Kristina Brannlund Westin

62, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
At the time I have 2 bitches and 4 dogs
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I bought my first Irish at 1987
About Me:
I live in the middle of Sweden out on the countryside, with a lot of woods around me. I am married but have no children (except the dogs ofcourse). I started my kennel at Mars 2005 and my kennelname is Cherry Bloom´s. I have only had two litters, but maybe it will be some more in the future.Except the dogs my hobbies is my garden and my 120 orchids.

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  • Vojna Medvedec

    Thank you very much for your nice comment!
    On the picture is my Queenie,s daughter Abigail.Abby by Gin Tonic of the Hunters home./owner Boros Emese/
    My greatest love Queenie was Carnbargus Cristalle and Caspian.s Intrepid. grand daughter,by Erinade extinguished.Robin ex Luxatory Lady Love.
  • Rieky van Hal

    hi kristina

    thank you for comment on my foto's from the puppies from jewel.
  • David & Patricia Pike

    I like your dogs very much the type we like
  • Esther Siegrist

    Hi Kristina
    thank you for your comment on Glenns photo! We have so much fun in this summertime :-)
    Hope you, familiy and the gang are fine!
    Regards Esther
  • Nicole Wilson

    Hi Kristina,
    Thank you very much for your nice birthday greetings :-)) Busby was on his best behaviour yesterday and I enjoyed the day very much!!
  • Annika Liikanen

    Charlie blir bara snyggare och snyggare för varje dag, det är så kul att kunna följa valparna efter honom.
    Har du palner på att behålla någon efter honom?
    Marianas kull blir nog superfin.
    Kram Annika
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Tackar tackar .-))
  • Dee Rance

    I know there is a really good nose.. you like a nose???? judging by your main picture...Thanks so much for the comment...
    Thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    How did I guess that?????
    My granddaughter does too have you seen the picture of her looking at Jas's nose/teeth???it took me ages to get a picture..
    Speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Natalija Jentkiene

    Thanks, Kristina :)
    Me & Nigel are glad to have you among the friends as well :)
  • Thèrése Weckenberg

    Tack så mycket, det har ju tagit lite tid att bli medlem...
  • Thèrése Weckenberg

    Nähä, skojar du? Det gäller att tänka igenom saker och inte förhasta sig, vetja!
  • Thèrése Weckenberg

    Strålande! Nu är vi på G igen!!!
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Tack för Grattis .-))
    Syns i S-vall.
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Haha, a big GARV :-)))))))))))))))))))))
  • Eevi Huttunen

    Thank you for your nice comments! :)
  • Susanne Legneskog

    Hej Kristina
    Ja vissst är det. Det är en riktig fröjd och komma upp till svenska fjällen och träna med hundarna och vandra.
  • alexandra bichler

    ........thanks for the compliment, this photo was taken by a professional fotoshooting - we were invited!
    regards alex

  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Tack Kristina! Ja, hon har en del, Siofra. Nu är den nästan för lång, men det är ju väldans mkt bättre än att inte ha ngt. Såg att det var mga anmälda till Sundsvall, jättekul! Hade bra
  • Rieky van Hal

    thank you kristina for you comment on the fot from houston in luxenbourg.
  • sammi pease

    Thankyou for your nice comments Kristina...we had a wonderful time in Scotland..and hope to go back very soon......maybe we'll buy a farm up there and have 'Setterland' holidays for crazy red dogs and maybe their owners can come too!! Hope you are all well in your part of the world..:-))
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Tack Kristina med K :-)) för Grattis !
    Ses i ringarna igen nästa år för att " fajtas " :-) ( Oj vad jag fick till det )
    Kramis / Kikki
  • Susan Mogony

    Thx for your comment ! It was a lucking shot and not intended that way, but became a very nice photo. Thx again
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello Kristina,
    this evening I went completly through your website and your photos here. Many breathtaking pictures. You know I love your dogs but now I admire your garden and orchids!!! as well. You are great gardener. How you have time for so many occupations ???? Your day must have 25 hours, maybe more:))))
    Is it winter yet in your garden?

    Greetings from still autumn and even sunny last days Poland

    Ania with Bajka and Kruszyna

    Hi Kristina !
    I was wondering ! We don't have any news from you !
    Is everything go right ?
  • Dee Rance

    Thank you very much for the BDay greetings greatly appreciated..;o))
  • Esther Siegrist

    Thank you, Kristina :-)
    a very Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New Year
    regards Esther
  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Kristina,
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Catherine and her 3 Irish!
  • Kikki Dyrendahl

    Tack min namne, för din kommentar ang. Nicke Lill Troll :-))
    GBG nästa. ( men " trollet " är för liten )
  • Cornelia

    Hi Kristina, Thank you for your comment on my photo - sorry I only discoverd it just now. You have lovely dogs - I'm sorry to read that you also had to say goodby to one of your best friends - hopefully that day will still be far away for us, it must be so difficult! All the best and a lot of strength, Cornelia

    Have read you have to say good bye to TITO ! I suppose it was a hard decision but it was the better one ! Your dog don't suffer anymore ! Please, stop with the tears ! You are a good person and you have loved your dog so much !
    Big hugs to Charlie and the others.Take care
  • Susan Stone

    Dear Kristina,
    Thank you for your kind comment on our loss of Shannon. I was shocked to hear you have recently had to say goodbye to your Tito, so much younger and for more tragic reason. I am so happy Shannon was able to have a long and happy life. We will treasure the memories of our loved ones!
  • Dawn Riddell

    Thankyou so much for your support. Losing Bailey is so hard, he was a brilliant dog, my best, most special friend.

    Dawn R.
  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Kristina,
    Thankyou so much for your kind birthday wishes for Megg.
    It was very much appreciated.
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Kristina! I hope I am not too late ....I have only just seen it is today! Hope you have a great day with dogs and family!
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello Kristina,
    Happy Birthday, it's a bit belated but I've just seen that information. I hope your day was very nice:)))

    Ouf !! Just in time !!!
    Happy birthday to you ! A little later !
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Kristina!! A little late but only saw it was your Birthday just now!!;o))

    Don't have news since a long time !!!
    Are you fine ?
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Kristina!!!  Will your gang help with the cake?  :-)
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Happy Birthday, Kristina:-)

    I hope everything is OK.

    I miss your photos and messages from you.

    All the best:-)


  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Dear Kristina,

    I don't know what to say. I would like to support you with any possible way:-) I know that exactly, the ups and downs in our lives.

    I keep my fingers crossed, everything will be all right:-)

    Kisses for Charlie and Alma


  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Kristina;o)))
  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Kristina!
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Kristina! Hope better time is coming soon for you. Best wishes Barbara
  • Nadine Bonjean

    Happy Birthday!



    We wish you a very happy birthday ! Glad to ear you again ! wish you all the best !
  • Pat

    Happy Birthday Kristina,
    Hope you are having a great day.
  • Pat

    Hi Kristina,

    Glad you had an enjoyable birthday.   Hope your Red hairy gang were able to celebrate it with you.   Lovely photos of them.


  • Marta Magi

    Long since no hear from you, Kristina. Hope you are all well and you enjoy your special day!!! Hugs from us all / Marta and Co