Eunice Marott


Sydney New South Wales


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
25 years
About Me:
first IS Sharla died at 15 years. second IS Cherie died Feb 2010 to cancer. Very sad. I was not going to get another IS but saw an add in the paper for pups and could not resist. We bought our Molly down from Queensland by plane. It is 1 year yesterday that she arrived and looked so cute in her crate at the airport. The staff were great and Molly travelled to our home some 45 kms from the airport without any problems. Called in at the vet on the way home to show the new pup off and together with the vet nurse named her Molly. She has become a huge part of our lives.

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  • Gene

    Hi Eunice - Sorry you are having issues.  When I report issues like this to Ning, there standard answer is try another web browser.  I know that could be a hassle.  I get the impression that Ning works a lot better on Firefox and Chrome than it does Internet Explorer, based on the comments.  Please let me know if this is not an option for you.  Thanks...
  • Sherry Miller

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday Eunice...and got your chocolate cake to share with those wonderful grandchildren.  Hugs!
  • Di Andrews

    Hi Eunice,

    So good to hear from you, selling houses is always very distressing & no doubt Molly has picked up on it.  So sorry to hear she has had to go to a kennel.  I wish I could help out.  I have a new boy, quite unexpected I have never had boys before but he is a good liitle chap.  The breeder was hanging onto him & said she thought I should have him.  She had named him Sean & after about 5months I said well I will trial him thinking all the time I won't cope with a male puppy & my old girl, who is very incontinent & demented!! (What a mix!!!)  But she has picked up & he is such a good boy.  When I looked up the meaning of Sean it says a gift from God so I knew I had to stay with the name.  He really responds to, still fighting to save my home, but by Gods grace we are all well & still here.  Have a great day & talk soon.

    Love Di Mahogany & Shawnie

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Eunice we are hoping we will get to see joey at some point there are three roos including mum and joey it's great seeing them bound around our place
  • graham edwards

    Hello Eunice,

    How are you going, it has been a while since we have been in touch.

    I hope you, Molly and your family are all well.

    As you most likely know Annabelle and Mac's mating is now on hold but we do still hope to get a pup from them in the future as they are great dogs and I am really taken.

    I haven't been on ES for quite a while but I still find some of blogs and comments interesting but some of the topics are very scarey.

    I remember a while go reading a comment from you to someone about bull chews, and I take it you found out what they are made from. As a side line we sell pet treats and equipment and I remember a customer saying to me once that he bought one for his dog and it got left in the yard and reverted back to what it was.

    well, I'm just filling in a bit of time and winding down after a long day so take care and all the best.


  • Tracey Burns

    Thank you, i feel lucky to have such a well behaved dog. She is my first Irish, so loving. Used to have GSP's totally bonkers!!  Maggie has certainly made me want another Irish, it's just convincing the husband!!!
  • Barbara

    Hi Eunice! How are you and Molly? Best wishes Barbara
  • Barbara

    Hi Eunice! Oh a new house! Have you already moved? Hope Molly have not to stay to long in the new boarding kennels. Barbara
  • ricky young

    Hope you have a great festive season and a joyous and prosperous 2012. Enjoy your new house.

    Cheers Rick

  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Eunice,

    the puppies are powering on!!! So big and beautiful. Annabelle is doing a wonderful job. I am just waiting for them to open their eyes and then I will start offering them some solid food to take the pressure off her. At the moment still coming to Sydney. My husband assures me that he can look after them. I am not quite sure.


  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Yes, bringing Dad and Grandad. Very exciting but still scary. My husband says he is going to start training the pups for the Iditarod...the big sled race in Alaska. That is the most scary thing of all!!!!

  • Eunice Marott

    no he won't ......the darlings would not like that too precious to be used for Iditarod.....ha ha



  • Karen

    Red Ribbon
  • Rhonda Fisher I found this site really useful especially as my boys have dark nails. Slowly, little by little and start with one nail at a time with lots of praise and treats.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Grrr links. Google washington state university Trimming dogs toenails and it should come up Eunice.

