Kickie Boman

63, Female

Åland Islands


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Only one at the moment + two English setters
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1982

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  • Tommy and Anne Eisgard

    Hej vännen,
    Gott Nytt År och tack för alla dina fina foton. Du är ett proffs
    Anne o Tommt
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thanks Kickie. I get very excited when I see people with both English & Irish Setters. Think they are the perfect combination. We have had Irish before, but Megg is our first English. She is a lovely, very laid back and quiet girl but a bit of a 'bossy boots'. My Irish Tess is a quiet girl also, They get along so well together. Love each other to bits. I can't imagine not having both breeds now.
    Lynn & Tess (Irish) and Megg (English).
  • Wanja Jorge Westerlund

    Tack för snälla ord Kickie!
    Ha det så gott
    Kram Wanja
  • Laura Kolbach

    hej Kickie, visst är det nästan obegripligt hur fort tiden går! igår en valp, idag en dam (som fortfarande älskar pölar, hästskit, osv...) :-)
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hello Kickie, we are proud owners of two red girls, bur next year we will get an english setter girl. English and Irish are a great combination.
    Greetings from Austria
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Yes I´ve noticed it really a great name:-))
    Greetings from Austria without snow;o))
  • Jeanine Meeussen

    Hello Kickie, nice to see you here. Thank you for all the beautiful photos we see of the dogs in Sweden. I love your English setter bitch
    Nikita. I have one english setter, Silent Rumours Figo. The first one after so many years of having only Irish setters. He is a real gentleman. He is a very nice dog but so different from the Irish.
    best wishes and a lot of succes in 2009
  • ursula wilby

    Hallå Kicki!
    Tack så jättemycket för komentaren på min "Skryt-blog"! Egentligen har jag ju lagt av med att tävla, men så tänkte jag att ett LP1 kunde hon gott ha för att inte falla ur ramen helt...och det gick ju bra.
  • Rita Pike

    Hi Kickie

    I certainly do!! The lovely Eliza - so many happy memories.

    I must say I love your photos Kickie especially your young Irish lady,
    she looks quality, you must be so proud of her.

    Hope to see you at Crufts!! love Rita xx
  • Yvonne Joerling

    Hello Kicki,
    thank you for your gratulations. And many kisses from the one to the other Nikita and the others ( without the beautiful name:-))
    Greetings from rainy Austria
  • Rhona, Bruce n Lil Lucy Skene x

    Lovely English setter you have there
    Fabulous colour
    Love this breed so much
    Love to you and your dogs from me
    Love Rhona, Bruce and Lucy xx
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Cheers,Kickie - Thankyou for your Best Wishes. Lupin certainly has been worth waiting for!
    Hope to see you in the not too distant future.
    Why don't some of you Northerners come down to sunny Australia all together, and spend some time with us Southerners???
  • Lynn Spencer

    What a lovely trio of Valentine beauties. Have a wonderful day.
    Lynn, Tess & Megg in Oz.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thanks Kicki, the door is always open for you.
    By the way,maybe you could make it a bit of a business trip and take those wonderful photographs for the Australian clientele?
  • Laura Kolbach

    you can always Count On Me ;-)
  • Michelle Webster

    Hi there Kiki,

    Great to see you on here. I love those actions photos in the snow, they are really having a great time.
    Best wishes,
  • Maggie Svantesson

    Gomorron kickie, är du också vaken? Ja är det inte konstigt hur det kan bli. Har inte haft tid att sätta mig in i detta ännu. Ska försöka. Du Kickie, Maryanne ville gå med här, är det nåt du kan skicka till henne?
  • Maggie Svantesson

    Tack snälla, då blir hon glad. Å att jag kom ihåg det. Blir lite impad på mig själv
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Tackar Tackar =)
  • ursula wilby

    Tack faster...för grattis och hälsningar. Jag lovar att vidarebefodra!
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Tack Kickie :-)
  • Mariana Åhnberg

    Hej! Tack!! Visst e hon söt... =)
  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    Tack Kickie för dina tröstande ord, och som du säger den dagen tycks alltid komma för tidigt. Men våra vänner lever vidare i våra hjärtan för alltid.
    Tack än en gång//Kristina
  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Hej Kicki!
    Hoppas allt är gott med dig och dina hundar. Vilka härliga bilder du hann och ta på Quincy i Finspång:):)
  • Katriina Toikka

    Thank you Kickie! Diva is such a nice little creature!
    I see Nikita had her birthday on 11th, a bit late congratulations to her! At the same day our late Repe would have had his 17th birthday...
    We haven't seen you for ages, are you planning on coming to any shows on this side of Åland?
  • Dee Rance

    Nice dogs, I do so love an Orange English...I know that you must be very proud.
    All the best Dee and the girls
  • Melinda Auld

    She's a lovely girl with stunning movement!
  • James Martin's

    To my first exclusively setters friend ,
    Lovely photos, they are so gorgeous!
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    TACK Kickie för den fina bilden på världens bästa valp!
  • Agnieszka Rola

    Happy Birthday Kickie! :)
  • Susanne Legneskog

    Stort grattis till vår stora hundfotograf :)
    Hoppas du får en riktigt bra dag.
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Grattis på födelsedagen! Önskar dig en härlig dag!

    All the Mcbirdy's wish you a happy day !
  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Happy Birthday Kickie! Wish you a nice day:-))
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Back Kickie! Vi hade faktiskt sommarväder, helt underbart. Var nog det sista vi såg av denna sommaren.
  • Laura Kolbach

    ett försenat grattis även från oss busy girls :-)
  • Julie Murray

    Thankyou for your comments on Portia, her breeding is Mariglen,,, SH.CH Cumbersett Aira Force with Mariglen and Mariglen Touch the Sky with Harvancourt, who is a sister of M.Time to Shine.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Thankyou Kickie. Things will be just fine this time. Starting to look a little chubby already!
    M XX
  • Julie Murray

    Thankyou so much, for your comments on Portia and also my little Cuba, i think i saw you there at Windsor taking photo's. Thankyou again!!!
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you very much for the BDay Greetings I will try and have a great day..;o))
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you for your nice comment
  • Heidi Heliste

    Lovely photos, i like watching those over and over again ;)
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Kickie, Yes the UK's Birmingham. Sorry I made an error on the date, as that is when I leave here!! Very much hope to see you there.
    By the way, Katinka is looking super.
    M XX
  • Maggie Smith

    Just looked at the fab photos of Windsor - felt I was almost there! Thank you for sharing these

    Happy birthday
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Kickie!
    Show us pictures of how your beautiful dogs have treating you for this very special day...
    All the very best
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day. You are an awesome photographer and have enjoyed seeing lots of your photos on this site. cheers from down under
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Kickie;o))
  • Claire Prangle

    Wishing you a very happy birthday, hope you are having a lovely day
  • Susan Mogony

    Hello Kickie, happy birthday tomorrow i hope it is going to be a wonderfull day!!