Lois McCullough



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
Live in the country, family in Australia so holiday there at least once a year for 6-10wks would ideally move to Aus however my other half can't make up his mind. Love Irish Setters and cannot imagine lif without them.

Comment Wall:

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Welcome Aboard, Lois. I was born in Kent and live in Western Australia! Whereabouts do your family live?
  • Deborah Christopher

    Thanks for your comments about Daisy, she is missed here everyday. Nice to see a photo of Micawber on his birthday, his white on his chest seems to have grown! Lovely to see him with his new friend. You can see pictures of his mum Barley and sister Lily on here. His Dad's on here too under Madalaine Dickson.
  • Deborah Christopher

    Sorry its Madalaine Anthony!
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Lois, Welcome from down under! I live in Mackay on the Central/North Coast of Queensland. Do you travel around much when you come over for holidays? cheers, Cheryl
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi thanks for your message Micawber looks a lovely boy, it's nice to see photo's.
    Guinness is a huge boy but a big softie, it took him till he was 3 to get his coat and start filling out.
    He has a championship show on sunday, fingers crossed, he is all groomed and looking very handsome
    plenty of photo's on here of him
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Lois, you probably has been more of NSW than I have. Mackay is about 2000kms North of Sydney. Yes, I agree, I love the pups, but just can't wait for them to be mature well behaved adults. Clancy is 2 next weekend and is still such a character and loves to play, so Bridget who is 5 months next week just loves having him as a playmate. They are such a wonderful breed... can't imagine life without them.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi, you have two lovely Irish setters and I looked at your website. Your cottage is really charming, a nice place to stay.
  • Cathy Smythe

    Hi Lois.
    We are just outside of Maidstone.
    What a small world. Would be great to meet up sometime and flood the area with Red!!!
    Take Care
  • Linda Baldry

    Thanks for the offer of coffee Lois, will keep it in mind. What breeding are your Irish? Hope you enjoy this site, certainly a real time waster !!!! but fun too.
  • Linda Baldry

    Hi Lois, nice to hear the breeding of your dogs, I know Chris Heron very well, and of course I have seen Concept and Checkmate regularly at shows, I also knew Eileen Kennett very well (Gaybrons) Maybe we will meet up one day, who knows, take care, regards Linda.
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Lois
    Your two look totally contented with life. They look a lovely pair are they mischevious like my girl is.
  • Corinne Wakefield

    Hi Lois, Hamilton and Micawber

    Thank you for your kind message.Its a great site.

    Do you have a connection to Concept & Checkmate - Caskeys?

    kind regards Corinne, Ryan & Morgan
  • Corinne Wakefield

    Hi Lois

    Small world ......I have Caskeys Cheerleader (Ryan) - brother to Hamilton, Concept and Checkmate. Morgan is Edentop Joshua James - one of Concepts puppies - Dam Caskeys Vogue.
    Didn't show Ryan - on reflection should have as he is a fabulous boy. I did show Morgan for a while but he is not suited to the ring, although he still go to RC class each week because he loves going.

    Morgan shares ancestry with Wellington - not sure if you still have him from your message?
  • Corinne Wakefield

    Hi Lois

    I am so, so sorry to hear that you lost Wellington so suddenly to an undetected illness and so young. You must have been absolutely devastated. – my heart goes out to you.

    Do you still keep in touch with any of his litter mates? I have met one of Morgan’s litter mates at a show and Val with Jaz a couple of years ago now.

    My two pull so I use Gencon collar leads for M&R – kinder than halties.

    Your photo of Wellington by the hedge is a double take of Morgan – so alike.

  • Corinne Wakefield

    Hi Lois

    I think you would lke the Gencon collar lead - it's a figure of 8 and slips over and you can adjust it - I have had no problems with it moving up their faces - it can also be used as a slip lead too.

    I don't do the shows anymore, Morgan (and I) do not enjoy the show scene. I keep up to date via the Irish Setter show website - including Christine's new girl Fabulous FeeBee and some IS owners I know. I assume all Christine's puppies went very quickly.....


  • Corinne Wakefield

    Hi Lois

    Yes it is great to talk to you and our related boys !