  • Eunice Marott

    thanks Rhonda I will look at the site in the morning.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Eunice for the nice comments on Finlay of course i think he's handsome, your Molly looks lovely, i've only ever had boys, Molly & Finlay seem to be the same age he was 2 in december, sadly i was told the day after he was 2 that he has a bone tumor in his leg, they gave him 6weeks but he's still going strong, i pray ever day for longer with him (",) 

  • Ellen Turberfield

     Thanks Eunice for friends invite glad to be your friend , Ellen & Finlay (",)

  • Eunice Marott

    Molly was born 12th December. Last December she was two years old. It concerns me that sometimes such young dogs get such illness as your baby. I hope he will fight the odds as he seems to have done to date. I have been lucky although our Cherie who got a brain cancer at 9. I was so upset when that happened and thought she was young but when I read others stories I was lucky. It is funny when you say you have always had boys I have always had girls. Molly is our third and I have always just had one at a time. Molly's sister has just had pups (the pictures are on the site) but lucky for me they live some distance for us or I would be tempted. I do not have the room here for more than 1 dog. I also have two cats. Keep in touch  

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, just seen you were on line so thought i'd say Hi, i also find it sad that dogs so young get so ill i feel robbed as i had my other boys till they were 12 1/2 and 13 1/2 my second boy survived bloat at 12 1/2 and stayed with us for another year, but i did wait over 5years untill i got Finlay,I also only have one dog at a time we live right on the edge of the city so there are pleanty of fields and a lovely reservoir to walk around thats Finlays favorite place to walk. I just seen that i think you sent a reply to me but think you sent it to yourself, at least i still read it,Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best wishes Ellen  

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Ps . ment to say Molly is 2days older than Finlay he was born 14th December (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hope you enjoyed the DVD, thanks i think Finlay lovely but i would, your Molly looks cute with her feather boa she's lovely (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    My daughter wants to take Finlay to the beach but we live right in middle of country and she's just learning to drive (i dont), mind you at moment we having high winds and rain and it's quite cold we've had flood warnings for this area and this should be the start of the summer,hugs to Mollyfrom us (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    yeah were in England, and your right Finlay is spoiled but why not,i'm just pleased Finlay lets me share my bed with him! these dogs so think there human,we had poodles as a child at home but i always wanted a big Red, my mother said when i got my own place i could get one and thats what i did got Muffin January 1980 and i've been hooked ever since,would never consider having any other breed, do you think people who have other breeds are so enthusiastic about them or is it just Setter owners (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    I can imagine there's not much room in the bed, i'm by myself so only have to share with Finlay, he's doing well at moment i'm just hoping it stays like that for as long as possible, vets advised as he's well in himself to leave him alone and see how he goes but you wouldn't know he was ill to look at him,he's in his usuall position fast asleep (",) 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Yeah think they could be twins, where Molly is asleep in her bed with a soft toy looks just like Finlay as he does that too, think they do look a bit alike (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, hope all is well with you and Molly, did you make it to the beach yet (",)

