Peter Hennig




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 at present 6 over time
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since I was 18
About Me:
I got my first setter at 18 now I have number 6 and I'm more
in love with the breed than ever. The boy I have now 'Elton' has been given to me from Marie who bred him and my last boy ,

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  • martin falsey

    hi peter just looking at photos love them all i see you have afghans i did show them and judge in the earlys 80s they are wounderfull breed go very well with irish setters do you show them or is it just the reds if you have an email i would like to email you mine is talk soon
  • Eunice Marott

    thanks. I will look into getting one for Molly when the weather warms up again.
  • Dianne Whittington

    Hi The weekend was one of the best Irish have had at Mt Gambier we all did real well. Glad you liked the DVD [enjoy]

    Dianne, Dennis & the Setters

  • Trudy Walsh

  • Dee Rance

    Yes Peter I seem to remember you saying something like that....mind you thats the way to do it....(shame your wife isn't here), shame your wife can't do my lot for me....Poor old sole me....but like her, one can do them like I do....Still whoever did them...they all look really good...all the hard work payed off....fabulous pictures too....
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you very much for your comment.

    I am so happy and proud of my boy.


  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter,

    Thought I would let you know that I had a nice win with my boy Clancy yesterday at the show.  Clancy won best of breed (9 point challenge) and Intermediate of Group under Mrs Sandra Mashford from Victoria.

    Hope all is well for you.  Have you been doing much showing?  Love to hear any news.



  • Marta Magi

    Thank you Peter for good wishes with my Burnie and coming litter...

    Hope you will enjoy this summer as I do :-) Fun with your nice doggies / Marta

  • Cornelia

    Hi Peter, Thanks again for your nice comment! The bee keeper had those bees on his hand - just have a look at the update photo on the blog (among the comments) - he did use a little water can to spray them and they would stay in a cluster on a branch. I was amazed at the bees discipline - I wish the school kids were that well behaved .. Have a nice time, Cornelia
  • Dee Rance

    ~Thanks for the comment on Fins win...only ever gone BIS one before...(with my old lady) I will come back to earth soon...will keep the win forever though...and he is so young to get something like that...only 22 months old....

    Thanks again Dee and the gang

  • Dee Rance

    Thanks I would love to think so....his movement is just fantastic...I think that helped yesterday...thanks again for the comments Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Peter
    I hope that you don't mind me saying, but when I looked at the pictures of your boy Elton, he struck me as the same ''type'' as my Fin...same kind of head and expression...I like your boys pictures a lot, have got to say I like the Affies too...don't know the lines but suspect that if the sire is Amhurst then he would be from UK lines??? He is a very handsome boy...all the best Dee and the gang.
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Peter
    My boy Fin has the same kind of 'problem' he is such a lovely deep mahogany coat...I am sure people think he is dyed too...The whole litter has a good colour to their coats...I do like the type of head that your boy has...and that cheeky expression..just can't get enough of it...which is lucky because Fin is always 'in your face' he doesn't sit next to you he sits on you...and when I am on the computer he has got to takes ages to write something....You are very lucky to have such a good breeder they are few and far between...Elton is lovely have a great time with him...all the best Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Perhaps they are the same 'spirit' Northern and Southern hemepher.....All the best Dee and the gang
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, thanks for the lovely comment on Mitchell and Clancy's tracking qual.  I am very proud.  Have a great weekend. cheers, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Peter for your lovely comments on my blog.  Hope all is going well for you down there in the cold!!  cheers from sunny Queensland.
  • Susan Mogony

    Thx! for your comment on Janes hipscore!
  • Marie Quinn

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you.


  • Janine Moy

    Hi Peter Whiteside is near Petrie, North side of Brisbane. Have been here 5 years and no friends. Brisbane is a city and you only get friends if they can get money out of you.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hi Peter, long time did not hear from you, hope everything ok with you and family, what is new with Elton, Azif, Rahni and Cato?
  • James Doran

    It is a pleasure to share it with you Peter!  Elton is cool!

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, thanks for your comments on Clancy's blog.  We are very proud of him and Mitchell.  They make a great dog and handler team.  Hope all is well for you all.  chat soon, Cheryl
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hi Peter,

    Really very sorry about your sister cancer fight, all my fingers crossed, she will respond very well to her treatment. Hope to hear some good news soon...

    So Elton is picky with juges ... we may not understand why, but no doubt that there is a good reason  :-) at least an Irish Setter reason  :-)

    A warm hello to your sister and all the very best to you all, including your adorable 4 legged friends


  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you for the congratulations, it was fantastic wekend for us:)
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you very much Peter :)
  • Sherry Miller

    I would love to have all that wildlife come that close....but am glad you are encouraging them to come close by keeping your dogs in.  Fox does sort of look like he swallowed the canary....and knows he is safe.  Love seeing all the different countries where our IS live and the surroundings they live with.....though my squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies and birds seem rather dull after seeing your wonderful pictures.  Have you seen the joey out of the pouch?


  • Sally Underwood

    Hi Peter


    Not I am not going to Horsham or Hamilton .... we are off to the central western circuit in about 10 days and won't be back till the end of the month .... then the royal is the next show after we get home .... so will defiantely see you there ....