    Henna - what is her line - do you know?
    I did speak to Christine a while back now and she was going to have puppies when she returned from OZ, I assume these are them? Gosh how did she choose who had the three remaining puppies after her choice, from her list of 7 - not an easy decision I am sure.

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Welcome on "ONLY TWO"!
  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Dear Lois, thanks for words of solace, pain and sadness are unspeakable, it's a big loss for me and my family. Once again, thank you
  • Di Andrews

    Thankyou Lois for your beautiful words,

    I can see you are very special & kind.  It was comforting to read others feelings that have gone through the same.  I also have my other girl thanks God she is 14yrs 1mth, but Scarlett was one of those 'special ones'.  I was so priveledged to have her & be able to look after her.  It was lovely to visit your page & see your pics.

    Di & Mahogany 

  • Lesley Gilks

    Thank you and I'm sure I shall.  I'm thinking of getting another puppy soon so I'm sure I'll find all the help I may need!
  • Kathryn Heyes

    Thanks Lois. I plan on spending a lot of time on here, so many beautiful photos to get through !!!
  • Christine Pullen

    Hi Lois, thanks for the welcome!!! I have been peeking at the forum for months and decided I had to join!!! Yes Headley is still a great place, we were there today, beautiful in this weather and the dogs LOVE all the ponds of course!!
  • Joan Lewis

    Hi Lois, thanks yes, he's a bit of a handful regarding the cat chasing! this afternoon had a lovely walk and then back to a friend's house, he then saw a cat, jumped on wall and was over into next door's garden, but this time he came back fairly quickly, so was pleased he actually did respond to me (prob too because he knows have bits of smelly cheese in my pocket)! Other than that is VERY lazy!
  • Steve Ison

    Sorry its taken a while to get back thanks for the birthday wishes I have now put up some pics of our hounds let me know what you think. Regards Steve
  • Sally Webb

    I tried my Rueben in an obedience competition (only a fun one) last month.. he did his sit stay,downstay, heelwork and recall perfectly then we messed up because we didn't know 'finish'. I was comforted by a comment from the judge that it was the best heelwork he had seen all day! :-D
  • Malcolm James Young

    Thank you Lois for your warm welcome, you have some beautiful babies

    Happy Birthday Lois. Have a great day. Love and hugs across the miles. XXX
  • martina mckeag

    Happy Birthday Lois hope you have a great day
  • martina mckeag

    Hi Lois thank you for the friends invite your dogs are lovely
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Lois!!!! wish you a fantastic celebration with your 2 beautiful reds :-)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for the invite Lois and very happy to become your ES friend!  cuddles to your boys
  • Karen Dove

    Already have done, It is very addictive!! Thank you, Duchess is somewhat brain dead most of the time but that makes her even more lovable! And Rosie just seems to know when your going to take photos of her! Your boys are absolutely gorgeous! The picture of one of them in the blue box just explains setters all in one lol.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Thanks Lois for your lovely comment on Clancy's blog.  We think he is very special! I think all Irish have that something extra!!  cheers, Cheryl
  • Kate Kelly

    Thanks Lois very kind of you.

    I live in north/west ireland, Co. Sligo.  Myself and partner go to a lot of agircultural shows this time of year just for weekends out etc, also my partner judges some shows around ireland.  Its not too serious, I just love the animals.  I really intend to get another red-setter for shows, so if anyone can help me please let me know.


    thank you


  • Kate Kelly

    Thank Lois for that.  I was just wondering if could get one nearer to me in ireland or northern ireland where we could travel on same day to see her.  As we both work, well I am fulltime and work from 8 to 4.30 and I do not like leaving the rest of my flock for a long time without me, although a friend would take care of them, but I do not like travelling outside the country as I can get panic attacks thinking about getting back.
  • Kate Kelly

    I just love your setters, love one just like them
  • Dawn Riddell

    Hi Lois, I've completed my walk, had a great day and alot of fun. Now for the important part, the money......sorry, cheques can either be made out to me or to ''The Irish Setter Rescue Group'' my address is..........

