

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
I own and love very dearly 6 English Setters whose names are Jessie, Bandit, Beau, Hobson, Rose and Hammer. Bandit died in 2000, Beau was stolen in 2003, Jessie died in 2005 and now Hammer has died. And now Rose has died.
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have owned English Setters since 1990 (my first dog when I was a child was an Irish Setter)
About Me:
The reason I joined this internet community and every other internet community was to raise awareness about Beau who was stolen on 1 July 2003. My search for Beau received considerable media attention which attracted a great deal of abuse including threats against my animal family members at home with me. However I could not abandon Beau. I could not abandon any of my English Setters or any of my animal family members.

Comment Wall:

  • Kristina Brannlund Westin

    This is a very sad story.The sadest I have heard in a very long time. As you say humans can be very cruel. The cruelest species on our earth. It must be so very difficult not knowing wath´s happend with your lovely boy. I really feel for you and pray that you will find your friend soon.
    Hugs from Kristina, Sweden!
  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Ginger, Annette and Kristina
    Thank you all for your very kind words. I appreciate this very much. Kind people like yourselves keep me going. I try to focus on the good people in this world, and hopefully one day Beau will find his way to someone who will help him. I have received beautiful emails from dog lovers all around the world who genuinely want Beau to come safely back home. Also, please bear with me while I get used to this site.
    Take care of yourselves and your beautiful dogs
  • Mavis

    There will always be hope for your reunion with Beau.
  • Vera Clay

    Hi, welcome to Downunder Setter Lovers. The English setters are beautiful aren't they? Usually much better behaved than the rambuctious Irish, depending on the individual dog of course. The Setter Zen is on high for finding Beau.
    Cheers, Vera
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Vera
    It's nice to meet an Aussie Setter lover. Some of my English Setters are well behaved, some are not, but they are all a heap of fun. I think you have to be a dag to own a Setter. Thank you very much for your Setter Zen for Beau. I'm being interviewed on Radio ABC in Brisbane tomorrow morning about my search for Beau. I've received a lot of media attention this year. Fingers crossed.
  • Sandra Mather

    ive just watched the video of your case and im appaulled that someone could do that to you and take a well loved dog away.Has there been any development on this in the last couple of years?
  • Sandra Mather

    hello im so sorry that nothing you tried has helped.I microchip myself and i have friends who tattoo .I always think vets should scan every dog for a chip when new to a practise and have the related chip no on there cards then should a dog be found in someone elses care it could be reunited with the owner unless theres a jolly good reason they cant.I have been breeding and showing for such a long time and the things that go on can amaze us.I just cant understand why more cant be done from the police and all these socities around that care about animal welfare.Anyhow you can only hope beau is well cared for ..As for knowing you should it ever be my pups have visited and come back and known well food is kept toys can be found all sorts as if they have never been away long time after they left.
  • Sandra Mather

    hello there again. So how are you full filling your days with this having gone on so long.
    /How old would Beau be now then?I would love it if one day your dream of him being found would come true .It must be so frustrating all this.Have you visited places to try and track where he could have gone or is the area so vast that without help if he has been snatched which is primarily whats happened but could he find your place .Are you out in the wilds or near a town.Im trying to see it from his eyes if he got away from wherever is it possible to get home ..I know its an assumption if old now it might all be difficult.
  • Sandra Mather

    hi, I thought i would let you know im emailing all my friends to pass it on about Beau theres a small chance they have someone along the line out and about in Aussieland and if by chance it helps then id like to think i tried to do something for you. I have now read all the pages on your site and it is quite enlightening.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou so much for your very kind comments on my Megg.  We lost her just over 2 months ago & I'm still feeling devastated & lost.  You are so right.  English Setters have a way of making their way into your heart & staying there forever.  I have my Irish girl & her &
    Megg were the same age.  Baby puppies together.  I miss her so much. 
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Susan

    I came across your page today and had a look at your website.  Your loss of Beau is very sad and I had tears when I was reading what had happened.  I can't imagine what you have been through and I hope that some day soon you can find him and have him safe with you again.


    Best wishes, Cheryl

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Susan, we are doing extremely well and have been very lucky to miss the flooding this time.  How are you where you live ? down the Goast Coast area?  I haven't heard anything on the news for your area. 

    I hope you can make a difference on the dog stealing front.  It would at least give some consolation to such a tragic circumstance.

    chat soon, Cheryl

  • Sheree Parrish

    Thank you for becoming my friend :-).

    I really hope that Hammer is going to be ok, how scary to be told it was something so serious, you must have been out of your mind with worry.

