Melinda Auld

48, Female



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Three - Aust Ch Linleymvorne Huntsman (Fionn); my shadow-girl Shadowvale Flashov Magik (Maia) and my lovely imported princess, Garden Star's Ramblin Rose (Aneira)
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Nearly 7 years - but dreamed of owning them for 25 years
About Me:
I live in Perth, Western Australia, and have always had a passion for Irish Setters. It took me 30 years to get my first - and it was WELL worth the wait! Currently showing my Irish boy, and have just registered my breeding prefix, Anmadradh, with hopes of beginning my own kennel in the near future.

Comment Wall:

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  • Cheryl Gorey

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Hope you are having a great day. cheers
  • Kristina

    Happy birthday!!
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday, Melinda! Hope it has been a wonderful day.
  • Danica Morarova

    Happy Birthday!!
  • Susan Mogony

    Happy Birthday Melinda!!!!
  • ricky young

    Hi Melinda
    Had a look at your page Just wondering what breeding is your older boy. What do you plan to do with Garden State girl.
    Cheers Rick
  • ricky young

    Hi Melinda
    My boy is a half brother to Dubliner by Pendoric Perfect Thyming
    Cheers Rick
  • Norma Pape

    Lovely news that Aneira is now out of quarantine. Looking forward to meeting her and can imagine as she is same age as Derry that they would have a great play together. Take care.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, hope all is going well. Your little red girl must be one today? I remember cause it is my Mum's birthday today!!! Hope you are having a great day. chat soon, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, lucky the dogs don't seem to get all hung up on birthdays!!

    Bridget is going well and thanks for the comment on her lanky stage! I was just looking at her yesterday (she turned 7 months last Saturday) and thinking that she is still just a baby... she doesn't look as mature as other pups I see on ES at the same age. Given that, I still love her to bits and can wait a little longer for the maturity to come. We have some shows on the weekend, so I will try and get some pics.

    Love reading your comments and opinions on the discussions. Just read your last one and look forward to some more interesting discussion!!

    chat soon
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Don't despair - many parents go back for more babies, so there must be a light at the end of the tunnel!!!
    M XX
  • Andrea Maxwell

    Red Ribbon
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, thanks for your comment on Clancy. He actually has more coat than it looks as it was a little blowy that day, but yes, the coat is coming as is the maturity!! He is a typical Irish Boy and taking his maturity slowly! Next year, I think he will come into his own. Hope all is going well with your crew! chat soon, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, Bridget is doing really well and just such a character and a ratbag. She has taken to barking at the goats as they walk past the house yard!!! She thinks it's great fun!!!! She doesn't bother the cows!!

    I posted some new pics on ES a couple of weeks ago. I am very happy with her. Again it was blowy that day so her ears looked even fluffier than they actually are. June tells me that Bridget's sister has already come into season!! I'm so glad Bridget hasn't yet. I bet Fionni was a bit of a challenge with Aneira in season. I'm not looking forward to Clancy's behaviour when Bridget comes in!!!

    I agree, they grow up so fast!
    chat soon XX
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, thanks for your lovely comment on my Bridget. I think you and I are both very blessed to have such beautiful girls come into our lives this year! chat soon
  • Norma Pape

    Just spotted your pic of Aneira at one. Isn't she just gorgeous? You'll do well with her I'm sure.
  • Norma Pape

    She's looking good Melinda. Looking forward to seeing her again.
  • Laszlo Toth

    Hi Melinda, maybe?  Same naughty?:)) Aneira would be very happy, she can speaks with somebody Hungarian :) It's all the same to us because a girl will go to England and she will be stay till 9 months Milka's litter. We will keep a girl. Already I can see two boys are fantastic now. L. Judit & László
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda

    Thanks for your concern.  We are very fortunate that we are in the 25% of Qld not affected at the moment.  We are not taking this smugly though as we have our wet season ahead of us, so who knows what is in store.  It is raining again today.  We have been lucky that our friends in Rockhampton, Maryborough and Brisbane have not been affected by the flooding in their areas either.


    I hope all is well over your way.  I was only thinking about you the other day as you hadn't had any activity on ES lately.  I see you have posted a new pic of Aniera this week.  She is lovely.


    chat soon

    Cheryl xx

  • Di Andrews

    Hi Melinda,

    Thank you for your friend request.  I see you have a Linleymvorne, my girl I have just lost had the bloodline I so love it its their eyes that are just beautiful.  How old is your girl?  Your photos are lovely.

    Kind Regards Di

  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Melinda,

    how are all the clan and of course Maia? Glad to see that you are taking Aniera out and about...we need more of that.

