Elizabeth Ball



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since November 2009
About Me:
One Husband, no children and a 15 week old Irish Setter called Bella (Reddins Psyche). New Setter Owner, learning by baptism of fire, loving home in Hertfordshire with 4 acres of land to enjoy dog related shenanigans in.

Comment Wall:

  • Yvonne H

    Hi Elizabeth, I liked your comments re crating of your puppy. In my humble opinion it sounds like you have got the balance just right.
  • Louise Perry

    Elizabeth, Bella is a Reddins pup then. Reuben is Reddins Romeo. Did you get her from Priscilla and Jim?
  • Yvonne H

    Thanks for your comments on my photos.
    I agree, crates do seem quite controversial but my dogs would probably still retire to a crate if I had one ou as they like a private den at times. Probably helped with car travel in the early days as well as I can remember my Gordon would object strongly to being left in my Mother's garden as unfortunately he was banned from her house but he would settle straight away in his crate in the back of the car.
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Hi, like us new owners learning by baptism of a very big fire. Crates?, we have one but not sure, our boy only gets locked in at nights.
  • Carol Gill

    Hello Elizabeth
    thankyou for your comments on Liam, i dont know about the Reddins side for naughtyness but i can assure you my boy was always the perfect gentleman unlike his Grandson who i have here now curtesy of Trudy Walsh who used my boy and offered me pick of the litter, i didnt get that oppertunity from Jim and Prisilla, i wish you well with your girl and will we see her in the show ring??
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    We take Gibson to ring classes in Welwyn Garden City at the Ludwick family centre in Hall Grove not far from the QE2 hospital, Wednesday nights, 8 till 10ish, 2 pounds plus a cup of tea. The people there are very friendly and very helpfull, I think there is also a class in Aston just outside Stevenage but dont know the address, I will find out next week and let you know. I will also ask if anybody knows of any more. We found this on the internet, if you Google in the ludwick family centre all the details are there, hope this helps.
  • Ossian

    Elizabeth - yesterday's response was more than I should have said.
    Perhaps you will understand.We run a big training organisation and I had spent part of the previous day with a trainer who had been working with a young dog. He had "issues" with other dogs. She and the owner were working through a programme - slowly as the dog was quite bad. However the owner decided she wanted to "test" whether the training was working and took the dog to a training class - without telling the class trainer or her behaviour trainer that this was her plan.
    The dog went out of control, bit another dog and then bit the trainer and the handler as they tried to rescue the injured dog. The dog has now been put to sleep. When her trainer asked her about her reasons for taking the dog to clas she said because somone on her "chat group" told her it was much better to get the dog out and about to resolve dog issues. Not where or how just do that it worked for me. Not everyone is a discerning owner Elzabeth and if you have a good trainer please give them a chance ! I do hope you will understand that I was angry at the world yesterday and not you
  • Ossian

    thank you! What I might have said if I had been in a different place yesterday was. If Bella is not neutered has she had her first season yet?

    Setter girls are notorious for going a liitle bit "strange" just before they have a season. I think the hormones go all over the place and you might find she is a week or two away.
    Whatever you do stay relaxed and dont get upset by curmudgeons!!!
  • Ossian

    Hiya I saw your progress report on the forum. Looking good! Well done to you both.

    The skittishness you describe is looking like hormone cycles. See a pillar today like it, see the same pillar tomorrow "oh my gawd"

    She may be some way off a season yet but her hormones are all mustering somewhere ready for the big day.

    You will both be fine!
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth! All the best Barbara
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth!!! Tell us how Bella made this day very special!
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Liz
    a belated happy birthday to you. What a lovely cake you had for your Irish friend, where is yours.
  • Elizabeth Ball

    Thank you all for your birthday wishes, sadly there was no birthday cake for me. I find if you leave it to a husband and a dog to arrange one then all you can expect is fresh air. I received new walking socks and a knee-length Waterproof Coat from Bella, I am taking that as a big hint that she doesn't expect our daily jaunts out to stop once the bad weather starts. Clearly when Mr B was purchasing these gifts on Bella's behalf he failed to do a proper consultation as then he would realise how much Bella hates going out in the rain, she even walks round puddles! Time to toughen her up methinks.
  • Yvonne Wark

    Thank you for Holly's birthday wishes x
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Many thanks for your B-day wishes Liz, very much appreciated as it was quite a start of the day ... emergency visit to the vet. Since last year, Darwin was strongly suspected to have an internal liver shunt, but the 3 biopsies did not confirm it. First time I saw my dog head facing the wall,,, but it seems it is going much better now, at least he can sleep at night instead of pacing the house and having his head up looking at the sky.

    All the very best Liz, thanks again and cuddles to smily Bella  :-)

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Elizabeth ! many thanks for your comment on Lego's latest hair adventure :) those volumous tresses could be the envy of many a woman :) no hair products needed..a natural statically charged look for free :)

    ~Take care

  • Cornelia

    Happy Birthday Elisabeth! Enjoy your day and hopefully a nice cake :-)), Cornelia
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth - have a super day.
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Liz!!!!!  I can picture you already, lying in your bed reading a good book and sharing the cake with Bella lying just beside you IN THE BED  :-)  :-)  :-)   have a great celebration Liz!
  • Howard Glansfield

    Thank you,it's good to be your friend.


  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for the birthday wishes Elton had a lovely day we went for 4 walks and had special treats through out the day


  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Elizabeth hope you have a great New Year ,pleased to be your ES friend. Hope your not freezing in your winter we are having a hot time over here, new years eve day was 35c as was Christmas day 

  • Charlotte Beeney

    Hi, yes Debbie mentioned that the owner of Raff's sister was on here :)

    She really is a beautiful girl!

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Elizabeth, it's Susan, Peter's wife!! I just wanted to say a big thank you for the beautiful stamp you sent to us. It arrived safely and is now added to my dog section of my stamp collection. It means so much more to me as it is personally given and I really appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. I also kept the stamp on the envelope!! So very generous of you, thanks again, Cheers Susan

  • Lois McCullough

    Thank you will very pleased to accept Lois
  • Cornelia

    Thanks for the nice B'day wishes :-))

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi liked your story of being evicted from the chair, it reminded me when i went to get Paddy 20years ago, the conservetry was for the dog so when we sat down the 4 dogs just sat on top of us, the husband tried to get them off but the wife said it's ok they've had setters before as much to say were used to being sat on (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Elizabeth, these dogs know how to get there own way. Finlay is such a sweetheart he just loves his soft toys he's always asleep with at least one of them sometimes he gathers them all together so he can sleep on them, he's such a joy to have i waited 5years after Paddy before i got Finlay he's almost 2 1/2 but sadly the day after he was 2 i was told he had a bone tumor in his leg and the vet only gave him 6weeks almost 6months later he's proving vet wrong, he's been through alot 2 operations tons of x-rays then refered to specilist,now his fur grown back you wouldn't know he was ill, so keep your fingers crossed (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks for friends request, was just going to invite you when i spotted yours (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Elizabeth, for birthday wishes yes we have already had some cake (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth, hope you have a great day (",)

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Happy Birthday, Liz! Hope you have a great day!