Karen McKelvey




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
37 years
About Me:
Having admired the breed as a child I bought my first setter in 1978 and was totally hooked.Shane lived until he was 13 by which time I had moved from the town to the country and bought Ben ( Moriabank Mulberry) who enjoyed a very short show career as he hated being groomed. He was joined a year and a half later by Holly (Henthom Enchanting Angel) out of the one and only litter I had from these two I kept two bitches Edenaveys Shannon Belle (Shannon) and Edenaveys Miss Scarlet (Scarlet) both of whom enjoyed their 12th birthday on 15th May 2010. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Shannon on 10th September and Scarlet on 23rd November 2010. We are lucky to have 3 of Shannon's children by Lurgavon Connor, Edenaveys:- March Brown (Harvey), Rogan's Fancy (Rogan), and Holly's Pride (Katie) who had a fabulous year 2009 winning best in show and being placed in groups along the way to gaining her Irish show title in December 2009,she has since added Northern Ireland veteran show champion of the year 2013 and 2014 to her titles and is the first in the breed to become a veteran champion.
In July 2010 we were joined by a little live wire Lurgavon I'm a celebrity at Edenaveys (Abbie), who has started her show career in a promising fashion gaining best puppy in show in May 2011 and her junior title in July 2011.
Our latest additions are Edenaveys the one and only (Barney)and Can this be Magic (Evie) from Katies litter with Lurgavon Ringleader born 17th September 2011.Sadly we lost Evie in November 2014 to a perforated ulcer.
In May 2015 we imported from Sweden Caemgens For Heaven's Sake (Freya) who is settling in well and keeping us all on our toes.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Marie Quinn

    Hi Karen,

    I have put up a photo results page for yesterday on my website www.setters.ie


  • Marie Quinn

    Hi Karen,


    Really enjoyed the show on Saturday, lovely food, good work.



  • martin falsey

    hi karen hope all is well with you thank you for thinking of annie she is due any day i will keep you up to date on her well being many thanks again also just to say well done on your club show
  • Noeleen Corrigan

    Hi Karen I dont mean to be a stalker!!! but thought i would have alook to see if you were on the site and it turns out we are already friends!!! niced meeting you. noeleen danielle and betti.


  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Karen, I hope you made it home ok. I was so hoping that Abbie would be there to meet Mac, as it sounds like they would be a match for each other! Both boys were knackered after the show and slept on the way home. I'll have to find a way to get to sleep earlier, as I missed all the showing! David
  • David McIlveen Wright


    Are there any shows in the North coming up? I know there's the Belfast show in September, but is there anything before that? We are starting Mac at obedience class on Wednesday - that should be chaotic! David

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Fabulous news!!! Katie is pregnant  :-)  :-)  warmest congratulations Karen!!!!
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Karen congratulations on Katie hope all goes well it was nice to meet you in Belfast
  • Carmel Murphy

    The clock is really ticking now Karen;o)) Very exciting!! I hope all goes well for Katie;o)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Cara never got very big either and yet she had 10 pups;o)))) Thats enough anyway!!
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Karen thinking of you and Katie hope all goes well

    kind regards Martina

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    All the best with the "delivery" of the puppies Karen, plenty of cuddles to Katie  :-)
  • Bryony Burns

    Hope it is all going well for you and Katie!!
  • Carmel Murphy

    Congratulations to Katie and Ringo on their new babies;o))) I hope the dog pup is still Ok for going to Kerry??;o)) Nice size litter!! And thanks for the comments on Abbey;o) Who was your reporter?;o)))))
  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Karen it was a great day lovely to meet new friends the beach was beautiful and the dogs had so much fun .Congratulations on the new pups hope they are all well and Katie. kind regards Martina
  • David McIlveen Wright


    Wee Mac had a great time at the meet! He was too exhausted to tell his story ... so far! I'm not sure whether to bring him to the show on Saturday, since it's inside. He could jump on other dogs and be disruptive. I don't want to upset anyone, who is showing.

    How are the wee pups and Katie?


  • David McIlveen Wright

    Karen, I'm sure there will be another wee tale from Mac soon! I got a few good pics at the reservoir today ... but we hadn't a camera handy this evening, when both of them were given those wee rawhide chews - Darwin stole Mac's and had both of them in his mouth, and it looked like a big pair of whiskers! Then they were play fighting, and both turned towards me at the same time with their heads together - you'd swear they were singing a duet! David
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Karen, Katie wants to keep her figure! David
  • Zoe McAnally

    Hey, rufus is 3 past there in august, we got out just outisde ballymena in portglenone. Im on here to maybe see if i can track down any of his brothers & sisters... No luck as of yet though. Lol :)
  • Zoe McAnally

    He's just a family pet given to us as a gift... So we have no kennel name or anything for him. Where is yours from?

  • Zoe McAnally

    Gorgeous pictures of the puppies :D

  • graham edwards

    Hello again Karen,

    Thank you for your return comment. It is good to know that your pups go to a good home.

    It is very difficult to find a pup with U.K. and Europian breeding in Australia, I know, I have been looking now for about 10 months. If it is not a rude or forbiden question what is the average cost of an Irish pup in the U.K.

    I have been toying with the idea of importing a pup but I think the transport cost and quarantine would be to expensive and stressful on the pup.

    Take care and enjoy the little fellows while you have them.


  • graham edwards

    Hell Karen,

    Thank you for your reply and giving me the approx. costs of pups in the U.K. & Ireland.

    It was mainly for my information and it is interesting to know that the price is about the same as here in Australia.

    Thanks again and all the best.


