact and friendship. Photos are great...looks like a wee chip off the old block as they say! I am organising some photos of Romeo as we speak and should have them on within the next couple of days. I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing him. Sincere regards.
  • Barbara

    Hi Teresa! Thank you for your comment and your friendship! Murfee looks really a cutie and I am sure he is well worth the wait. I very sadly lost my Billy 3 years ago to cancer at the age of 11. And now I have my lovely Tiny. Wish you all the best with Murfee. Greetings from Vienna and please excuse my bad English. Barbara

  • James Doran

    Um, just wondering Teresa! I won't be getting a visit from the puppy support agency regarding Murfee, will i ???????

    Every time i look at that wee face,i just see the big man!

  • Karen Dove

    What a beautiful photo!


  • James Doran

    Hi Teresa, great photos of the wee man. He is coming along nicely and taking after his dad from what you have been saying. So glad that you are enjoying him. I'm really looking forward to seeing him mature. Spoiled rotten no doubt!

                                                                                  Regards, James.