Marie Quinn



Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
One living with me and his Father living in the Uk
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
15 years
About Me:
Hello I live in Ireland . My 16 month old Irish Setter Miikka, Cataluna Peterpan lives with me ,and my Gordon Setter Laurelhach Playwright" Jukka" who is 3.5 years old. I show both dogs

Comment Wall:

  • Kim

    Hi Marie,

    thx so much.
    Your Irish are great as well. But you know Jukka is my very favorit. A gorgeous boy and seems like he and Miikka are a great team.
    See you in a few weeks and I will keep my fingers crossed for your whole team,
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hello, Marie,
    I know how it is to lose dear friend, dogs do suffer like people as well. I hope you'll have a joyful life with Miika and Jukka;)))
    Anna with Bajka and Kruszyna
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hello Marie!! How are you and all the boys?? See you at Crufts! Have to go all the way to UK to see you!!;o))
  • Carmel Murphy

    No definitely not going to Newtownards!!!! Too busy with pups and the judge already gave her opinion of Abbey at another show!!!;o(
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Marie;o))
    And didnt Jukka give you a lovely present gaining his gundog qualification today;o)) Congrats to you all!!!!!
  • Karen McKelvey

    A very happy birthday had I known at the show on Saturday I would have had a cake. Hope you enjoyed your day and your win!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Marie!!!!
    and congratulations.... what a present from Jukka!!!!!
  • Karen McKelvey

    Marie I omitted to ask you to forward my thanks to Fran for helping set up the hall on Saturday his assistance was most appreciated. Congrats to both Fran and Jukka
  • Katie Rogers

    You are very welcome. I grew up with Irish Setters but am just venturing into the show ring with my first female that I have owned since I have been on my own. I'm excited and can't wait to get into the action with her.
  • Leigh Richardson

    hello. good to hear from you again. Your pics are great.
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Marie
    YOur pic's are great. Your dogs look lovely.
  • Kay Donnelly

    Congratulations on your Green Star award yesteday. Well done. Well deserved!!!


  • Carmel Murphy

    You are welcome Marie and again well done;o))
  • graham edwards

    Hello Marie, Thanks for the info and frendship offer, I went onto your Killnacourt web site and had a look around, loved your Gordon as well. you must have a great eye for a pup or do you go mainly by the breeding and looks of the parents. Also looked at the links on the last page of your site, have you seen the training video at all and is it o/k.

    Is Killnacourt also the name of a s




    Sorry about that I pressed enter before I finished, Is Killnacourt the name of a town as well? As my wife feels she knows the name from our holiday in Ireland a couple of years ago.

    all the best






  • Karen McKelvey

    Great selection of lovely photos Marie Many thanks and congratulations on your res green star.

  • Karen McKelvey

    Thank you Marie and again thank Fran for his help in setting up the hall etc much appreciated.
  • Dee Rance

    Your very welcome....
  • Carmel Murphy

    Well done on another Res. Green Star with Mikka;o)) I tried to post a comment on your blog from Kilkenny but my internet kept disconnecting;o)))) So putting it here instead;o)
  • Kathryn Heyes

    Hi Marie. Sorry, not been on for a while and only just seen your message. Jakers is coming on very nicely, he'll be 2 soon and quite a character. Just about to post some new photos. I was at Blackpool Dog Show last weekend and saw Liz and Jackie. Liz said that you were hoping to have been there but couldn't make it. Would loved to have met Miika, hopefully next time. Take care x
  • Sheila Hughes

    Lovely photos Marie, it's always nice to see how your dog looks from the other side of the ring. Congratulations again on your RGS. 
  • Marie Quinn

    Hi Barbara, Harry and Alfie, thank you, you are more than welcome.
  • Dee Rance

    You are welcome...;o)
  • keller cathy

    Happy Birthday !!!

    Je te souhaite une très belle journée.

  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Marie and I hope you get a day off to relax;o)))

    Happy borthday Marie. Love and hugs from NZ. XXX
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Marie!!!  have a great celebration with Miikka and Jukka of course  :-)
  • Karen McKelvey

    Hi Marie Many happy returns I hope you had a good day.
  • Karen McKelvey

    Hi Marie glad to be your friend on ES hope all is well with you and Fran

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Marie,

    No problem! I'm glad you liked the photo! At that time I didn't know who was who, so I have loads of unidentified photos!