  • Carmel Murphy

    The pups look well fed Karen and the boy has a gorgeous expression;o)) If I didnt have so many reds already, I would be tempted;o))
  • Carmel Murphy

    And the bitches look very pretty;o)) I hope you get good homes for the two remaining pups!!
  • David McIlveen Wright

    Karen, I was very pleased in how things went. I'll practise with him too, but I don't know if I will be allowed to show him! Good luck tomorrow!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Thanks for your comment Karen, David was indeed very happy that he did not mess up Mac's chances as a beginner handler ...  he really enjoyed it and the judge was very tolerant I guess.  Of course I was very proud of my two boys. Now the fun show time is over, the real thing will start this month and hopefully with a lot of fun too  :-)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Karen, Thanks so much for the Birthday Wishes and I adore my Birthday Card, which arrived just before I went for my Birthday Lunch;o) Love it;o)))))

  • Bryony Burns

    I was just reading that Karen!!! Do you do refunds?? haha

  • Noeleen Corrigan

    Hi Karen, Betti is keeping great she is getting very big, and taking lots of rest, she is due in about 2 weeks so we are very excited!!! Katies pups look great!! how is she?

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Karen, Every time I see a stolen/missing dog, cat, horse notice, I feel a terrible pain in my heart. I hesitate to intervene because I have failed to find Beau, despite all that I have done, but sometimes I just have to try to help. Even today, almost 8 1/2 years later, when I think of that afternoon when I arrived home from work to find Beau gone from the verandah, the same terrible feelings come flooding back to me. I agree with you .. I would much rather Beau had died this day. At least then I would have known what had happened to him and that no human could hurt him. I sincerely hope with all my heart that Asti is found today. I will feel so happy too to read this good news.xxxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Karen, I was so upset the other day when I read about Asti I thought she was your dog. I live in another country so I do not know the area where Asti was last seen. Are there large areas of bushland? Even if there is, I believe Setters are intelligent dogs and they naturally seek out human company. I believe it would be highly unlikely any Setter would take off and get lost in the bush. Despite their initial fear their instincts to get back home would quickly set in. If Asti was running around the streets as a stray, someone would have seen her. Because Setters like their comfort I believe they would not last long as a stray. If Asta had been hit by a car, someone would have witnessed this. It depends on how far Asti ran or maybe she did not run far at all. Someone in a car might have seen her, put her in the back of the car, and driven off. These people might live quite a distance away, they may not. Asti may still be close to home. I assume the owners have door-knocked in the area where Asti was last seen. Asti's owners know her better than anyone. They need to trust their instincts but I know this is hard because of the trauma. I will keep praying.

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Karen was Asti ever found i so hope he was . Meet a couple in the park with on of your wee pups Alfi he was beautiful Sophie and him had a great time playing

  • martina mckeag

    Thats what i thought that you only had one boy they said they got it in Armagh i'm so sorry to hear Asti is still missing don't know what i whould do if it was any of my two Sophie ran of on me in the park the other day took me half an hour to get her back and that was bad enough all the best Martina  

  • Cherry Casey

    Hi Karen, did actually put up some photo's yesterday, was all pleased with myself for figuring out how!!!!  now half to work out how to update profile!!!!!

  • Bryony Burns

    Hi Karen! Yes! The past two nights she has been an angel!! Didn't make a noise from when i put her down about 10pm until 6.30am!! And tonight was the first night she didn't do a Houdini on me and escape from the garage into the house when I was turning the light out! hehe Tonight she stayed in her kennel eating her milky bones while I walked out! She must be exhausted today because we ran round the garden all afternoon and she was playing away with her toys in the house for over an hour before she crashed out!!

  • Cherry Casey

    was scared not to, lol!!!!  Penny has grown another 3" today, Stephen even noticed when he came home from work, and said like seriously is that the same dog I left this morning!!



  • Bryony Burns

    Thanks Karen! I was trying to take a picture of her and she kept pulling the scarf from round my neck! She managed to stop biting it long enough for me to get a picture!! I am enjoying her anyway whether she sleeps at night or not! She whined a bit about 5.30 this morning but I think that's because she had a big lunch and big dinner yesterday and wouldn't eat much supper so by the time this morning came she was hungry! How's Tia and Barney doing? Are there still two girls left now?

  • Bryony Burns

    Thank you for your card Karen! It was lovely!  Hope you have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Karen they are great thank you Sophie is such a sweetie just loves to run and run it's hard to believe she will be a year old soon . How are all your ones doing I'm sure the young ones are getting big hope to see some photos soon all the best Martina and girls 

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Karen, Yes, we were delighted! He is beginning to show his potential! David

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Karen thank you I am really proud of my two girls and of the way they have become so close Sophie has such a kind nature

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Thanks Karen but I am afraid you were not informed accurately!!! It was the evening, the light wasn't good, people were tired and too polite  :-)  ask a real handler and you will have the right perspective  :-)  Alison did really well and little Rosy was a cracker  :-)

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Karen I am notorious for not recognising people, forgetting names, etc.. but I must say I even surprise myself this time ... not recognising one of my boy!!!!  and no drink these days, I have a cold so tea total .... may be that was the reason!!!  :-) still cannot believe it :-(

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes! Sure every day is a holiday for a man!


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    The most Happiest Birthday to you lovely Karen!!!  have a terrific celebration and get spoiled spoiled and spoiled  :-) Your Reds will know how to do it :-)

  • martina mckeag

    Happy Birthday Karen hope you have a lovely day

  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Karen;o) See you tomorrow!!

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Happy Birthday, Karen! See you at the weekend.

  • Bryony Burns

    Happy belated birthday Karen!!! I haven't been on ES in quite a while so only saw it was your birthday. Hope you had a lovely day with all the Reds!