  • Eunice Marott

    no Molly has been on holidays at the pet resort while I have been on a week long course. They sent me some photos yesterday of her really good and a report. She has not been in the pool yet this time. We don't have many IS around here but lucky Molly has a friend IS she can play with at the resort.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, the pet resort sounds like a nice place if there sending you reports and photos,and she has a IS friend, my other boys didn't like kennels much and i've never left Finlay in them, my eldest daughter has had him the couple of times i've been away, i couldn't leave him now even for couple of days as dont know how long he will be with me, but he seems well still into everything just a normal setter, he does have some dried blood in his ear but cant get into vet for couple of days, vet just said try and clean it so we know if it keeps bleeding till he can see me dont think it's much as he's not bothered by it, hope your course goes well, cuddles to Molly (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, pity hypnosis cant be done on line you could help Finlay, i'm just pleased he's doing well, i took him to vets earlier he a has ear infection the vet said when he saw Finlay was next he was worried he had got worse, think he was pleased it was just his ear, mind you it takes two of us to get drops in to ears, i'll keep in touch, give Molly a fuss from us, xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, bet Molly was rearly pleased to be home, but at least you know she was happy and ok while you were away, nice your going to see her sister bet you will be a bit tempted when you see them puppies, Finlay sends cuddles to Molly, he's just sitting waiting to be fed going to try and put drops in while he's eating, have a nice weekend xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, sounds like you had a nice weekend, setters are such loving dogs thats why there so pleased to see us when we've been away, not long till your next weekend away that will be nice, no plans to go anywhere myself dont want to leave Finlay, saying that he's doing really well, we have had some sun last couple of days and he loves just to lie out in the sun with all his soft toys he thinks they are his babies, daft dog, take care, cuddles to Molly

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, a weekend at the wineries sounds just my type of weekend,nice your granddaughter can look after Molly, shame your family caught for all that rain but it never stopped for about 3weeks, sounds strange that you have to get a ferry to take Molly to the vets, i'm just going to book Finlay a appointment so vet can check his ear hopefully the infection will of cleared up (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Sounds nice to take a ferry trip bet Molly loves it and all the fuss she gets at the vets, the girls at our vets do the same to Finlay, our vets are moving in a few months to bigger place with a new hospital attached but it's still quite close, (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, i finally got Clare to put some more photos of Finlay on, hope you and Molly are well, were enjoying the sun here dont think it will last though (",) 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    HI Eunice, thanks for nice comments on Finlays photos, as you would expect i think he's special, your right he is very tall when he stands up on back legs that was the first thing i noticed about his farther, he jumped up at the gate i said to my daughters he was a tall boy, my others weren't as tall, no Finlay has never met any other setters, your right i wonder what they would think, mind you the one vet we see has only ever seen one other red setter i know there is a English who goes there i was speaking to them i thought it was dying it looked so bad but they had just rescued it from Ireland it was only about 4 the man said in couple of months he would be fine, would like to see it now. Finlay just loves all his soft toys it's like there his little babies, I'll give Finlay a cuddle from you, give cuddle to Molly from us x 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi, we have had some nice weather the last week or so it made up for a month of rain,did you like London when you were over?  my other boys weren't keen on soft toys but Finlay has loved them since thev day we got him, we had Finlay from just out side Crewe, it's quite near to Chester which is a lovely plece to visit, Finlay was the breeders first litter, she owned both parents, there was 4boys and 4girls a couple were already sold but they all looked so sweet, all had different coloured collars if we weren't set on a boy we loved the pink collared girl, and his kennel name is Sebbys Gorgeous Green and he had the green collar, nice to think you feel like you know Finlay, i feel that about Molly maybe it's because they are so close in age, speak soon Ellen&Finlay

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, it is the funds that stop you traveling there are lots of places i would like to go to but i've been on my own for 20years with the girls to bring up so not much spare cash for traveling, mind you we have had some lovely holidays, i dont go to London much which is strange as we could be there in about 90mins, we went few years ago my eldest daughter was presented with Gold Duke of Edinburghs award at Buckingham Palace that was a lovely day, i do go to Ireland at least once a year as my brother lives there, it's a lovely place you would like it, but it's strange i have to say i've only seen one setter in all the times i've been over, Molly is a late riser i'd make the most of it, Finlay is awake and wanting to go for a walk at 7am most mornings, if i open the curtains he'll look out of window for a while but as soon as i get out of bed to wash and get dressed he jumps straight up on bed goes back  to sleep so i end up getting him off to go out, but i love him,