    Annabelle, Brodie's daughter, is now on 71 points. She has picked a couple of good BOB against different types. Brodie's son in North Queensland has picked up a couple of BIG'S. Better than his old man!!!




    Thanks for your comment, Melinda about Eamonn. We are so happy and he has done better than we ever expected him to. How are all your guys ?. Chat again soon. Jo. XXX
  • Susan Stone

    Thanks for your kind comments, Melinda! Hope you and yours are doing well!

    best regards from Switzerland


  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the comment on my 'baby' pictures....the one in the bowl now weighs over 30kilos, and is about 26'' at the sholder.....big boy now...
  • Dee Rance

    Thanks again for the lovely comment on picture of boy getting BIS, he did well, I am so proud of him....thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, 

    Thanks for your lovely comments on our blogs.  We have been having a great time lately.  No shows for about 5 weeks now, so hope Clancy at least takes the challenge at our next shows in August!!  Bridget is now on 49 points, so nearly half way,

    Hope your family and your lovely reds are going well.


    Cheryl xx

  • Susan Stone

    Hi Melinda

    Thank you for your kind comment - it really was a lovely sunny day - not too hot either - and there we were stuck in the hall all day. I just had to take the dogs outside for a picture!

    Greetings from Switzerland


  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Thanks Melinda,

    Hope Maia is well along with the rest of the red-heads and the Very Promising Junior Handler.

    Interestingly, Mac and Annabelle are half-brother and sister to Maia. Will be mating them on Annabelle's next season.



  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Hello Melinda,

    Many thanks for your birthday wishes.Perfect day all round, even the weather, as you commented. Just look at it now!!!!!!Only saving grace is, that we need it so badly!

    By the are Mabel and Vera doing theses days. Probably quite big by now!

    M XX

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Mel for your comment on Clancy's title blog.  Hope all is going well over in Perth for your family and the lovely redheads!  Ch x
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday Niamh. Wish I was two years old again! Enjoy your special day.

    M XX

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Oh Happy Days, Melinda. Another July birthday girl - a very good month, heh? Enjoy your special day. M XXX

    Hi, We wish a very happy b-day !

    Always 10 years ? hi hi !!! (remember the green/blue irish ! !

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Happy Birthday Melinda, hope you are having a great day!  cheers, Cheryl xx
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you very much Melinda for your kind words about  my boy :)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Very Happy Birthday Melinda!!!  have a terrific celebration with all your friends and family and ..  your beloved 4 legged friends  :-)

    Happy birthday Melinda, enjoy your day. XXX
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    I know just what you mean Melinda, and I am a lot older than you!!! And I used to love pass the parcel! Wish we could turn back the clock sometimes.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Glad to hear you had a great day and Niamh enjoyed it too!! 

    Well wait till your sons turn 20 and 16!!  Kelvin just turned 20 this month and Mitchell is 16 next Thursday!  making me feel quite old now. 

    So, you are very young!!!  Hard to believe Niamh is 2 years old already..... where does the time go!!!  xx

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, thanks for your congrats on Clancy's title.  I read that your girl is in season!!!  such fun when you have a boy and a girl in the home!!  Hope all is going well. cheers, Cheryl
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Melinda, oops sorry I misread your post. 

    I hope Aniera has settled down and you have done well at the show yesterday.  There certainly are some interesting times with the girls when their hormones come into play! 

    I know what you mean about getting time to do tracking.  I tried when my boys were young, but I just couldn't put the time into it, especially when you have to get up so early and either take them out of bed, etc.  Perhaps when Niamh is older you will be able to do a bit. 

    cheers, Cheryl xx

  • Susan Stone

    Thank you, Melinda! Funny, you are not the only one commenting on the last one!

    best regards


  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Melinda,

    hope you are all well. How many points is your new girl on? Are you coming to Sydney in April? I am hoping to get there as well.


  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Melinda glad you enjoyed the shots we have just gone to daylight savings time so I'm up at the crack of dawn, for a short time ,to go to work
  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for the birthday wishes Elton had a lovely day we went for 4 walks and had special treats through out the day


  • James Doran

    Hi Melinda, Romeo sends hugs & kisses for your Birthday wishes. Sincere regards.

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Melinda for your cordial word about my Kruszynka. Yes I like this winter photo too, she was very delicate and subtle girl. But all her matters with (even big) dogs have been fixing herself

  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, Melinda - yes, it is a nice place to walk:-)). Wishing you a very nice and quiet Chrismas season, C + J xxx

  • Susan Stone

    Thank you for your kind comment, Melinda. Hope you and the family and dogs are well.

  • Susan Stone

    Thanks, Melinda, yes we both had a wonderful time, now back to day-to-day chores;-(