    8 Gladewell Court, Guide Post, Choppington, Northumberland. NE62 5YY.


    Thankyou so much for helping me.


    Regards, Dawn Riddell.

  • Lynne Van Luven

    HI Lois,

       Your dogs are beautiful.  I have four Irish Setters now - I have a wonderful friend

    in Oregon who I met when she lost her beloved Eliza and I lost my Molly - it was

    a friendship brought about by a very sad time in both of our lives.  We think our

    redheads brought us together.  Well, long story short my friend said that if she

    ever raised a litter she wanted me to have one - and last weekend I made over

    a 1000 mile trip from Washington to Oregon to finally meet my friend and

    her husband and her IS s.  I brought not one but two home - I have a little

    girl -Shannon and her brother who is nameless right now - looking for good

    Irish Setter names for him.  they are a joy to have - trying to keep up with

    them - they are so much fun - will post a picture soon of them.  Your

    dogs are beautiful.  Glad to be friends with you.  Lynne

  • Lynne Van Luven


       You won t believe this but you know how people always say you have a twin

    in the world - myhusband just looked at your dogs pictures and your picture

    and he said you and I look a lot a like - compliment for me - I ll try and get

    a decent picture to post for you to see but I could see the likeness as well

    - very eery.  I was born in Canada and married an American and now live

    in the United States - I have relatives from England and Scotland.  Just

    so funny as I looked at your photo and thought we looked alike and then

    my husband said we did look alike!!

  • Lynne Van Luven

    HI Lois,

    I m originally from West Vancouver, British Columbia - my maiden name is

    Parkhurst - definately english and on my mom s side MacKenzie.  It was

    so can t find the appropriate word - but when I saw your picture - I have

    an older picture of me that if I can get someone to scan it - the facial

    smile is so similar - it is so much like me - I could see it as well.  I don t

    think I have any skeletons in my closet!!! Mom and Dad have passed

    and I lost my only brother last year so I don t have anyone to ask

    many questions of - this is supposed to be about the setters which is

    why I am usually on here - but your picture took my breath away and

    then I called my husband into the room to "show him something on

    the computer" and then I said who does this look like = he automatically

    said "you" so I knew it wasn t just my imagination!!!

  • Lynne Van Luven

    Hi Lois,

       My personal email is Settersplus1@comcast.net  would love to email back and

    forth about this as I d rather keep this site for the Setter chat!  Have a wonderful

    day - I m on my way to help get a benefit ready for a Dog Rescue that I help.

    We re doing Pet Photo s with Santa on Saturday.  Should be fun.

  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for the birthday wishes Elton had a lovely day we went for 4 walks and had special treats through out the day


  • James Doran

    Hi Lois, Romeo sends you cuddles in return for your Birthday wishes. Every day with our setters is a celebration! Sincere regards. 

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Lois for your warm words:-)  Maybe in some time I prepare longer memory of her life

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Lois thank you for your congratulations, all our training is done gentle method positive reinforcement just praise and treats no pulling or choking or pushing into position, I only spend a few minutes each day, and not every day, just do a small routine when it's done well a couple of times we stop, it wouldn't be more than 5 minutes, above all keep it fun. hope that helps   cheers peter

  • Kathleen Thompson

    Thank you Lois! I think I am finally ready for another one. This loss was the worst, Scarlett and I connected from the get-go and I saw her come out of her shell and become the best companion I could ever have imagined.

  • silvia

    thanks a lot for your message Lois!!! Actually, I realized that I know that website since it is the one we used when looking for a puppy (and then we had Oberon from one of the listed litters..) But I never used the website  since then, for the other links, so I will make sure I will browse around all such great source of info:)

    It was lovely to met you and Andrew sunday and your dogs are soo lovely!! made me feeling guilty since I realized Oberon really really needs an haircut in his ears: the Hamilton and Micawber ears are sooo well groomed, Oberon looks as an hippy  of the 70s :)

    thanks for all the fun and keep in touch !

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthday Lois

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday, Lois! Hope you're having a great day.

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Lois!!!  have a great celebration  :-)  get spoiled  :-)