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, hope you had a nice weekend, it was last weekend that you were going to the wineries wasn't it? Hope you did a bit of wine tasting too. It was nice to have a few extra days off but it rained all the time, i'm not much of a gardener but if i dont get the hedge cut i wont be able to get out of the house, hope Molly is good, as for Finlay he's giving me the evil eye trying to say hurry uo it's food time, best go and feed him, take care Ellen&Finlay

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hope you had a good time and had pleanty of wine to taste, nice to be missed bet Molly jumped all over you when you got home, i've just got in from work and Finlay jumps up to put his paws on my shoulders so he could give me a kiss i'd only been gone 6hours (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    It's nice to get back home to see the dogs, i'm very reluctent to go anywhere and leave Finlay at the moment i couldn't rest i'd be worrird all the time, funny thing Finlay was still wanting to play at 12.30 last night while was trying to get to bed and at 7.30 this morning he's pawing at the quilt to get me up no chance of a lie in here, enjoy your trip on ferry hope it's not to choppy have a nice visit to the grandchildren, hugs to Molly xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, i did get one message said you were off to look after grandkids, did reply maybe were are both having trouble getting through, hope you had nice time visiting them, Molly will be pleased when you dont have to go away for a while, Finlay is keeping well to day the 14th he is exactly 2 1/2 and it's been 6months since vet said he was ill to celebrate i took him to have his photos taken they are all lovely, lady said she's never taken a dogs photos befor i'll get Clare to put them on here, as you say we spoil our setters but why not they all deserve it, he's chewing twigs in my living room now he's a little monkey,

    love to you and Molly xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, im not sure what he's been doing but as long as he keeps doing it i'll be happy, i'm trying to keep him quite for a hour befor feeding him but he's in a playful mood he's throwing his pig soft toy all round the living room sometimes i have to go upstairs so he calms down,now it's the tigers turn, i remembered Molly was only a few days older then Finlay think thats nice (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

     Hi just had another little message pop up in chat room i think tried to reply but not sure if it worked (",)

  • Barbara

    Hi Eunice! Thank you for your message. Everything OK here, only the temperature is too hot for me and Tiny. Yesterday about 36.5 °C. How are you and Molly? Have a nice day. Barbara

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, just had a strange thing happen, last night at about 1am i could here calling outside some man shouting for a neighbour to let him in, the rain was very heavy and he was sheltering under a tree, when i got up earlier to walk Finlay i opened front door to find this man had got himself a garden chair and had spent the night sitting in my porch out of the rain made me feel funny he'd been there all night, as you can see Finlay wasn't much of a watch dog, just felt i had to tell someone, hope you are ok, hugs to Molly

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Eunice, it seems funny to think about it now but not at the time, we asked what he was doing he said he was waiting for his friend who lives near by to come home, but he'd been there all night, we told him he couldn't wait there so he took his garden chair and his bag and went, it was werid, hope your ok, hugs to Molly

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthhday (",)

  • Dianne cook

    Hello Eunice, thank you so much for adding me as a friend. I only had one setter for 7 years until twelve months ago a mini tornado hit!! What was I thinking but I wouldn't change adding Poppy and Ruby for anything. We moved to a rural property In South Gippsland Victoria and you guessed it there was plenty of room for a couple more Irish :) Your Molly reminds me of our girls, our girls are a lot smaller than our boy flame quite petite. I look forward to sharing my many Red Kid stories and hearing yours to Eunice. Take care Dianne
  • Eunice Marott

    hi Dianne

    a pleasure to have australian friend on the site. Molly came from QLD on a Virgin Plane to Sydney airport. She was sight unseen but I would not swap her for the world. She is our third IS and I must say the best. We lived on the northern beaches for years and recently moved to Terrigal on the central coast. Sorry to say I don't particularly like it so we will try and move back next year. Molly does not do that much exercise she is such a lazy bones but when she gets going she sure makes up for it. Molly comes from a very large litter of 15 (16) I think one died anyway she is smaller than our previous IS but just a darling. So you have 3 IS? that must be great and keep you busy. Talk later