Henry's Mom



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
40 yrs
About Me:
I love Irish Setters and couldn't live without one. My beautiful baby boy is Henry "Mayfred Mr McCoy". Son of "Sumaric Shadow of Mr Jingles" and "Kirkavagh Darara at Mayfred". He is soosoo fantastic.
Sadly I lost my beautiful Molly in 2008 and her mother Poppy "who was my entire life and soul mate," in July 2009. She was fifteen. I miss her terribly and will never walk without her by my side.

Comment Wall:

  • Nicole Wilson

    Hello Pamela and welcome here! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
    Greetings from Nicole, Busby and Percy :-)
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Pamela
    Nice to see you here, can't wait for the pictures, be careful its addictive.
    All the best Dee and the gang
  • Henry's Mom

    Hello, Thank you and yes it really is addictive!!!! Henry is only getting 99.9% of my time now!!!!

    Looking forward to "Bad Boys School on Wed Henry is doing sooooo well on the lead and loves his hour there with the other pooches.. See you there Nicole.

    Henry says Hi to Percy x
  • Barbara

    Hello Pamela, Thank you for your nice comment on my photo. Best wishes. Barbara
  • Barbara

    Hello Pamela, First of all sorry for my bad english. I lost my beloved Billy also very sadly two years ago. He died of cancer - still miss him. The photos show my beloved girl. All the best Barbara
  • Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven'

    Hi Pamela,
    Thanks for your nice comment on my Easter card.
    Big Easter kiss to your Henry!
    Best wishes,
  • Lynne Murray Hogsflesh

    Thank you Pamela.....yes the David Gates song is for my lovely Flame & Katy who left me within 2 weeks of each other just over a year ago.....when I heard it, it so fitted what I felt in my heart...it still makes me cry too sometimes...:(

    But now I try to remember all the good years we had...neither of them liked the show-ring but for me they were my stay at home stars!!! Both very special ladies.......xx
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Hi Pamela,
    Thanks for you message and your henry looks great!!! I can imagine that you adore him!
    Best regards from Holland, Marjolein, Dommel, Jim and Julie
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Pamela
    Thanks so much for the comment on Fin's picture, We are at another show on Friday so fingers crossed there, I will be glad if I can get there and back, I will have a friend to join me so hope that the driving will be shared...All the best and thanks Dee and the gang
  • Yvonne Wark

    Thank you Pamela for your nice comments. Henry is so handsome too x.
  • Delia Bryce

    I bet Henry is like Murphy and just loves meeting new dogs so something we could look at ............
  • lyn hathaway

    hi pamela many thanks for wanting to be friends. i see you have a mayfred dog .i met my friend dee and finlay on saturday who has bred him .they are lovely lovely dogs and you have some wonderful pictures on him.he looks the man of the house if you dont mind me saying so .
  • Dee Rance

    Hey there Henrys mom
    where is this lovely looking walk, we are getting punch drunk at the forest...:o)) ???????
  • Dee Rance

    Yes he looks very nice, although there was someone near that would have done it for nothing....ha ha....;o))

    What a wonderful story !
    Ruby comes from Leicester and seems to be the only Setter in town, which makes her a very spoiled little Princess!
  • Susan Stone

    Hi there, Henry's Mom:-))
    Always happy to make new friends - especially scottish friends;-) Though what I really need is a scottish Duke or Lord or Clan Chief to invite me onto his Grouse Moors up in Scotland... any connections? VBG
    Greetings from beautiful sunny Switzerland, the autumn colours are just starting.
    Susan & the swiss family Coppersheen
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks for the lovely comments on the wee man...Speak soon Dee and the gang
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Hi Henry's Mom
    Many thanks for the kind comments on our Grace "Heathclare a Kind of Magic"
    She is a sweetie at times !!! but very very mischievious.
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you, Henry's Mom:-))
  • Ana Gaspar Kozelj

    Thank you for your nice comment!
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi henry's mom
    What lovely photos of your Irish friends.
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Dear friend,thanks for words of solace, pain and sadness are unspeakable, it's a big loss for me and my family. Once again, thank you
  • Dee Rance

    He is like Henry, but he can be so sweet at times, only it doesn't last long...speak soon Dee and the gang
  • lyn hathaway

    welcome back henrys mom we dont realize how much we miss the internet until we havent got it.happy new year to you and yous also xx
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Henry's Mom

    Thank you for the invite  your photos are really lovely

    Henry is a very handsome boy do you show him? 

  • martina mckeag

    you see that was fate Poppy wanted you to be happy again and you will always have great memories of her she will always be with you and Henry
  • Lieve De Backer

    Hi there too, thanks for the lovely words. It is indeed very difficult to 
    get over your lost, everyone knows ... My first IS, Youp a male, ran away and   
    died in a carcrash. I was a teenager, took me long to get me a 
    other one. Cara had a long and fantastic life with us. Nevertheless  it was 
    still hard to let her go.... xxx
  • Sheree Parrish

    Hi there :-)

    Just a jif lemon that you have for pancake day, I keep it in my pocket ready to squirt at anything that might attack.  I wouldn't direct it into the eyes as it would sting, hopefully the smell will be a deterent, but if it does get into the eyes there is no lasting damage.  It has really boosted my confidence just knowing I have it handy...also I would use it if anyone tried to attack me whilst out walking.

    Hope this helps, Sheree & Henry xx

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Henrys mom

    love your new photos Henry is really having fun

  • Sue Paterson

    Thank you ....I love the photos....
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi there !

    Thanks for the comment :)...he tries hard to pull off the innocent look but it's hard when the evidence is all over  his face ! Busted :)

  • Monika Hoth

    thank for your nice comment

    best regards


  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Henry's Mom, I am very happy to be your ES friend! Big kiss from wee Mac!
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Henry's Mom, I can't wait until he has his second vaccination (next Monday), so I can start taking him outside! He has so much energy, that he needs to get rid of! I'll send him over to you when I am too exhausted! David
  • Maggie Smith

    Thank you for the friends invite - have fun with your boy for the rest of the Summer and fingers crossed the Winter will not be like the last - beautiful though the photos were!
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks Pamela for the lovely comment....and the temperament is always the most important part of their lives eh?????