    We should start a new group called the Orange Belton Brigade :-) xx

  • Sheree Parrish

    Red Ribbon
  • Sheree Parrish

    Thank you so much for your support on Henry's thread, I was amazed that a couple of people thought I was in the wrong, I adore him, as you do your beautiful babes. Sheree x
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    I spent a couple of hours yesterday watching every pictures & videos and reading about Beau, and it hurt me so much to read that your so beautiful and handsome Beau was taken away from you... the worse situation that can happen to a dog owner. My heart is with you Susan and I really admire you for not giving up!! congratulations Susan, and I am so pleased that you are continuing to fight for having him back!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Congratulations Susan, what you have done is already a great achievement and very happy to know that you have the support from this medical practitioner.
    If I understand you properly you will consign everything on a book!!!! That is an excellent project, you are definitively doing all what could be possible!!!  warmest congratulations.

    Best wishes and best of luck


  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Susan

    Thanks for your concern.  We are doing OK here.  Just bouts of wind and squally rain, but nothing else yet.  Another 4 hours till it crosses the coast about 600-700kms north of us.
    We are getting about the same amount of wind and rain that we got off Cyclone Anthony on Sunday when it crossed about 200kms above us.

    We feel extremely fortunate at the moment as Mackay has been spared again this year (twice in a week!!!).  Just feeling very anxioius about what everyone north of us is going through.

    chat soon


  • Michelle Webster

    Well it was that behaviour from your English that made the photo so interesting. A much better photo than if they had all been well behaved and posing!


    I came across your page ages ago when you first wrote about losing Beau and I added a link about him to my web site as I thought it might help.

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Susan

    Thanks, yet it was hard to imagine that we didn't get a heap of rain and wind when the cyclone system covered the whole state!!!  We only ended up with 39mm of rain and some wind gusts.  Mackay has been so lucky.....!  I feel the same, I could never leave my animals.  It must have been horrible for the people up north who were told they couldn't take their animals into the evacuation centres.  I wouldn't have gone anywhere without them!!


    Sorry to hear that you have experienced bloat first hand.  It would be just terrible.  I hope your fight with the VSB has a good outcome.  Some of our discussions on ES get quite robust and a little pointed, but usually everyone respects everyone, which is how it should be.  The debate should be about the issue, not the people.


    I hope you have some news someday soon on Beau.  It would be so horrible always wondering, always looking.


    chat soon

    Cheryl xx

  • Dee Rance

    I loved all your pictures, especially the wild life are so lucky to be near and around such wonderful wildlife...I first went for an English setter but couldn't find one at the time but have had Irish (mostly) for 40 years now, if I was going to get an English now, it would definitely be and 'orange' just love them, hope to speak soon. Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Ah well we get what we are destined to have. you English and me Irish....unlike what we first decided to get...I for one am very happy with the dogs that chose me...I suspect you are likewise contented with the dogs that chose you....

    All the best Dee and the gang

  • Dee Rance

    Sam looks as though she is there to stay, I used to have a Jackdaw that would come and tap on the window each morning. But unfortunately I was the one that had to move on....I personally am ''into'' birds, so I would love to see the site of the two of them flying over..

    You are lucky to be living somewhere that all this can happen,. I used to be in the country but ill health meant that I have to live in what is called civilization....

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Susan

    Thanks for sharing your journey with Hobson's health issue.  He looks lovely now.  It must have been so horrible to go through the episode and then not have them treated appropriately and their long recovery...  and all the worry, etc, etc.


    I hope you get the outcome you can be happy with, but I think it will be a hard fight against these boards.


    I see Hobson is wearing something on his feet?  Do you put them on them all the time inside or just when he was not well?


    Hope you are having a great weekend.



  • Tony Williams

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for your warm words on Mitch. I have just posted his biopsy results on the discussion, which were thankfully quite positive.

    Just visited your website and am deeply saddened to read what happened to Beau. I can't begin to imagine what you have been through and pray that you and Beau will be reunited one day soon.

    Best wishes

    Tony & Mitch

  • Tony Williams

    Thank you again Susan for your kind words, and for adding me to your friends.

    Enjoyed your "Sit" video of Hobson having a paddle and then coming up to you for a good shake. :) Mitch is not at all keen on water,  he much prefers wading through pools of mud and peat bogs (urgh), which are very easy for him to find in wet Wales!

    Mitch is quite fine in appearence, at least compared to my previous ES Gus - who was a very big strong boned boy with a personality to match. There are four Engsetts in his line.

    Best wishes


  • Dee Rance

    I have only just seen your comment on my Fins birthday blog...sorry if I didn't reply earlier, but yes they are very good at standing and looking really good until you take a camera out...then its every dog for every conceivable direction...