  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Peter..

    Probably very wise for them to be timmid, not everyong is happy to have them grazing on their land....I hear from the TV (so it must be true) that people think that they are vermine, and that our pets....(cats and dogs) are making native animals lives very difficult...Well in fact hell....well that is what the TV would have you beleive..

    More picture please....I for one love these kid of pictures....Dee and the kids

  • Dee Rance

    Thank you Peter for the birthday wishes....and beleive me he reeks havok every day of his life...but wouldnt have it any different...
  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Peter! Joy was indeed a happy bunny on this trip - even though she had to spend long hours in the car. It's not our country though, hence the many km's up to Norway and the Noth Cape. Have a nice time, Cornelia
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Peter !

    Man thanks for your well wishes for Legolas :) he's doing pretty well today & getting use to his 3 legs though not very graceful :) Razor burn is his biggest problem at the moment...using up tonnes of moisturiser :) I'm sure he'll be back to his usual crazy self soon. ~Thanks again...Michelle & the patient.

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, thanks again for your lovely comment on my Clancy.  Hope all is going well down your way.  cheers, Cheryl
  • Nata Korovina

    Hi Peter !
    Many thanks for kind words about my puppies! I've enjoyed the photos of your dogs!Our dogs - our happiness
  • Nata Korovina

    Hi Peter !
    Many thanks for kind words about my puppies! I've enjoyed the photos of your dogs! Our dogs - our happiness.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Come on Peter, I want to have my breath taken away too ... since you are not handling handsome Elton, please do take your movie camera ... or if you are too distracted and subjugated by Elton, thus cannot film, ask a friend to do it  :-)

    Hope everything is going well for your sister ...

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, that's great, I'm glad you got the message.  It would be great for us all to get together in Sydney and meet up with everyone!  I am looking forward to it.  It should be a fun time!!


    I love your wallaby blogs.  What type of wallaby do you have down your way? 

    cheers, Cheryl

  • Dee Rance

    And what makes it all the more incredible is that there is another couple of Joeys in the pouch before they get kicked out....nature is wonderful isn't it..I do envey you all the wild life around your lucky..and its worm...unlike here in Scotland we have had a wet cold summer...yuk...can I come and move in????

    All the best Dee and the kids...don't worry I won't come and stay....

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Dee we have had a very wet and cold winter here but probably not as cold as Scotland the summers here can have temps of 40c for days so if you like heat your most welcome
  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Hello Peter,

    your pictures are unique indeed;

    we live on a rural property in the Toronto suburbs;we have deer,pheasant,rabbits,skunk,racoon,wild turkey,groung hog,porcupine,squirel,fox to cohabitate with.

    Thank you for the message!I enjoyed cruising through your page.

    Doris,Senta and Iris


  • Doris, Senta and Iris

    Hey Peter,

    I just posted the pictures I had of our raccoon friend.

    Regards,Doris,Senta and Iris

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, that's excellent.  Great to hear he is doing well.  I understand the spooky bit... been having a bit of a problem with Bridget after a bad experience in the ring earlier this year.  Hope it doesn't continue for you.  Look forward to hearing more wins coming up.  cheers, Cheryl
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    A huge thank you to your 24/7 camerawoman!!!   :-)
  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Peter

    Thank you for being so kind and compassionate towards me in my grief for Hammer. Your special qualities are hard to find in people today. I feel grateful I have found you.

    Best wishes from Susan and her English Setters

  • Finding_Beau

    The photos of all your dogs are beautiful, Peter. Each one of them looks very loved. I am proud to say that my dogs are my children and I love them unconditionally. This is why the pain of my grief is so severe. I do not feel the heart ache ever goes away but neither does the love. It is our love that gets us through in the end. Hobson and Rose are grieving deeply for Hammer too and by helping and loving each of them, this is also helping me cope with my grief for Hammer, as well as the understanding from people like you. 

    Take care and hugs to you and all your dogs

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Oh Happy Days, Peter. Enjoy your Birthday tomorrow.

    M XX

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Very Happy Birthday Peter!!!!!  :-)  :-)  Have a terrific celebration with all your family and 4 legged beloved friend. I am sure Elton will give you a special lick today  :-)
  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Peter. You are another year younger thanks to your dogs! Thanks also for commenting on our meet-up. It was indeed a very enjoyable day. Sincere regards.

    Happy birthday Peter. Love from us all here in NZ. XXX
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, belated birthday wishes for you.  I hope you had a great day!!  Have fun at the Royal.  Look forward to hearing about all your winnings!!  cheers, Cheryl
  • Finding_Beau

    When I read your message, Peter, I walked onto the verandah and I wept and I wept. Thank you for asking. I am doing the very best I can do each day. I am receiving counselling from another kindred spirit whose name is Patrick who works in a hospice for the dying and a centre for dying children. Patrick is helping me a great deal because he understands. Hammer’s family is also helping me because they need me so much. Hobson, for instance has been my special boy since he was 8 weeks old. We have been through hell these last 8 years. Despite the pain I have never allowed my grief to interfere with my love for all my animal children. I would never have done this to Hammer. I know you understand.

    Hugs to you and Elton