    Thanks for the comment all the best Dee and the gang

  • Sheree Parrish

    I'm so sorry to read your latest news, what a terrible time for you and your darlings.  I've not been online for a while now but saw your message come through and had to let you know that I'm thinking of you all and sending lots of healing vibes xxx

  • Sherry Miller

    I know it can be rough at time and that is when I held onto those special memories I shared with my boys........the last Shilo I had Pebbles ( the inherited Brittany that put me in the wheelchair for six months) also going thru a different illness...seemed like that is what I did then was take care of my old gentlemen.......but even with all that I treasure each moment I shared with them and for the life lessons they both taught me.  Pebbles message was a triple Brittany's are as special as Irish Setter's are, St Louis Cardinal baseball is what you watch when it is too hot outside ( where I found my Molly a year later) and that rescued dogs can be wonderful pets.  So hope that soon you have them both feeling better so you can just relax a bit and enjoy them.


  • Lynn Spencer

    Thankyou Susan. Yes, we are planning on adding another ES puppy to our family in the next few months. Will definately post some pics.

    Take care,
  • Sherry Miller

    Hang in there and I am hoping all are reasonably healthy soon....sometimes it is only much later we see the reasons for that baseball game thing with Pebbles led me to Molly a year and a half after I lost my old gentlemen...and after my better half said NO More Dogs!  I now try not to question but to do the best I can with what I have each day..... Molly healed so many hearts here in our home and most of all softened the one that said no to any more dogs.....Molly loves us all but she is definitely a Daddy's girl. Keep us posted on how things are going,
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Oh my dear, very dear Susan, I am so very sorry to read about Hammer's departure!!!!! I had my sister visiting and did not open my computer for quite a while, sorry for the delay, I just cannot believe it ... what a tragedy!

    My heart is with you lovely Susan, and I sincerely hope that the love of Rose and Hobson will help you to face this horrible time.

  • Lynn Spencer

    Susan, I have just found out this very minute that you've lost your beautiful Hammer. I am so, so sorry.  I have been wondering & thinking about him often.  Not hearing from you, I was worried. 

    Please know you are both in my thoughts & prayers.  He was a lovely boy who will live on in your heart forever.

    My sincere condolences.

  • Marjolein Bogaard

    I am very sorry to read the news about hammer.... He was a lovely dog and for sure a great friend to you... He will run free now and wish you alle the best

    Best regards from Holland, Marjolein

  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for your friend request I'm happy to be your ES friend I think nearly everyone on this site understands the loss you feel
  • James Doran

    Thank you for your friendship. Sincere regards, James & Romeo.
  • Peter Hennig

    That's a really lovely thing to say Susan,I hope you feel a little better today . I lost my beautiful Morgan june 2010

    and the kind comments I received on ES helped enormously, nothing makes up for the loss but some how the knowledge that others understood the loss was comforting. I wept every day for at least three months , they are not just pets but more like children


    all the best Peter

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Susan thanks for the note it was devastating to loose Morgan I loved him like a child , he knew when I was struggling with life and would stay and lean against me or lay on me and helped me from drowning in stress by just being close. His presence soothed my soul , I know what your'e going through with the loss of Hammer, you see a picture or a sentence and tears flow. Our dogs show no malice they forgive and hold no grudge they live in the now and are content and have a beauty to look at that gives joy and pleasure, it's no wonder we cry at the loss             Peter
  • ereni

    Lots of patience, love , strength and friends around you.After hard times come nice moments.Many hugs for your sweethearts, I can understand your feelings and worries now.Lots of love from Reni and Isis

  • Peter Hennig

    How are you getting on Susan?
  • Peter Hennig

    one day at a time Susan ,there will be good days and bad days. I think it was about 3 and a bit months after I lost Morgan I realized "I didn't cry today". there is some peace in knowing that there is no more suffering for them.

    best wishes Peter

  • Peter Hennig

    Thanks Susan all our boys live inside with us,sleep on our bed ,lay on the table etc etc. How are you coping of late?
  • ereni

    Thank you very much for your comments.

    How are you and all your animal friends?



  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Susan   we have not been showing very long only about three and bit years and have really enjoyed the experience we love our dogs enormously and if we win sometimes, well that's great, we just love showing them and grooming them and spending time with them .We don't to take any result win or loss too seriously as it is always just someones opinion. Our dogs are not just pets but family members and are every bit as precious to me as my children.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Susan I am so sorry to hear that ..... what is the problem with Rose? I mean, if you do not mind to speak about it  :-) a very special cuddles to Rose and Hudson from me  :-)